تخطيط وجدولة المشروع

Total Float ("TF")

الطفو الكلي: شبكة الأمان لمشروعك

في عالم تخطيط المشاريع والجدولة، فإن الحفاظ على المسار الصحيح هو أمر بالغ الأهمية. ولكن حتى أكثر الخطط دقة يمكن أن تواجه تأخيرات أو اضطرابات غير متوقعة. وهنا يأتي دور الطفو الكلي (TF)، ويعمل كشبكة أمان لمساعدة المشاريع في التغلب على هذه التحديات.

ما هو الطفو الكلي؟

الطفو الكلي هو الحد الأقصى للوقت الذي يمكن تأخير نشاط معين فيه دون التأثير على تاريخ الانتهاء الإجمالي للمشروع. يمثل هامش المناورة الذي لديك في جدولة نشاط معين دون المخاطرة بموعد نهائي للمشروع.

حساب الطفو الكلي:

يحسب الطفو الكلي كالتالي:

TF = أحدث نهاية (LF) - أقدم بداية (ES) - مدة النشاط

  • أحدث نهاية (LF): أحدث وقت ممكن لانتهاء نشاط معين دون تأخير المشروع.
  • أقدم بداية (ES): أقدم وقت ممكن لبدء نشاط معين دون تأخير المشروع.
  • مدة النشاط: الوقت المقدر لإكمال النشاط.

فهم أهمية الطفو الكلي:

  • المرونة: يوفر الطفو الكلي المرونة في الجدولة، مما يسمح لك بتعديل أوقات بدء وانتهاء النشاط للتكيف مع الظروف غير المتوقعة.
  • التخفيف من المخاطر: يعمل كعامل عازل ضد التأخيرات المحتملة، مما يضمن بقاء المشروع على المسار الصحيح حتى لو تأخرت بعض الأنشطة.
  • تخصيص الموارد: يساعد الطفو الكلي في تحسين تخصيص الموارد من خلال تحديد الأنشطة التي لها هامش مناورة أكبر، مما يسمح بإعادة تخصيص الموارد المحتملة إلى الأنشطة الحرجة.
  • اتخاذ القرارات: فهم الطفو الكلي لكل نشاط يسمح باتخاذ قرارات مستنيرة فيما يتعلق بالتعديلات المحتملة على خطة المشروع.

أنواع الطفو:

  • الطفو الحر: الحد الأقصى للوقت الذي يمكن تأخير نشاط معين فيه دون التأثير على بدء الأنشطة اللاحقة.
  • الطفو الكلي: الحد الأقصى للوقت الذي يمكن تأخير نشاط معين فيه دون التأثير على انتهاء المشروع.

استخدام الطفو الكلي بشكل فعال:

  • أعطِ الأولوية للأنشطة: تُعتبر الأنشطة ذات الطفو المنخفض أو معدوم حاسمة وتتطلب مراقبة وإدارة دقيقة.
  • خصص الموارد بشكل استراتيجي: يمكن تخصيص موارد أقل للأنشطة ذات الطفو العالي.
  • عامل عازل للتأخيرات غير المتوقعة: أدرك أن الطفو الكلي هو شبكة أمان، وليس ضمانًا ضد جميع التأخيرات.

انظر أيضًا:

  • الطفو: مصطلح عام يُستخدم في جدولة المشاريع للإشارة إلى مقدار الوقت الذي يمكن تأخير نشاط معين فيه.
  • طريقة المسار الحرج (CPM): تقنية إدارة مشاريع تُستخدم لتحديد المسار الحرج، وهو تسلسل الأنشطة التي تؤثر بشكل مباشر على تاريخ انتهاء المشروع.


الطفو الكلي أداة قيمة لمديري المشاريع، وتوفر شبكة أمان حاسمة في مواجهة حالات عدم اليقين. من خلال فهم الطفو الكلي واستغلاله، يمكنك التأكد من بقاء مشاريعك على المسار الصحيح، وإدارة الموارد بشكل فعال، والتخفيف من المخاطر المحتملة.

