تخطيط وجدولة المشروع


الشبكات الفرعية في مشاريع النفط والغاز: تفكيك التعقيد

في عالم مشاريع النفط والغاز المعقد، يعتمد إدارة المشاريع الفعالة على التخطيط السليم والتظيم. تلعب الشبكات الفرعية دورًا حاسمًا في هذه العملية، مما يسمح بتقسيم المشاريع الكبيرة والمعقدة إلى وحدات قابلة للإدارة ومترابطة.

ما هي الشبكة الفرعية؟

تُشير الشبكة الفرعية، في سياق مشاريع النفط والغاز، إلى قسم من المشروع يتطلب مخطط شبكة خاص به. إنها في الأساس "مشروع فرعي" داخل المشروع الأكبر، يركز على نشاط معين أو مجموعة من الأنشطة ذات الصلة. عادةً ما تُمثّل هذه الشبكات الفرعية كأنشطة فردية ضمن شبكة المشروع الرئيسية.

لماذا نستخدم الشبكات الفرعية؟

تقدم الشبكات الفرعية العديد من الفوائد لإدارة مشاريع النفط والغاز:

  • وضوح أكبر: تقسيم مشروع كبير إلى شبكات فرعية أصغر وأكثر تركيزًا يُبسط عملية التخطيط بشكل عام. يمكن تحليل وإدارة كل شبكة فرعية بشكل مستقل، مما يؤدي إلى فهم أوضح للمهام والتبعيات الفردية.
  • تفاصيل مُحسّنة: تُتيح الشبكات الفرعية مزيدًا من التفاصيل في التخطيط والجدولة. يمكن تحليل وتخطيط الأنشطة المحددة داخل شبكة فرعية بشكل أكثر عمقًا، مما يُسهّل تخصيص الموارد وتقييم المخاطر بشكل أفضل.
  • تعاون فعال: تُعزّز الشبكات الفرعية التعاون الفعال بين الفرق أو الإدارات المختلفة. يمكن تكليف كل شبكة فرعية لفريق معين، مما يسمح لهم بالتركيز على مهامهم المحددة والتقدم بشكل مستقل مع الحفاظ على التزامهم بأهداف المشروع العامة.
  • مراقبة وتحكم مبسطة: من خلال تقسيم المشروع إلى وحدات قابلة للإدارة، تُبسط الشبكات الفرعية مراقبة التقدم والتحكم فيه. يمكن تتبع وتقييم كل شبكة فرعية بشكل مستقل، مما يُقدم صورة أوضح لصحة المشروع ككل.

مثال: الشبكات الفرعية في مشروع حفر بئر

خذ في الاعتبار مشروع حفر بئر. قد تتضمن شبكة المشروع العامة أنشطة مثل إعداد الموقع، وتركيب منصة الحفر، وعمليات الحفر، وإكمال البئر. يمكن تمثيل كل من هذه الأنشطة الرئيسية كشبكة فرعية:

  • شبكة فرعية لإعداد الموقع: ستشمل هذه الشبكة الفرعية أنشطة مثل الحصول على الأرض، ومسح الموقع، وبناء طريق الوصول، وإعداد البنية التحتية.
  • شبكة فرعية لتركيب منصة الحفر: ستركز هذه الشبكة الفرعية على نقل منصة الحفر، وتجميعها، وإجراء جميع فحوصات السلامة اللازمة.
  • شبكة فرعية لعمليات الحفر: ستشمل هذه الشبكة الفرعية عملية الحفر الفعلية، بما في ذلك مراحل مختلفة مثل الحفر إلى منطقة الهدف، وتركيب غلاف البئر، وعمليات التثبيت.
  • شبكة فرعية لإكمال البئر: ستغطي هذه الشبكة الفرعية أنشطة مثل تركيب معدات الإنتاج، وربط البئر بنظام الإنتاج، وإجراء الاختبار والتكليف.


تُعدّ الشبكات الفرعية أدوات قيّمة لمديري المشاريع في صناعة النفط والغاز، مما يُمكنهم من إدارة التعقيد بفعالية، وتحسين التخطيط، وتعزيز التعاون. من خلال الاستفادة من الشبكات الفرعية، يمكن لفريق المشروع الحصول على فهم أوضح لمكونات المشروع الفردية، وتحسين تخصيص الموارد، وضمان تنفيذ المشروع بنجاح.

Test Your Knowledge

Subnetworks in Oil & Gas Projects Quiz:

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is a subnetwork in the context of oil and gas projects?

a) A group of stakeholders involved in a project. b) A specific section of the project requiring its own network diagram. c) A specialized software used for project management. d) A document outlining project risks and mitigation strategies.


b) A specific section of the project requiring its own network diagram.

