Astronomical Terms Used in Cosmology: Dip Sector

Dip Sector

The Dip Sector: A Stellar Navigation Tool for Measuring the Horizon

In the realm of celestial navigation, accurately determining the horizon's position is paramount for precise calculations. The "dip sector," a specialized instrument, played a crucial role in this process for centuries, particularly during the era of seafaring exploration. This article delves into the fascinating history, design, and application of this unique tool.

The Dip Sector: A Double Reflection Device

Invented by the renowned English instrument maker Edward Troughton, the dip sector was a double reflection device designed primarily for measuring atmospheric refraction – the bending of light as it passes through the Earth's atmosphere. This effect alters the apparent position of celestial bodies, especially near the horizon, impacting navigation calculations.

The dip sector consisted of two reflecting surfaces, typically mirrors or prisms, arranged to reflect light twice. One surface was fixed, while the other could be adjusted. By aligning these surfaces with a known star or celestial object, and then adjusting the movable mirror until the reflected image coincided with the horizon, the angle of dip (the difference between the true and apparent horizon) could be measured.

Dr. Wollaston's Innovation: Measuring the Dip of the Horizon

While initially designed for refraction studies, the dip sector found a new application thanks to the ingenuity of Dr. William Hyde Wollaston, a renowned English scientist. Wollaston recognized that the dip sector's ability to measure angles relative to the horizon could also be used to directly determine the dip of the horizon itself. This was crucial for navigators, as it allowed them to correct their observations for the curvature of the Earth and the effects of atmospheric refraction.

Navigational Applications and Significance

The dip sector was a vital tool for navigating by the stars, especially for seafarers. Its ability to accurately measure the dip of the horizon enabled sailors to:

  • Correct their altitude measurements: By factoring in the dip, mariners could adjust their observations of celestial bodies to determine their true altitude, improving the accuracy of their positions.
  • Calculate their latitude: The altitude of stars and the dip sector measurements were crucial for determining latitude, a vital piece of information for navigation.
  • Improve safety at sea: Accurate navigation was essential for safe passage, and the dip sector played a key role in ensuring ships stayed on course and avoided potential hazards.

The Dip Sector's Legacy

The dip sector remained a vital instrument for navigators until the advent of modern electronic navigation systems. Its development and application are a testament to the ingenuity of Troughton and Wollaston, who significantly advanced the field of celestial navigation. While it has now been superseded by more advanced technology, the dip sector's legacy continues to inspire awe for its ingenuity and impact on seafaring history.


The dip sector was a unique and important tool in the history of celestial navigation. Initially designed for measuring atmospheric refraction, its ability to measure the dip of the horizon made it indispensable for accurate navigation. This instrument played a crucial role in shaping seafaring exploration and ensuring safe passage for centuries. While modern technology has rendered the dip sector obsolete, its legacy continues to inspire and remind us of the remarkable ingenuity of early navigators.

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