Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Electrical: air-gap line

air-gap line

Understanding the Air-Gap Line in Electrical Machines

The air-gap line is a crucial concept in the study of synchronous and DC machines, particularly when dealing with magnetization and saturation effects. This line represents the theoretical voltage generated within the machine if the magnetic core were not subject to saturation. It provides valuable insights into the machine's behavior and helps in predicting its performance under varying operating conditions.

Understanding Saturation

The core of an electrical machine, typically made of ferromagnetic material, undergoes a phenomenon called magnetic saturation. This means that beyond a certain level of magnetization, the core can no longer increase its magnetic flux density significantly even with further increases in the magnetizing current.

The Air-Gap Line and its Significance

The air-gap line is obtained by extending the initial linear portion of the machine's saturation curve. This linear portion represents the region where the core is not yet saturated and the relationship between the generated voltage and field current is directly proportional. The air-gap line, therefore, represents the hypothetical scenario where this linear relationship continues indefinitely, without any saturation effects.

Graphical Representation and Practical Applications

Consider a plot of generated voltage versus field current at constant speed for a synchronous or DC machine. Initially, the curve rises linearly, indicating a direct relationship between field current and voltage. However, as the core saturates, the curve starts to flatten out. The air-gap line is simply the linear continuation of this initial slope.

The air-gap line is valuable for the following reasons:

  • Predicting Performance: It allows us to estimate the generated voltage at higher field currents, even when the machine is operating in the saturation region. This helps in predicting the machine's performance under various load and excitation conditions.
  • Understanding Saturation Effects: Comparing the actual voltage curve to the air-gap line highlights the extent of saturation in the core and provides valuable information for design and operation.
  • Analyzing Machine Characteristics: The air-gap line helps identify the point of saturation onset and its impact on the machine's overall performance.

Limitations of the Air-Gap Line

It's important to remember that the air-gap line is a theoretical concept and does not represent the actual operating conditions of the machine. While it is a useful tool for analysis and prediction, it does have its limitations. For example, the air-gap line does not account for other factors like armature reaction and leakage reactance, which can further influence the generated voltage.


The air-gap line is a valuable concept for understanding the behavior of electrical machines and how saturation impacts their performance. By understanding its significance and limitations, engineers can effectively utilize it for design, analysis, and optimization of synchronous and DC machines.

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