تخطيط وجدولة المشروع

Latest Finish

أحدث موعد انتهاء: الحفاظ على المشاريع على المسار الصحيح باستخدام تحليل المسار الحرج

في مجال تخطيط المشاريع والجدولة، أحدث موعد انتهاء هو مفهوم حاسم يساعد مديري المشاريع على ضمان الإنجاز في الوقت المناسب وتجنب التأخيرات. يشير إلى أحدث وقت ممكن يمكن أن تنتهي فيه نشاط دون المساس بموعد المشروع النهائي.

فهم أحدث موعد انتهاء في الرسوم البيانية للشبكة

الرسوم البيانية للشبكة، والمعروفة أيضًا باسم رسوم بيانية النشاط على العقدة (AON)، هي تمثيلات مرئية لمهام المشروع وتبعياتها. تستخدم هذه الرسوم البيانية العقد لتمثيل الأنشطة والسهام لإظهار العلاقات بينها. يتم تعيين أحدث وقت انتهاء (LFT) لكل نشاط، والذي يتم حسابه باستخدام تحليل المسار الحرج.

تحليل المسار الحرج: أساس أحدث موعد انتهاء

المسار الحرج هو أطول تسلسل من الأنشطة في مشروع، والذي يحدد مدة المشروع الإجمالية. أي تأخير في نشاط على المسار الحرج يؤثر بشكل مباشر على موعد المشروع النهائي. يستخدم تحليل المسار الحرج لتحديد هذه الأنشطة الحاسمة و LFTs المقابلة لها.

حساب أحدث موعد انتهاء

يتم حساب LFT لأنشطة معينة بالعمل بشكل عكسي من موعد المشروع النهائي. إليك كيفية ذلك:

  1. ابدأ من موعد المشروع النهائي: هذا هو أحدث وقت انتهاء للنشاط الأخير في المشروع.
  2. اعمل بشكل عكسي على طول المسار الحرج: اطرح مدة كل نشاط حرج من LFT للنشاط التالي لتحديد LFT الخاص به.
  3. خذ التبعيات في الاعتبار: بالنسبة للأنشطة التي لا تقع على المسار الحرج، يتم تحديد LFT لها بواسطة أحدث وقت انتهاء للنشاط الذي تعتمد عليه.

فوائد أحدث موعد انتهاء:

  • يحدد الأنشطة الحرجة: يساعد فهم أحدث موعد انتهاء لكل نشاط مديري المشاريع على إعطاء الأولوية للتركيز على المهام التي تؤثر بشكل مباشر على موعد المشروع النهائي.
  • يوفر المرونة: معرفة أحدث موعد انتهاء توفر بعض المرونة في جدولة الأنشطة دون المخاطرة بالتأخيرات.
  • يساعد على إدارة الموارد: من خلال فهم LFT، يمكن لمديري المشاريع تخصيص الموارد بشكل فعال وضمان توفرها عند الحاجة.
  • يسهل تقييم المخاطر: يساعد تحليل أحدث موعد انتهاء على تحديد الاختناقات المحتملة ويسمح بتخفيف المخاطر الاستباقية.


فكر في مشروع يحتوي على ثلاثة أنشطة: A و B و C. يستغرق النشاط A 5 أيام، B 3 أيام، و C 4 أيام. يعتمد النشاط B على A، ويعتمد النشاط C على B. موعد المشروع النهائي هو 15 يومًا.

  • المسار الحرج: A -> B -> C
  • LFT لـ C: 15 يومًا (موعد المشروع النهائي)
  • LFT لـ B: 15 يومًا (LFT لـ C) - 4 أيام (مدة C) = 11 يومًا
  • LFT لـ A: 11 يومًا (LFT لـ B) - 3 أيام (مدة B) = 8 أيام


أحدث موعد انتهاء أداة قيمة لمديري المشاريع لإدارة الوقت والموارد والمخاطر بشكل فعال. من خلال فهم واستخدام هذا المفهوم، يمكن لفريق المشروع تحسين جداولهم وضمان تسليم المشاريع في الوقت المحدد وفي حدود الميزانية.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Latest Finish in Project Management

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What does "Latest Finish" refer to in project management?

a) The earliest time an activity can be completed.


Incorrect. This describes "Earliest Finish", not Latest Finish.

b) The latest possible time an activity can be finished without delaying the project deadline.

Correct! This is the definition of Latest Finish.

c) The time needed to complete an activity.

Incorrect. This describes the activity's duration.

d) The time an activity is actually completed.

