Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Electrical: address register

address register

The Address Register: A Memory Location's GPS

In the world of computing, where vast amounts of data reside in memory, the ability to find specific information quickly is paramount. Enter the address register, a crucial component in the heart of a CPU that acts as a memory address navigator.

Imagine your computer's memory as a massive library, filled with books (data) and instructions (code). To retrieve a particular book, you need its location – its address. The address register serves as your personal librarian, holding the address of the exact location in memory where the desired data or instruction resides.


The primary function of an address register is to store the memory address of the location you want to access. This address is then used by the CPU to retrieve or modify the data or instruction at that location.

Types of Address Registers:

While the core function remains the same, there are different types of address registers, each catering to specific tasks:

  • MAR (Memory Address Register): This register holds the address of the location in main memory that the CPU intends to read from or write to.
  • PC (Program Counter): This specialized register points to the address of the next instruction to be executed in the program. It acts as a counter, keeping track of the program's flow.
  • Index Register: These registers are used to modify the address held by the MAR, allowing for efficient access to data stored in contiguous locations in memory.
  • Base Register: Used to define a base address for a segment of memory. Other registers are then used to access data relative to this base address.


The address register plays a critical role in several key processes:

  • Instruction Fetch: The PC points to the next instruction in the program. The CPU uses this address to fetch the instruction from memory and execute it.
  • Data Transfer: When the CPU needs to read or write data to memory, the MAR is used to specify the target location.
  • Memory Addressing Modes: The CPU utilizes various addressing modes to calculate the final memory address, using the address register and other registers like the index register or base register.


The address register is an essential component of a CPU, acting as a bridge between the processing unit and memory. By holding the address of the desired data or instruction, it enables the CPU to efficiently navigate the vast landscape of memory and perform its vital tasks. Understanding the role of the address register provides valuable insight into the fundamental workings of a computer system.

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