Astronomical Terms Used in Stellar Astronomy: Gemma


Gemma: A Star's Name Lost in the Cosmic Dust

In the vast tapestry of the night sky, stars are often given names that reflect their unique characteristics, historical significance, or even their mythological associations. However, some celestial objects bear names that are less widely known, their stories fading into the cosmic dust of time. One such example is Gemma, a name occasionally used to refer to the star α Coronae Borealis.

α Coronae Borealis, more commonly known as Alphecca, is the brightest star in the constellation Corona Borealis, the Northern Crown. It's a binary star system, meaning it consists of two stars orbiting each other. The primary star is a white A-type main sequence star, while the secondary star is a faint, red dwarf.

The name "Gemma" originates from the Latin word for "gem" or "jewel," likely reflecting the star's brilliance and the fact that it sits prominently within the crown constellation. However, "Gemma" remains a less common appellation compared to the more established "Alphecca." This name itself is derived from the Arabic phrase "al-fakkah," meaning "the broken one," potentially referencing a break in the crown's circlet of stars.

While "Gemma" might not be a widely used name for α Coronae Borealis, it offers a glimpse into the diverse and often overlooked history of star names. It showcases the ongoing evolution of our understanding of the cosmos and the different ways we choose to name and identify the celestial objects that illuminate our night sky.


  • Gemma is a name occasionally used for the star α Coronae Borealis.
  • α Coronae Borealis, also known as Alphecca, is the brightest star in the constellation Corona Borealis.
  • "Gemma" is derived from the Latin word for "gem" or "jewel," likely due to the star's brilliance.
  • The name "Gemma" is less common than "Alphecca," which has Arabic origins.
  • The name "Gemma" reflects the rich history and diversity of star names.
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