Astronomical Terms Used in Stellar Astronomy: Iklil, or Iklil-al-Jebhah

Iklil, or Iklil-al-Jebhah

Iklil: The Crown of the Scorpion

In the tapestry of the night sky, the constellation Scorpius, the scorpion, is a captivating sight. Among its many bright stars, one stands out for its prominence and association with ancient Arabic astronomy – Iklil. This Arabic name, meaning "crown," is given to the star i Scorpii, a bright blue giant shining with a magnitude of 2.99.

Iklil-al-Jebhah, meaning "the crown of the forehead," is a more elaborate term that highlights the star's position within the scorpion's celestial anatomy. It occupies the space just above the scorpion's "head," creating a visual crown atop the creature's fierce visage.

Stellar Properties:

  • Spectral Class: B1.5 III
  • Magnitude: 2.99
  • Distance: Approximately 600 light-years from Earth
  • Size: Iklil is significantly larger than our Sun, with a radius about 7 times greater.
  • Luminosity: This star is incredibly bright, shining with a luminosity 4,000 times that of our Sun.

Cultural Significance:

Iklil, as a prominent star in a prominent constellation, has held cultural significance for centuries. Arab astronomers, who developed elaborate systems for naming and charting the stars, saw in Iklil a symbol of power and leadership. The association of a crown with the scorpion, a creature renowned for its venom and resilience, further emphasizes the star's importance in their astrological interpretations.

Observing Iklil:

Iklil is easily visible to the naked eye, especially during the summer months when Scorpius graces the southern sky. It is located close to the brighter star Antares, the heart of the scorpion, and forms a distinctive triangle with Antares and the star Graffias (β Scorpii).


The star Iklil, or Iklil-al-Jebhah, stands as a testament to the enduring connection between humanity and the cosmos. This brilliant blue giant, nestled within the scorpion's crown, is not just a celestial object but a symbol of ancient wisdom, cultural heritage, and the timeless beauty of the night sky.

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