Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Electrical: absolute encoder

absolute encoder

Absolute Encoders: Precise Position Sensing for Motors

In the world of automation and robotics, precise control over motor movement is paramount. Absolute encoders play a crucial role in achieving this accuracy, providing real-time feedback on a motor's rotational position without the need for homing. This article delves into the inner workings of these indispensable devices.

The Principle of Operation

At the heart of an absolute encoder is an optical system that reads a unique pattern etched onto a disc attached to the motor shaft. This pattern, often encoded using the Gray code, consists of alternating opaque and transparent segments. Light sources, usually LEDs, shine through the disc, and photodetectors positioned on the opposite side register the light passing through.

Decoding the Pattern

The specific combination of light detectors receiving light determines the absolute position of the rotor. Imagine each detector representing a bit in a binary code. As the disc rotates, different combinations of light and dark segments pass in front of the detectors, creating unique binary codes corresponding to different angular positions.

The Gray Code Advantage

The Gray code, unlike standard binary, ensures that only one bit changes at a time as the rotor rotates. This minimizes the possibility of misreading due to mechanical jitter or electrical noise, leading to reliable and accurate position data.

Resolution and Accuracy

The number of detectors used directly influences the resolution of the encoder. More detectors translate to a finer pattern on the disc and higher angular resolution. This means the encoder can identify smaller incremental changes in the motor's position. For applications requiring extreme accuracy, absolute encoders can boast resolutions reaching thousands of increments per revolution.

Benefits of Absolute Encoders

  • Absolute Position Feedback: Provides immediate knowledge of the rotor's position without requiring homing, which is a time-consuming process for other types of encoders.
  • High Accuracy: Achieves very precise position readings due to the use of dedicated light sources and detectors.
  • Reliability: Resistant to mechanical jitter and electrical noise due to the Gray code implementation.
  • Variety of Resolutions: Available in various resolutions depending on the application's needs.


Absolute encoders find extensive use in various applications, including:

  • Robotics: Precise control of robotic arms for accurate manipulation and positioning.
  • Machine Tools: Ensures precise tool movements in CNC machines for high-quality manufacturing.
  • Industrial Automation: Used in automated systems for controlled motion and accurate positioning.
  • Medical Devices: Essential for accurate positioning in medical imaging and surgical procedures.


Absolute encoders are essential components in modern automation and robotics systems. They provide accurate and reliable position feedback, enabling precise control of motor movement and enhancing the overall performance of various applications. The choice of resolution and specific features depends on the requirements of the individual application.

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