Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Electrical: analysis-by-synthesis coding

analysis-by-synthesis coding

Analysis-by-Synthesis Coding: Reconstructing Signals from Parameters

In the realm of digital signal processing, analysis-by-synthesis (ABS) coding stands as a powerful technique for efficiently compressing and transmitting information. Unlike traditional coding methods that directly analyze and represent the signal itself, ABS coding takes a different approach – it focuses on reconstructing the signal from a set of parameters.

How it Works:

  1. Parametric Synthesis: At the encoder, the source signal is modeled using a parametric model. This model captures the essential features of the signal using a limited set of parameters. For example, a speech signal could be modeled using parameters like pitch, formant frequencies, and amplitude.
  2. Analysis and Optimization: The encoder then analyzes the synthesized signal using various metrics like distortion or spectral similarity. By iteratively adjusting the parameters, the encoder seeks to find the set of parameters that best replicates the original signal.
  3. Parameter Transmission: Once the optimal parameters are determined, they are transmitted to the receiver in a coded form. Since the parameters are typically fewer in number than the raw signal samples, this results in significant data compression.
  4. Resynthesis at the Receiver: The receiver receives the coded parameters and uses the same parametric model to resynthesize the signal. The reconstructed signal should closely resemble the original signal, offering a faithful representation of the source information.

Benefits of ABS Coding:

  • High Compression Rates: By reducing the information to a few key parameters, ABS coding can achieve high compression ratios, particularly for signals with strong redundancies.
  • Improved Fidelity: ABS coding can produce high-quality reconstructions, especially when the parametric model accurately reflects the source signal characteristics.
  • Flexibility: ABS coding can be adapted to various signal types, including speech, audio, images, and video, by using appropriate parametric models.

Examples of ABS Coding:

  • Speech Coding: Linear Predictive Coding (LPC) is a popular ABS technique used in speech coding. LPC models the vocal tract using a set of predictor coefficients, which are then transmitted to the receiver for speech resynthesis.
  • Image Coding: Parametric models like the Karhunen-Loève Transform (KLT) can be used in ABS coding for image compression. KLT captures the statistical dependencies within the image and transmits the most significant coefficients for reconstruction.

Challenges and Limitations:

  • Model Complexity: Selecting the appropriate parametric model and optimizing its parameters can be computationally intensive and require significant processing power.
  • Sensitivity to Noise: ABS coding can be susceptible to noise in the transmission channel, as even small errors in the received parameters can significantly affect the reconstructed signal quality.


Analysis-by-synthesis coding offers a powerful approach to source coding, enabling high compression ratios while preserving signal fidelity. Its effectiveness hinges on the accuracy of the parametric model and the robustness of the optimization process. As technology advances, ABS coding continues to evolve, finding applications in various fields, including communications, multimedia processing, and machine learning.

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