معجم المصطلحات الفنية مستعمل في Communication & Reporting: Full Time

Full Time

بدوام كامل: التنقل في عالم توظيف النفط والغاز

في عالم النفط والغاز سريع الخطى والمطالب، يحمل مصطلح "بدوام كامل" معنىً مميزًا. لا يقتصر الأمر على العمل لمدة 40 ساعة أسبوعياً، بل إنه يدل على **التفاني والتركيز على مشروع واحد**.

أهمية "بدوام كامل" في النفط والغاز

مشاريع النفط والغاز معقدة غالبًا ما تتطلب خبرات متخصصة. يُعد الموظف "بدوام كامل" ضروريًا لأنه قادر على:

  • الغمر في المشروع: يكرس اهتمامه بالكامل لفهم جوانب المشروع والتحديات والأهداف.
  • تطوير معرفة عميقة: يعمل بشكل كامل على مشروع ما يسمح له بفهم عميق للتكنولوجيا المحددة، وسير العمل، واللوائح.
  • بناء العلاقات: يُنشئ علاقات عمل قوية مع زملائه وأصحاب المصلحة، مما يعزز التواصل والتعاون الفعال.
  • دفع التقدم: يضمن الالتزام بدوام كامل جهدًا متواصلًا وإنجاز المهام في الوقت المناسب، مما يُعظم كفاءة المشروع.

التفرقة بين "بدوام كامل" و "بدوام منقسم"

على عكس الموظف "بدوام كامل"، يقسم الموظف "بدوام منقسم" وقته بين مشروعين أو أكثر. في حين أنه قيم للتوازن بين أعباء العمل المتنوعة، إلا أن هذا النهج قد يؤدي إلى:

  • جهد أقل تركيزًا: قد يحد تقسيم الوقت من عمق الفهم والتركيز على كل مشروع على حدة.
  • احتمال حدوث التأخير: يمكن أن تؤدي مهام متعددة إلى تضارب في الجدولة وتعيق التقدم.
  • تقليل بناء العلاقات: يمكن أن يحد تقاسم الوقت بين المشاريع من فرصة بناء علاقات قوية مع الزملاء في كل مشروع على حدة.

قيمة الموظفين بدوام كامل

"بدوام كامل" ليس مجرد تسمية، بل هو التزام بالمشاركة المخصصة للمشروع. في صناعة النفط والغاز التنافسية، تدرك الشركات الأهمية الاستراتيجية للموظفين بدوام كامل الذين:

  • تعزيز كفاءة المشروع: يؤدي التركيز على الجهد إلى تقدم أسرع واستخدام أكثر فعالية للموارد.
  • تخفيض مخاطر المشروع: يُقلل الفهم العميق والمشاركة المستمرة من احتمال حدوث الأخطاء والتأخيرات.
  • تشجيع الابتكار: من خلال غمر أنفسهم في مشروع واحد، يمكن للموظفين بدوام كامل تحديد واستكشاف حلول مبتكرة.


في عالم النفط والغاز، يدل "بدوام كامل" على التزام بالعمل المخصص والمركز على مشروع واحد. يعزز هذا النهج معرفة أعمق، وعلاقات أقوى، ونهايةً، نجاحًا أكبر للمشروع. يُعد الاعتراف بقيمة الموظفين "بدوام كامل" أمرًا بالغ الأهمية للتنقل في المشهد المعقد والمطالب لصناعة النفط والغاز.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Full Time in Oil & Gas Staffing

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary significance of a "full-time" employee in the oil and gas industry?

a) They work a standard 40-hour week. b) They are paid a higher salary than part-time employees. c) They dedicate their entire focus to a single project. d) They have more experience than other employees.


c) They dedicate their entire focus to a single project.

2. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of having a "full-time" employee on a project?

a) Deeper understanding of the project's intricacies. b) Strong working relationships with colleagues. c) Ability to juggle multiple projects efficiently. d) Improved project efficiency and timely completion.


c) Ability to juggle multiple projects efficiently.

