Astronomical Terms Used in Solar System Astronomy: Oberon


Oberon: A Distant Moon of Uranus

Oberon, the outermost moon of Uranus, remains a mysterious world in our solar system. Discovered by Sir William Herschel on January 11, 1787, this distant satellite orbits the ice giant at a mean distance of approximately 389,000 miles. One complete revolution around Uranus takes Oberon 13 days, 11 hours, and 7 minutes.

Due to its extreme distance, Oberon is a faint object that can only be observed clearly with large telescopes. Its diameter is still uncertain, but estimations place it around 1,523 kilometers (947 miles). This makes it the largest of Uranus' moons, but its surface remains poorly understood.

A World of Darkness and Ice:

Oberon's surface is thought to be composed primarily of rock and ice, reflecting a dark, reddish hue. It's heavily cratered, suggesting a long history of bombardment by asteroids and comets. Some of these craters are surrounded by bright rays, likely composed of water ice exposed by impact events.

The presence of a thin atmosphere has been proposed for Oberon, but evidence is scarce and its composition remains unknown.

Unveiling the Secrets of Oberon:

Despite the difficulties in observing it, Oberon continues to intrigue astronomers. Future missions to Uranus could shed light on its composition, geological history, and potential for harboring past or present life. These missions would provide invaluable information on the formation and evolution of the outer solar system, and the role of icy moons in the search for extraterrestrial life.


  • Discovery: January 11, 1787 by Sir William Herschel
  • Distance from Uranus: 389,000 miles (625,000 km)
  • Orbital Period: 13 days, 11 hours, 7 minutes
  • Diameter: Estimated at 1,523 km (947 miles)
  • Composition: Likely composed of rock and ice, with a dark reddish surface
  • Notable Features: Heavily cratered surface with bright rays around some craters
  • Atmosphere: Possible thin atmosphere, but its composition is unknown.

Oberon remains a challenging but fascinating world, waiting to reveal its secrets to future generations of explorers.

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