Test Your Knowledge

Total Float Quiz:

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What does Total Float represent in project management?

a) The total amount of time a project can be delayed. b) The maximum amount of time an activity can be delayed without affecting the project's completion date. c) The time it takes to complete an activity. d) The total number of resources allocated to a project.


b) The maximum amount of time an activity can be delayed without affecting the project's completion date.

2. Which of the following is NOT a factor used in calculating Total Float?

a) Latest Finish (LF) b) Earliest Start (ES) c) Activity Duration d) Free Float


d) Free Float

3. How does Total Float help with risk mitigation?

a) It allows for additional resources to be allocated to critical activities. b) It provides a buffer against potential delays, ensuring the project stays on track. c) It helps identify the most critical activities in a project. d) It helps track the progress of individual activities.


b) It provides a buffer against potential delays, ensuring the project stays on track.

4. What is the significance of an activity having zero Total Float?

a) It is a non-critical activity and can be delayed without affecting the project. b) It is a critical activity and any delay will impact the project's completion date. c) It is an activity with the longest duration in the project. d) It is an activity with the highest priority in the project.


b) It is a critical activity and any delay will impact the project's completion date.

5. Which of the following statements about Free Float and Total Float is CORRECT?

a) Free Float is always greater than or equal to Total Float. b) Total Float is always greater than or equal to Free Float. c) Free Float and Total Float are always equal. d) Free Float and Total Float are unrelated concepts.


b) Total Float is always greater than or equal to Free Float.

Total Float Exercise:

Scenario: You are managing a project with the following activities and their durations:

| Activity | Duration (Days) | |---|---| | A | 5 | | B | 3 | | C | 4 | | D | 6 | | E | 2 | | F | 7 |

The dependencies between the activities are as follows:

  • Activity A must be completed before B and C can start.
  • Activity B must be completed before D can start.
  • Activity C must be completed before E can start.
  • Activity D and E must be completed before F can start.


  1. Calculate the Total Float for each activity.
  2. Identify the critical activities (activities with zero Total Float).
  3. Explain how the Total Float information can help you manage the project.

Exercice Correction

Total Float Calculation:

| Activity | ES | LF | TF | |---|---|---|---| | A | 0 | 0 | 0 | | B | 5 | 8 | 0 | | C | 5 | 9 | 0 | | D | 8 | 14 | 0 | | E | 9 | 11 | 0 | | F | 14 | 21 | 0 |

Critical Activities:

  • Activities A, B, C, D, E, and F are all critical activities, as they have zero Total Float.

Managing the Project:

  • Knowing the Total Float for each activity helps in understanding which activities are critical and require careful monitoring and management.
  • It allows for strategic allocation of resources, focusing on critical activities and potentially allocating fewer resources to activities with higher Total Float.
  • The Total Float provides a safety buffer for potential delays in non-critical activities without affecting the overall project completion date.


  • Project Management Institute (PMI). (2017). A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) (7th ed.). Project Management Institute. This is the standard reference for project management practices and includes a dedicated section on scheduling and network diagrams, covering the concept of float.
  • Meredith, J. R., & Mantel, S. J. (2018). Project Management: A Managerial Approach (10th ed.). Wiley. This book offers comprehensive coverage of project management, including detailed explanations of scheduling techniques, critical path analysis, and the different types of float.
  • Kerzner, H. (2017). Project Management: A Systems Approach to Planning, Scheduling, and Controlling (12th ed.). Wiley. This classic text provides a thorough understanding of project management, including a detailed explanation of network diagrams and float calculations.


  • "Understanding Float and its Impact on Project Schedule" by Project Management Institute (PMI). This article provides a detailed explanation of different types of float and their impact on project schedules.
  • "Critical Path Method (CPM) for Project Planning" by MindTools. This article explains the basics of CPM and its application, which inherently involves the concept of float.
  • "How to Calculate Float in a Project Schedule" by ProjectManager.com. This article provides a step-by-step guide on calculating different types of float and their practical applications.

