Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Electrical: accumulation


Accumulation in Semiconductors: Building Up the Charge


In the realm of semiconductor physics, "accumulation" refers to a phenomenon where the concentration of majority charge carriers within a specific region of the semiconductor material increases due to the influence of an externally applied electric field. This build-up of charge carriers has significant implications for the functionality of various semiconductor devices.

Understanding Accumulation:

Imagine a semiconductor material, like silicon, which is naturally doped with either an excess of electrons (n-type) or holes (p-type) – these are the majority carriers. When an external electric field is applied across this semiconductor, it exerts a force on these majority charge carriers.

How it Works:

  • N-Type Semiconductor: In an n-type semiconductor, electrons are the majority carriers. If a positive voltage is applied to the region, the electric field forces electrons towards this region, increasing their concentration and creating an accumulation layer.
  • P-Type Semiconductor: In a p-type semiconductor, holes are the majority carriers. A negative voltage applied to the region will attract holes, resulting in a build-up of holes in that area, again forming an accumulation layer.

Key Factors Influencing Accumulation:

  • Electric Field Strength: The stronger the electric field, the greater the accumulation effect.
  • Doping Concentration: The concentration of majority carriers in the semiconductor material also affects accumulation. Higher doping levels lead to more significant accumulation.
  • Temperature: Temperature plays a role, as it influences the mobility of charge carriers. Higher temperatures can result in weaker accumulation due to increased scattering.

Practical Applications:

  • MOSFETs: In Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistors (MOSFETs), accumulation is crucial for creating an inversion layer, which allows the transistor to conduct.
  • Capacitors: The accumulation effect is utilized in semiconductor capacitors, where the charge build-up contributes to the capacitance value.
  • Sensors: Accumulation is also utilized in various sensor technologies, such as chemical sensors and biosensors.


Accumulation in semiconductors is a fundamental phenomenon that plays a significant role in the operation of numerous electronic devices. Understanding this process is essential for designing and analyzing semiconductor-based systems. By controlling the electric field and doping levels, we can manipulate accumulation to achieve specific device functionalities, contributing to advancements in electronics and beyond.

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