2. Which of these is NOT a benefit of using subnetworks in oil and gas projects?

a) Improved clarity of the project's scope. b) Increased complexity and difficulty in project management. c) Enhanced detail in planning and scheduling. d) Simplified progress monitoring and control.


b) Increased complexity and difficulty in project management.

3. What does a subnetwork allow for in terms of resource allocation?

a) Less efficient allocation of resources. b) More accurate and targeted allocation of resources. c) Allocation of resources only to specific activities. d) Allocation of resources based on stakeholder priorities.


b) More accurate and targeted allocation of resources.

4. Which of the following is NOT typically represented as a subnetwork in a well drilling project?

a) Rig transportation and assembly. b) Environmental impact assessment. c) Well completion operations. d) Drilling operations.


b) Environmental impact assessment.

5. Why is collaboration among teams enhanced by using subnetworks?

a) Subnetworks eliminate the need for communication between teams. b) Teams can focus on their specific tasks and progress independently. c) Subnetworks ensure all teams have the same level of authority. d) Subnetworks create a hierarchy where certain teams have more power.


b) Teams can focus on their specific tasks and progress independently.

Subnetworks in Oil & Gas Projects Exercise:

Scenario: Imagine you're the project manager for a new offshore platform installation project.

Task: * Identify at least 3 major activities within the overall project. * For each activity, describe a potential subnetwork and its key elements (e.g., activities, resources, dependencies).

Exercise Correction

Here's a possible solution, but your answer might vary depending on the specific project details:

1. Platform Construction:

  • Subnetwork: Platform Fabrication and Assembly.
  • Key Elements:
    • Activities: Steel fabrication, module construction, welding, painting, testing, integration.
    • Resources: Fabrication yard, skilled welders, engineers, heavy lifting equipment, testing equipment.
    • Dependencies: Material delivery, design approval, weather conditions.

2. Offshore Transportation and Installation:

  • Subnetwork: Platform Towing and Installation.
  • Key Elements:
    • Activities: Platform loading, towing to the offshore site, positioning, foundation installation, securing the platform.
    • Resources: Heavy lift barges, specialized towing vessels, marine engineers, divers, positioning equipment.
    • Dependencies: Weather forecasts, seabed surveys, installation permit approval.

3. Hook-up and Commissioning:

  • Subnetwork: System Integration and Testing.
  • Key Elements:
    • Activities: Connecting pipelines and utilities, installing and commissioning production equipment, conducting safety and performance tests.
    • Resources: Skilled technicians, engineers, testing equipment, specialized tools.
    • Dependencies: Platform stability, completion of subsea infrastructure, regulatory inspections.


  • Project Management for Oil and Gas: A Practical Guide to Successful Execution by Kenneth J. Bechtel - Covers project planning, execution, and risk management with a focus on oil and gas projects. Discusses techniques like subnetworks and their applications.
  • A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) by the Project Management Institute - Provides a comprehensive overview of project management principles, including network diagrams and subnetworks.
  • Project Network Diagrams: A Practical Guide by Harold Kerzner - This book provides a detailed explanation of network diagrams, including the use of subnetworks for managing complex projects.


  • Project Network Diagram: Definition, Types & Examples by ProjectManager.com - This article explains the basics of project network diagrams and their applications, including the use of subnetworks.
  • Subnetworks: A Powerful Tool for Managing Complex Projects by ProjectManagement.com - A more focused article explaining the benefits of using subnetworks and how to implement them effectively.
  • How to Create a Subnetwork in Primavera P6 by Oracle - A guide to creating and managing subnetworks in a popular project management software.

Online Resources

  • Project Management Institute (PMI): https://www.pmi.org/ - Offers resources, training, and certifications related to project management, including information on network diagrams and subnetworks.
  • ProjectManager.com: https://www.projectmanager.com/ - Provides free project management tools, articles, and templates, including resources on subnetworks.
  • Oracle Primavera P6: https://www.oracle.com/applications/primavera-p6 - Offers a comprehensive project management software with capabilities for managing subnetworks.

Search Tips

  • "Subnetworks" "oil & gas" "project management": This search will return articles and resources specifically related to subnetworks in the context of oil and gas projects.
  • "Project network diagrams" "subnetworks": This search will provide information on the theory and application of subnetworks within project network diagrams.
  • "Subnetworks" "Primavera P6": This search will guide you to tutorials and documentation on using subnetworks within Primavera P6 software.


Subnetworks in Oil & Gas Projects: Breaking Down Complexity

This document expands on the concept of subnetworks in oil & gas projects, breaking down the topic into key areas: Techniques, Models, Software, Best Practices, and Case Studies.