Online Resources

  • Project Management Institute (PMI) Website: PMI provides a wealth of resources on project management, including articles, webinars, and certification programs related to scheduling and float.
  • ProjectManager.com: This website offers a variety of project management tools and resources, including a section on scheduling and float.
  • MindTools.com: This site provides comprehensive guides on various management topics, including project management, with sections dedicated to scheduling and float calculations.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Instead of just searching "Total Float," try using more specific terms like "total float calculation," "total float in project management," or "types of float in project scheduling."
  • Include relevant terms: Combine "Total Float" with terms like "CPM," "PERT," or "network diagram" to find resources specifically related to these concepts.
  • Filter results: Use Google's search filters to refine your results by date, source, or language.


Chapter 1: Techniques for Calculating Total Float

This chapter delves into the practical aspects of calculating total float, providing a clear roadmap for project managers to determine the slack available in their schedules.

1.1 Forward Pass & Backward Pass: The Foundation of Total Float Calculation

The core of total float calculation lies in the forward and backward pass methods. These methods utilize the network diagram (often represented as an Activity-on-Node diagram) to determine the earliest and latest start and finish times for each activity.

Forward Pass:

  • Begins at the project's start node and progresses through the network.
  • Calculates the Earliest Start (ES) and Earliest Finish (EF) for each activity.
  • ES is determined by the latest EF of its predecessor activities.
  • EF is calculated as ES + Activity Duration.

Backward Pass:

  • Starts at the project's end node and works backward through the network.
  • Calculates the Latest Finish (LF) and Latest Start (LS) for each activity.
  • LF is determined by the earliest LS of its successor activities.
  • LS is calculated as LF - Activity Duration.

1.2 The Total Float Formula: A Simple Calculation

Once the forward and backward passes are complete, the total float (TF) for each activity can be calculated using the following formula:

TF = LF - ES - Activity Duration

1.3 Illustrative Example: Applying the Techniques

Project: Building a Website


  • A: Planning (5 days)
  • B: Design (7 days)
  • C: Development (10 days)
  • D: Testing (3 days)
  • E: Deployment (2 days)

Network Diagram:

A B C D E / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ Start -> -> -> -> End

Forward Pass:

  • ES(A) = 0, EF(A) = 5
  • ES(B) = 5, EF(B) = 12
  • ES(C) = 12, EF(C) = 22
  • ES(D) = 22, EF(D) = 25
  • ES(E) = 25, EF(E) = 27

Backward Pass:

  • LF(E) = 27, LS(E) = 25
  • LF(D) = 25, LS(D) = 22
  • LF(C) = 22, LS(C) = 12
  • LF(B) = 12, LS(B) = 5
  • LF(A) = 5, LS(A) = 0

Total Float Calculation:

  • TF(A) = 5 - 0 - 5 = 0
  • TF(B) = 12 - 5 - 7 = 0
  • TF(C) = 22 - 12 - 10 = 0
  • TF(D) = 25 - 22 - 3 = 0
  • TF(E) = 27 - 25 - 2 = 0

Interpretation: This example shows that all activities in this project have zero total float. This means there is no leeway for delaying any activity without affecting the project's completion date.

1.4 Using Software for Calculation: Streamlining the Process

While manual calculation is possible, specialized project management software like Microsoft Project, Primavera P6, or GanttProject can automate the calculations. These tools simplify the process and provide visualizations of the schedule, making it easier to identify activities with significant total float.

Chapter 2: Models and Concepts Related to Total Float

This chapter delves into the theoretical foundations of total float and explores various models and concepts related to it.

2.1 Critical Path Method (CPM): The Backbone of Total Float

The Critical Path Method (CPM) is a project management technique that uses a network diagram and total float calculation to identify the critical path, the sequence of activities with zero total float that directly impact the project's completion date. Any delay on the critical path automatically delays the entire project.

2.2 Free Float: Another Dimension of Project Schedule Flexibility

Free float is the maximum amount of time an activity can be delayed without affecting the start of subsequent activities.


Free Float = ES of Successor Activity - EF of Activity

Free float represents the slack between an activity and its immediate successors, offering additional flexibility in scheduling.

2.3 Understanding the Relationship Between Total Float and Free Float

While both total float and free float represent flexibility in scheduling, their scope and implications differ.

  • Total Float: Defines the overall flexibility within a project, focusing on the project's completion date.
  • Free Float: Focuses on the immediate relationship between an activity and its successors, allowing for individual activity delays without affecting downstream activities.