Incorrect. This is the actual completion time, not the latest possible time.

2. Which of the following tools is used to calculate Latest Finish times?

a) Gantt Chart


Incorrect. Gantt charts are helpful for visualizing timelines but not for calculating Latest Finish.

b) Critical Path Analysis

Correct! Critical Path Analysis is the foundation for determining Latest Finish.

c) Resource Allocation Chart

Incorrect. Resource Allocation Charts focus on resource assignments, not Latest Finish.

d) Project Charter

Incorrect. The Project Charter outlines the project scope and goals, not Latest Finish.

3. Why is understanding Latest Finish crucial for project managers?

a) It helps identify activities that are most likely to be delayed.


Incorrect. While it can help identify potential bottlenecks, it doesn't specifically pinpoint activities most likely to be delayed.

b) It allows project managers to prioritize and focus on critical activities.

Correct! Knowing the Latest Finish helps focus on activities impacting the project deadline.

c) It ensures all tasks are completed in the shortest possible time.

Incorrect. Latest Finish focuses on meeting the deadline, not minimizing overall completion time.

d) It guarantees a successful project outcome.

Incorrect. While a helpful tool, Latest Finish doesn't guarantee success on its own.

4. When calculating Latest Finish, you should:

a) Start with the earliest time an activity can begin.


Incorrect. You should start with the project deadline.

b) Work forwards from the first activity to the last.

Incorrect. You should work backwards from the project deadline.

c) Consider only activities on the critical path.

Incorrect. You need to consider dependencies for all activities, not just those on the critical path.

d) Work backwards from the project deadline, considering dependencies.

Correct! This is the correct method for calculating Latest Finish.

5. What is a key benefit of understanding Latest Finish for project teams?

a) It allows for more efficient resource allocation.


Correct! Knowing when tasks need to be completed helps optimize resource allocation.

b) It eliminates the need for detailed project planning.

Incorrect. Latest Finish is a part of effective project planning, not a replacement for it.

c) It guarantees that all projects will be completed on time.

Incorrect. Latest Finish is a tool, not a guarantee of on-time completion.

d) It reduces the need for communication within the project team.

Incorrect. Understanding Latest Finish actually encourages better communication and coordination.

Exercise: Calculate Latest Finish


A project has 4 activities:

  • Activity A: Duration = 6 days
  • Activity B: Duration = 4 days (depends on A)
  • Activity C: Duration = 3 days (depends on A)
  • Activity D: Duration = 5 days (depends on B and C)

The project deadline is 18 days.


  1. Identify the critical path of the project.
  2. Calculate the Latest Finish time for each activity.

Exercice Correction

**1. Critical Path:** A -> B -> D **2. Latest Finish Times:** * **Activity D:** 18 days (project deadline) * **Activity B:** 18 days (LFT of D) - 5 days (duration of D) = 13 days * **Activity A:** 13 days (LFT of B) - 4 days (duration of B) = 9 days * **Activity C:** 13 days (LFT of B) - 4 days (duration of B) = 9 days


  • Project Management Institute (PMI). (2021). A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) (7th ed.). Project Management Institute. - This book is the definitive guide for project management methodologies, including critical path analysis and latest finish.
  • Meredith, J. R., & Mantel, S. J. (2019). Project management: A managerial approach (10th ed.). John Wiley & Sons. - This textbook covers project scheduling, network diagrams, and critical path analysis in detail.
  • Kerzner, H. (2017). Project management: A systems approach to planning, scheduling, and controlling (12th ed.). John Wiley & Sons. - This comprehensive book provides a deep understanding of project management principles, including latest finish calculations.
  • Cleland, D. I., & Ireland, L. R. (2016). Project management: Strategic design and implementation (6th ed.). McGraw-Hill Education. - This book explores project management practices, including the application of critical path analysis and latest finish for effective project planning.


Online Resources

  • Project Management Institute (PMI): https://www.pmi.org/ - The PMI website provides extensive resources on project management, including articles, training materials, and a vast library of knowledge.
  • ProjectManager.com: https://www.projectmanager.com/ - This website offers project management tools, templates, and articles related to critical path analysis, latest finish, and other project management concepts.
  • MindTools.com: https://www.mindtools.com/ - This website offers practical advice and resources on various topics, including project management and critical path analysis.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Instead of just searching "latest finish," try using phrases like "latest finish time calculation," "critical path analysis latest finish," or "latest finish project management."
  • Include relevant terms: Combine keywords with other project management terms like "network diagrams," "activity-on-node," or "project scheduling."
  • Filter by source: Use Google's filter options to limit your search to specific sources like websites, articles, or videos.
  • Explore advanced search operators: Utilize operators like "site:" to search within specific websites or "filetype:" to find specific file types like PDFs or presentations.