Chapter 1: Techniques for Implementing Subnetworks

Subnetworks are implemented through a breakdown of the overall project into smaller, more manageable units. Several techniques facilitate this decomposition:

  • Work Breakdown Structure (WBS): The WBS is a fundamental technique for decomposing a project into smaller, more manageable components. In the context of subnetworks, each element of the WBS can represent a potential subnetwork, allowing for a hierarchical structure reflecting the project's complexity. A detailed WBS ensures that all aspects of the subnetwork are accounted for.

  • Critical Path Method (CPM) and Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT): These scheduling techniques are crucial for identifying the critical path within each subnetwork. By analyzing the dependencies and durations of activities within each subnetwork, project managers can optimize scheduling and resource allocation. This helps identify potential bottlenecks and allows for proactive mitigation.

  • Decomposition by Discipline: Subnetworks can be defined based on engineering disciplines (e.g., drilling engineering, reservoir engineering, process engineering). This approach fosters specialized expertise and facilitates efficient collaboration within dedicated teams.

  • Decomposition by Geographical Location: For geographically dispersed projects, subnetworks can be created based on location (e.g., onshore vs. offshore operations, different well sites). This helps address logistical challenges and ensures appropriate resource allocation for each location.

  • Decomposition by Phase: Projects often proceed through distinct phases (e.g., design, construction, commissioning). Each phase can be treated as a subnetwork, simplifying planning and facilitating progress tracking.

Chapter 2: Models for Representing Subnetworks

Several models can effectively represent subnetworks within the overall project:

  • Hierarchical Network Diagrams: These diagrams illustrate the relationship between the main project network and its constituent subnetworks. The main project displays subnetworks as high-level activities, while each subnetwork possesses its own detailed network diagram.

  • Gantt Charts: Gantt charts provide a visual representation of the schedule for each subnetwork, displaying tasks, durations, dependencies, and milestones. This facilitates monitoring progress and identifying potential scheduling conflicts.

  • Precedence Diagramming Method (PDM): PDM is used to illustrate the logical relationships between activities within each subnetwork. This method helps in identifying dependencies and critical paths.

  • Resource Allocation Models: These models help optimize resource allocation across different subnetworks, ensuring that resources are efficiently distributed to meet the project's overall timeline and budget. They consider resource limitations and potential conflicts.

Chapter 3: Software for Managing Subnetworks

Several software tools facilitate the management and analysis of subnetworks:

  • Project Management Software (e.g., Primavera P6, MS Project): These tools offer functionalities for creating and managing WBS, developing network diagrams, scheduling activities, tracking progress, and managing resources across subnetworks.

  • Simulation Software (e.g., Arena, AnyLogic): These tools allow for the simulation of different scenarios and the analysis of the impact of various factors on project schedules and resource allocation within subnetworks.

  • Data Analytics Tools (e.g., Power BI, Tableau): These tools can be used to visualize data from different subnetworks, providing insights into project performance and facilitating informed decision-making.

Chapter 4: Best Practices for Subnetwork Management

Effective subnetwork management requires adherence to several best practices:

  • Clear Definition of Subnetworks: Each subnetwork should have clearly defined scope, objectives, deliverables, and responsibilities.

  • Effective Communication: Maintaining clear communication between teams working on different subnetworks is crucial for ensuring coordination and preventing conflicts.

  • Regular Monitoring and Control: Progress within each subnetwork should be regularly monitored and controlled to identify potential issues early on.

  • Risk Management: Risks specific to each subnetwork should be identified and mitigated proactively.

  • Integration Management: Ensuring seamless integration between different subnetworks is critical for successful project completion.

Chapter 5: Case Studies of Subnetwork Implementation

(This section requires specific examples. Below are potential case study outlines. Real-world examples with data would significantly strengthen this section.)

  • Case Study 1: Offshore Platform Construction: Discuss how subnetworks were used to manage the various phases of an offshore platform construction project (e.g., foundation installation, module fabrication and integration, commissioning). Highlight the challenges and successes.

  • Case Study 2: Onshore Pipeline Project: Describe the use of subnetworks to manage different segments of a large onshore pipeline project, considering geographical location and potential environmental impacts. Show how resource allocation was managed across subnetworks.

  • Case Study 3: Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) Project: Detail how subnetworks were employed in a complex EOR project, focusing on the management of different injection and production wells, and the integration of different technologies.

By implementing the techniques, leveraging appropriate models and software, and adhering to best practices, oil and gas project managers can effectively utilize subnetworks to improve planning, collaboration, and ultimately, project success. The case studies will provide concrete examples of successful subnetwork implementation in diverse project scenarios.


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