2.4 The Concept of Slack: A Broader Perspective

Slack is a general term used in project management to describe the available time for completing an activity, encompassing both total float and free float. It represents the time available for contingencies and unforeseen delays.

2.5 Using Simulation Models for Total Float Analysis

Simulation models can be used to analyze the impact of various uncertainties and risks on total float. These models allow project managers to experiment with different scenarios, such as delays in specific activities, and assess the potential impact on project completion.

Chapter 3: Software Tools for Total Float Management

This chapter explores the role of software tools in effectively managing total float and optimizing project scheduling.

3.1 Project Management Software: Streamlining Calculations and Visualizations

Dedicated project management software, such as Microsoft Project, Primavera P6, and Asana, offer functionalities for calculating and visualizing total float. These tools:

  • Automate the forward and backward pass calculations.
  • Provide graphical representations of the critical path and activities with significant float.
  • Enable real-time tracking of progress and potential delays.
  • Facilitate informed decision-making based on actual project progress.

3.2 Gantt Charts: A Visual Representation of Total Float

Gantt charts, a widely used project scheduling tool, effectively visualize total float. They depict activities on a timeline, highlighting the critical path and showing the slack available for each activity.

3.3 Specialized Total Float Calculators: Dedicated Functionality

Specialized total float calculators offer focused functionality for calculating and analyzing total float. They provide a user-friendly interface for inputting activity details and generating comprehensive reports.

3.4 Integration with Other Project Management Tools: A Holistic Approach

Integrating total float calculations with other project management tools, such as risk management software and resource allocation tools, allows for a holistic approach to project management. It enables:

  • Early identification of potential risks and their impact on total float.
  • Optimal resource allocation based on activity float and priorities.
  • Effective tracking and management of project progress and potential delays.

Chapter 4: Best Practices for Utilizing Total Float

This chapter provides actionable guidance on effectively leveraging total float to optimize project scheduling and manage risks.

4.1 Prioritize Activities with Low or Zero Total Float

Activities with low or zero total float are critical and require careful monitoring and management. These activities directly impact the project's completion date, and delays on these activities will automatically delay the project.

4.2 Allocate Resources Strategically

Activities with significant total float can potentially be assigned fewer resources, allowing for the reallocation of resources to critical activities. However, it's essential to consider the potential impact of resource constraints on activity duration.

4.3 Use Total Float as a Safety Net, Not a Guarantee

While total float provides a safety net, it's not a guarantee against all delays. Unforeseen circumstances may still cause delays, and it's crucial to have contingency plans in place.

4.4 Regularly Monitor and Adjust Total Float

Project schedules are dynamic and subject to change. Regularly monitor the project's progress and update total float calculations to reflect any changes in activity durations, dependencies, or priorities.

4.5 Communicate Total Float Effectively

Clearly communicate total float information to stakeholders, including team members, clients, and sponsors. This transparency helps to align expectations and ensure that everyone understands the potential for delays and the mitigation strategies in place.

Chapter 5: Case Studies of Total Float in Action

This chapter presents real-world examples of how total float has been successfully utilized in different project scenarios.

5.1 Case Study: Software Development Project

A software development project with a tight deadline was facing potential delays due to unexpected challenges in the coding phase. The project manager utilized the calculated total float for the testing and deployment phases to adjust the schedule, allowing for additional time to address the coding issues without impacting the project's overall completion date.

5.2 Case Study: Construction Project

A construction project encountered delays due to inclement weather. The project manager used the total float for certain activities to shift their schedules, minimizing the impact on the overall project timeline. By strategically adjusting the schedule, the project was able to stay on track despite the unforeseen weather-related challenges.

5.3 Case Study: Marketing Campaign Launch

A marketing campaign launch faced potential delays due to issues with website development. By analyzing the total float for various campaign activities, the project manager adjusted the schedule, allowing for additional time to resolve the website issues. The campaign was successfully launched on schedule, despite the initial hiccups, thanks to the effective utilization of total float.

These case studies demonstrate the real-world value of total float in mitigating risks and ensuring project success. By understanding and effectively utilizing total float, project managers can navigate uncertainties, optimize schedules, and deliver projects on time and within budget.

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