Latest Finish: A Comprehensive Guide

This guide expands on the concept of Latest Finish, breaking down the topic into key areas for a clearer understanding.

Chapter 1: Techniques for Calculating Latest Finish

Calculating Latest Finish (LFT) relies heavily on critical path analysis and network diagramming. Here's a deeper dive into the techniques:

1.1 Forward Pass and Backward Pass: The calculation of LFT involves a two-pass approach. The forward pass calculates the Earliest Start Time (EST) and Earliest Finish Time (EFT) for each activity, determining the project's shortest possible duration. The backward pass, crucial for LFT calculation, starts from the project's end date and works backward, determining the Latest Start Time (LST) and Latest Finish Time (LFT) for each activity.

1.2 Network Diagrams: Several types of network diagrams can be used:

  • Activity-on-Node (AON): Activities are represented by nodes, and arrows represent dependencies. This is the most common method for LFT calculation.
  • Activity-on-Arrow (AOA): Activities are represented by arrows, and nodes represent events. While less common for LFT calculations, it can still be used.

1.3 Formulas: The core formulas used are:

  • LFT = LST + Activity Duration
  • LST = LFT (of the following activity) - Activity Duration (for activities on the critical path)
  • LST = Max(LST of preceding activities) (for activities with multiple predecessors)

1.4 Dealing with Multiple Predecessors and Successors: When an activity has multiple predecessors, its LST is the maximum of the LSTs of all its predecessors. Similarly, when an activity has multiple successors, its LFT is determined by the minimum of the LSTs of all its successors.

1.5 Handling Float (Slack): The difference between the LFT and EFT (or LST and EST) is called float or slack. Activities with zero float are on the critical path.

Chapter 2: Models for Latest Finish Implementation

Several project scheduling models incorporate Latest Finish calculations:

2.1 Critical Path Method (CPM): This deterministic model uses LFT calculations to identify the critical path and the project's minimum duration. It's ideal for projects with predictable activity durations.

2.2 Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT): This probabilistic model accounts for uncertainty in activity durations using three-point estimates (optimistic, most likely, pessimistic). It provides a more realistic assessment of project completion time, including the probability of meeting the deadline.

Chapter 3: Software for Latest Finish Analysis

Various software applications simplify Latest Finish calculations and project scheduling:

3.1 Microsoft Project: A widely used tool offering features for creating network diagrams, calculating critical paths, and determining LFTs.

3.2 Primavera P6: A professional-grade project management software known for its robust scheduling capabilities and handling of large, complex projects.

3.3 Open-source alternatives: Several open-source project management tools provide basic features for scheduling and critical path analysis, although their capabilities may be less extensive than commercial software.

Chapter 4: Best Practices for Utilizing Latest Finish

Effectively using Latest Finish requires adherence to best practices:

4.1 Accurate Activity Definition: Clearly define tasks, durations, and dependencies to ensure accurate LFT calculations.

4.2 Regular Updates: Continuously update the schedule and LFT calculations as the project progresses to reflect changes and identify potential delays early.

4.3 Communication: Communicate LFT information to the project team to foster awareness of critical activities and deadlines.

4.4 Risk Management: Use LFT analysis to identify potential risks and develop mitigation plans. Activities with little float are more vulnerable to delays.

4.5 Collaboration: Ensure effective collaboration among team members to manage tasks and meet their LFTs.

Chapter 5: Case Studies of Latest Finish Applications

5.1 Construction Project: A large-scale construction project can benefit greatly from LFT analysis to manage the complex interplay of various trades and deadlines. Identifying the critical path can help expedite crucial tasks and prevent delays that could significantly impact the project's budget and timeline.

5.2 Software Development: In software development, LFT helps coordinate the work of different teams, ensuring timely delivery of modules and features. Delays in critical modules could impact the overall project launch date.

5.3 Event Planning: Planning a major event such as a conference or festival requires precise scheduling of various activities. LFT analysis ensures that crucial setup and logistical elements are completed on time, avoiding disruptions to the event itself.

This expanded guide offers a more in-depth understanding of Latest Finish and its application in project management. By mastering these techniques and best practices, project managers can significantly enhance their ability to deliver projects successfully, on time, and within budget.

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تخطيط وجدولة المشروعالمصطلحات الفنية العامة
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