Astronomical Terms Used in Galactic Astronomy: Day Numbers, Bessel’s

Day Numbers, Bessel’s

Day Numbers, Bessel's Day Numbers, and Epochal Corrections in Stellar Astronomy

In the vast expanse of the cosmos, stars appear to be fixed points of light, but their positions are not truly static. The Earth's motion around the Sun, along with the slow wobble of its axis (precession), and other periodic variations (nutation) cause apparent shifts in the positions of stars over time. These shifts are important to account for when comparing observations made at different epochs, or when calculating future positions of stars. To simplify these calculations, astronomers use day numbers and Bessel's day numbers.

Day Numbers:

A day number is simply a numerical representation of a specific date. There are various systems of day numbering, with the most common being the Julian Day Number (JDN). The JDN is a continuous count of days since noon Universal Time (UT) on January 1, 4713 BC. For example, January 1, 2000, corresponds to JDN 2,451,545.

Bessel's Day Numbers (Besselian Day Numbers):

Introduced by the renowned German astronomer Friedrich Bessel, these day numbers are specifically designed for stellar position calculations. Bessel's day numbers are essentially a modification of the Julian Day Number, taking into account the precession of the Earth's axis. This means that Bessel's day numbers provide a more accurate representation of the apparent position of a star at a given time, factoring in the long-term drift of the Earth's rotational axis.

Epochal Corrections:

To adjust the right ascension and declination of a star from one epoch to another, we need to apply epochal corrections. These corrections account for the effects of precession, nutation, and aberration, which are all influenced by the movement of the Earth and its interaction with the gravitational forces of the Sun and Moon.

Here's a brief explanation of each effect:

  • Precession: This is the slow, conical wobble of the Earth's axis caused by the gravitational pull of the Sun and Moon on the Earth's equatorial bulge. It causes a gradual shift in the apparent positions of stars over centuries.
  • Nutation: This is a small, periodic wobble in the Earth's axis caused by the gravitational pull of the Moon and the Sun. It results in short-term variations in the apparent positions of stars.
  • Aberration: This is a change in the apparent position of a star due to the motion of the Earth. It's caused by the finite speed of light and the Earth's motion around the Sun.

Applying Epochal Corrections:

These corrections are generally applied using precession and nutation matrices, which are mathematical tools for calculating the changes in the celestial coordinates of a star over time. These matrices are based on precise astronomical models and are constantly refined as our understanding of the Earth's motion improves.


Day numbers, particularly Bessel's day numbers, are valuable tools in stellar astronomy. They provide a framework for accurately calculating the positions of stars at different epochs. Epochal corrections, which account for the effects of precession, nutation, and aberration, are essential for comparing and analyzing stellar observations across time. These corrections are crucial for understanding the motion of stars and galaxies, and for accurately predicting their positions in the future.

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