Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Electrical: amortisseur winding

amortisseur winding

Amortisseur Windings: Keeping Your Generators Smoothly Running

Imagine a powerful engine, revving with uncontrolled energy, shaking violently as it races. This is the scenario a synchronous generator faces without a crucial element: the amortisseur winding, also known as a damper winding.

What is an Amortisseur Winding?

An amortisseur winding, essentially a short-circuited winding, is embedded in the rotor slots of a synchronous generator. It consists of heavy copper bars or conductors shorted at both ends, forming a squirrel-cage-like structure.

How does it work?

The amortisseur winding acts as a damping mechanism, suppressing undesirable oscillations and fluctuations in the rotor's speed. Here's how it achieves this:

  • Damping Oscillations: When a sudden load change occurs on the generator, the rotor's speed tends to fluctuate. The amortisseur winding, due to its short-circuited nature, experiences induced currents as the rotor speed varies. These currents generate opposing magnetic fields, acting as a brake to dampen the oscillations.
  • Stabilizing During Transient Conditions: During sudden load changes or faults, the generator experiences transient conditions that can lead to instability. The amortisseur winding provides a stabilizing effect, ensuring smooth transitions and preventing the generator from slipping out of synchronization.
  • Reducing Hunting: Hunting is a phenomenon where the rotor oscillates around its synchronous speed. The amortisseur winding dampens these oscillations, preventing damage to the generator and improving its overall performance.

Benefits of Amortisseur Windings:

  • Improved Stability: By damping oscillations and stabilizing the rotor, the amortisseur winding enhances the overall stability of the generator.
  • Reduced Hunting: This results in smoother operation and prevents potential damage due to excessive rotor movement.
  • Enhanced Transient Performance: The winding helps the generator withstand sudden load changes and faults without losing synchronization.
  • Improved Starting Performance: During startup, the amortisseur winding provides starting torque, allowing the generator to accelerate smoothly.

Comparison with Damper Windings:

The terms "amortisseur winding" and "damper winding" are often used interchangeably. However, "damper winding" can also refer to windings used in other electrical machines like induction motors, serving a similar damping function.


The amortisseur winding is a vital component in synchronous generators, playing a critical role in ensuring smooth operation, stability, and overall reliability. This simple yet effective design effectively damps oscillations, stabilizes transient conditions, and enhances the overall performance of the generator.

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