Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Electrical: acousto-optic time integrating convolver

acousto-optic time integrating convolver

The Acousto-Optic Time Integrating Convolver: A Powerful Tool for Signal Processing

The acousto-optic time integrating convolver (AOTIC) is a device that utilizes the interaction of light and sound waves to perform the mathematical operation of convolution. It shares many similarities with its counterpart, the acousto-optic time integrating correlator (AOTIC), but instead of calculating the correlation between two signals, the AOTIC performs convolution. This difference is reflected in its applications, making the AOTIC a powerful tool for various signal processing tasks.

How it Works:

At the core of the AOTIC is an acousto-optic modulator (AOM), a device that utilizes the interaction of sound waves and light. When an electrical signal is applied to the AOM, it generates a corresponding sound wave that travels through a crystal. This sound wave creates a periodic modulation in the refractive index of the crystal, effectively acting as a dynamic diffraction grating for incident light.

The operation of the AOTIC starts by introducing a signal (reference signal) into the AOM, which generates a corresponding sound wave. The second signal (input signal), in the form of light, is then directed through the AOM. As the light passes through the sound wave-modulated crystal, it experiences diffraction, resulting in the formation of multiple beams. These beams are then projected onto a photodetector, which integrates the light intensity over time. The output of the photodetector represents the convolution of the input signal with the reference signal.


The AOTIC finds applications in various fields due to its ability to perform convolution in real-time:

  • Radar Signal Processing: The AOTIC can be used for pulse compression in radar systems, improving range resolution and signal-to-noise ratio.
  • Communications Systems: In communication systems, the AOTIC can be used for signal demodulation, equalization, and interference cancellation.
  • Medical Imaging: The AOTIC can be used in medical imaging systems to perform image processing tasks such as edge detection and noise reduction.
  • Seismic Exploration: The AOTIC can be used in seismic exploration to process seismic data and identify underground structures.


The AOTIC offers several advantages over traditional electronic convolution methods:

  • Real-time processing: The AOTIC can perform convolution in real-time, making it suitable for applications requiring rapid processing.
  • Parallel processing: The AOTIC uses parallel processing, enabling it to handle large amounts of data efficiently.
  • High bandwidth: The AOTIC can handle signals with high bandwidths, making it suitable for applications requiring fast data rates.
  • Flexibility: The AOTIC can be readily modified to process different types of signals by adjusting the reference signal applied to the AOM.


The Acousto-optic time integrating convolver (AOTIC) is a versatile and powerful signal processing device with a wide range of applications. Its ability to perform convolution in real-time, its high bandwidth, and its flexibility make it an ideal choice for a variety of signal processing tasks. With advancements in technology, the AOTIC is poised to play an even more significant role in future signal processing applications.

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