Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Electrical: analytic signal

analytic signal

The Analytic Signal: Unveiling the Secrets of One-Sided Spectra

In the realm of electrical engineering, signals are the lifeblood of communication and information processing. Often, these signals are complex, containing multiple frequencies and phases, making it difficult to analyze their behavior. This is where the analytic signal comes in, offering a powerful tool to simplify and enhance the understanding of signal characteristics.

The analytic signal is a mathematical construct built upon the principle of analyticity, a concept deeply rooted in complex analysis. At its core, an analytic signal is a complex-valued signal that possesses a one-sided spectrum, meaning its Fourier transform is zero for all negative frequencies. This unique property allows us to delve deeper into the signal's structure and extract valuable information, particularly in applications involving frequency analysis, signal modulation, and phase detection.

Construction of the Analytic Signal:

The analytic signal is created by adding a Hilbert transform of the original signal to the original signal itself. The Hilbert transform acts as a frequency shifter, effectively shifting all positive frequencies to negative frequencies while maintaining the amplitude and phase information. This process results in a complex signal where the real part is the original signal and the imaginary part represents its Hilbert transform.

Key Benefits of the Analytic Signal:

  1. Simplified Analysis: The one-sided spectrum of the analytic signal eliminates the redundancy of analyzing both positive and negative frequencies, simplifying the process of frequency analysis and signal processing.

  2. Instantaneous Frequency and Phase: The analytic signal directly reveals the instantaneous frequency and phase of a signal. This information is invaluable for applications like signal demodulation, phase tracking, and characterizing non-stationary signals.

  3. Enhanced Signal Representation: The analytic signal provides a more complete representation of the signal, incorporating both amplitude and phase information. This is particularly useful for signals with varying amplitude and phase, where standard analysis techniques might not capture the full picture.

Applications of the Analytic Signal:

The analytic signal finds extensive applications in various fields of electrical engineering, including:

  • Signal Processing: It aids in signal demodulation, noise reduction, and signal filtering, particularly for applications involving frequency modulation (FM) and phase modulation (PM) signals.

  • Communication Systems: The analytic signal simplifies the analysis and processing of modulated signals, facilitating efficient communication systems design.

  • Image Processing: The analytic signal can be applied to image processing for tasks like edge detection, noise removal, and texture analysis.

  • Medical Engineering: In medical signal processing, the analytic signal is used to analyze biosignals like ECG and EEG, providing valuable insights into physiological conditions.


The analytic signal is a powerful tool in electrical engineering, offering a unique perspective on signal analysis by focusing solely on the positive frequency components. Its ability to reveal instantaneous frequency, phase, and a comprehensive signal representation makes it invaluable for a wide array of applications, from communication systems to medical diagnostics. As we continue to explore the intricacies of signal processing, the analytic signal remains a cornerstone in uncovering the hidden information within complex signals.

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