Astronomical Terms Used in Stellar Astronomy: Kaitain


Kaitain: A Star with Two Names, One History

In the vast expanse of the cosmos, stars are often given multiple names, reflecting their cultural significance and the evolution of astronomical knowledge. One such celestial body is Kaitain, a name occasionally used for the star α Piscium, also known as Alrescha. While not the most widely recognized appellation, Kaitain offers a glimpse into a rich history of celestial observation and cultural interpretation.

Kaitain is a term originating from ancient Arabic astronomy. The word itself translates to "the cord," a reference to its location in the constellation Pisces (the Fish). Ancient astronomers saw this star as marking the "tail" of the northern fish, a celestial representation of the ancient goddess Atargatis.

Alrescha, on the other hand, is a more recent name derived from Arabic as well, meaning "the cord" or "the tie." This name, while also pointing to the star's position in Pisces, reflects the constellation's association with fishnets and fishing.

α Piscium is a binary star system, meaning it consists of two stars orbiting a common center of mass. The primary star, α Piscium A, is a yellow-white main-sequence star, similar to our Sun. The secondary star, α Piscium B, is a red dwarf, much smaller and fainter than its companion.

While the name Kaitain may not be as prevalent as Alrescha or its official designation, it offers a fascinating glimpse into the rich history of astronomical observation and cultural interpretation. It reminds us that the stars above have been observed, named, and imbued with meaning by different cultures throughout history, each contributing to our understanding of the universe.


  • Kaitain is a historical name for the star α Piscium (also known as Alrescha).
  • It originates from ancient Arabic astronomy and signifies the "cord" or "tail" of the northern fish in the constellation Pisces.
  • The name reflects the association of the constellation with the goddess Atargatis and fishing.
  • α Piscium is a binary star system, consisting of a yellow-white main-sequence star and a red dwarf.
  • Though not as commonly used as Alrescha, Kaitain highlights the diverse cultural perspectives on celestial objects and the rich history of astronomical observation.
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