General Informations | |
Project | 22726 |
Global Unique ID | Eseo0nN+RgarBzTuthbybA |
Unique ID | 2907224 |
Activity Name | First Submittal of last Rotating/Static Equipment, HVAC Document acc. to DDS |
Added Date | نوفمبر 25, 2013, 2:41 م |
Added By | admin |
Activity Status | TK_NotStart |
WBS | 307485 |
Total Float | 4416,0 |
Activity Location | None |
Est Weight | 0,0 |
Phys Complete Pct | 0,0 |
Calendar | 1183 |
Percent Complete Type | CP_Drtn |
Auto Compute Actuals | N |
Remaining Duration | 0,0 |
Primary Constraint | None |
Secondary Constraint | None |
Primary Constraint Date | None |
Secondary Constraint Date | None |
Primary Resource | None |
Actual Nonlabor Units | 0,0 |
Actual This Period Nonlabor Units | 0,0 |
Actual This Period Labor Units | 0,0 |
Actual Labor Units | 0,0 |
Planned Labor Units Budgeted or Planned Labor Units | 0,0 |
Remaining Nonlabor Units | 0,0 |
Remaining Labor Units | 0,0 |
Planned Nonlabor Units Budgeted or Planned Nonlabor Units | 0,0 |
Last Modified Date | نوفمبر 25, 2013, 2:41 م |
Planned Start | يونيو 28, 2014, 4 م |
Actual Start | None |
Activity ID | F5032 |
Early Start | يونيو 28, 2014, 4 م |
Late Start | يناير 1, 2016, 4 م |
Remaining Early Finish | يونيو 28, 2014, 4 م |
Remaining Early Start | يونيو 28, 2014, 4 م |
External Early Start | None |
Expected Finish | None |
Resume Date | None |
New Feedback | N |
Review Status | |
Activity Leveling Priority | PT_Normal |
Methodology Global Unique ID | 2RMUoO4gqUWtoMi4pJBgfg |
Lock Remaining | N |
Last Modified By | admin | |
Planned Finish | يونيو 28, 2014, 4 م | |
Actual Finish | None | |
Activity Type | TT_FinMile | |
Early Finish | يونيو 28, 2014, 4 م | |
Late Finish | يناير 1, 2016, 4 م | |
Remaining Late Finish | يناير 1, 2016, 4 م | |
Remaining Late Start | يناير 1, 2016, 4 م | |
External Late Finish | None | |
Review Finish | ||
Suspend Date | None | |
Longest Path | N | |
Free Float | 4952,0 | |
Float Path | ||
Float Path Order | ||
Duration Type | DT_FixedDrtn | |
Planned Duration Original or Planned Duration | 0,0 |
Task Id | Lag (day) | Succ Type | |
2907223 | 480,0 | PR_FS |
Task Id | Lag (day) | Succ Type | |
2907225 | 112,0 | PR_FF |