3. What is the main difference between a "full-time" and a "split time" employee?

a) "Full-time" employees have more experience. b) "Split time" employees are paid less. c) "Full-time" employees focus on a single project, while "split time" employees work on multiple projects. d) "Split time" employees work shorter hours.


c) "Full-time" employees focus on a single project, while "split time" employees work on multiple projects.

4. How can a "full-time" employee contribute to reducing project risk?

a) By working overtime to catch up on missed deadlines. b) By having a deep understanding of the project and its potential challenges. c) By delegating tasks to other employees. d) By using specialized software to track project progress.


b) By having a deep understanding of the project and its potential challenges.

5. Why is it important for companies in the oil and gas industry to recognize the value of "full-time" employees?

a) It helps them comply with labor laws. b) It allows them to offer more competitive salaries. c) It contributes to project efficiency, innovation, and reduced risk. d) It helps them attract and retain top talent.


c) It contributes to project efficiency, innovation, and reduced risk.


Imagine you are the project manager for a new oil extraction project. You have a team of 5 engineers, but you're considering adding a 6th engineer to the project. You need to decide if this additional engineer should be "full-time" or "split time" on your project.

Consider the following:

  • The project is highly complex and requires specialized knowledge in a specific area of drilling technology.
  • The 6th engineer is an expert in this specialized area, but is currently working on another project that requires their expertise.
  • The team needs the additional engineer to start contributing quickly to meet deadlines.

Questions to consider:

  1. What are the potential advantages and disadvantages of bringing the 6th engineer on "full-time"?
  2. What are the potential advantages and disadvantages of bringing the 6th engineer on "split time"?
  3. Based on the information given, which approach would you recommend and why?

Exercice Correction

This exercise requires thoughtful analysis and consideration of the project's specific needs. Here's a possible approach:

Advantages of Full-Time:

  • Deep Expertise: The engineer can fully dedicate their knowledge to the project, leading to quicker problem-solving and better technical solutions.
  • Dedicated Focus: The engineer can fully immerse themselves in the project, ensuring timely progress and a thorough understanding of the project's complexities.
  • Stronger Team Cohesion: The engineer can build stronger relationships with the team, fostering collaboration and communication.

Disadvantages of Full-Time:

  • Potential Delay on Other Project: Moving the engineer full-time might delay the other project, potentially causing disruption.
  • Cost Implications: Hiring a full-time engineer might involve additional costs for salary, benefits, and potential relocation.

Advantages of Split Time:

  • Shared Expertise: The engineer can contribute their expertise to both projects, ensuring progress on both fronts.
  • Minimized Disruption: It allows the engineer to continue their work on the other project, minimizing disruptions to that project's timeline.

Disadvantages of Split Time:

  • Limited Focus: The engineer might not be able to fully immerse themselves in this project, leading to potential delays or missed opportunities.
  • Slower Progress: The engineer's split focus might slow down the progress on this project, potentially affecting deadlines.


Given the urgency of the project and the need for specialized expertise, bringing the 6th engineer on board "full-time" might be the best choice. However, it's crucial to weigh the potential consequences for the other project and explore options for minimizing disruption. A possible solution could be negotiating a temporary "full-time" contract for a specific period to meet the critical deadlines for this project, allowing the engineer to return to the other project afterward.


  • "The Oil and Gas Industry: A Comprehensive Guide" by James A. Williams - This book provides a general overview of the oil and gas industry, including staffing practices and project management.
  • "Project Management for the Oil and Gas Industry" by David J. Cleland - This book delves into project management techniques specific to the oil and gas industry, touching upon workforce requirements and staffing strategies.


  • "The Importance of Full-Time Employees in Oil and Gas Projects" - Search for articles on industry blogs and websites that discuss the benefits of dedicated staffing for project success.
  • "Split Time vs. Full Time Staffing: Choosing the Right Approach for Your Oil & Gas Project" - Look for articles comparing the pros and cons of full-time vs. split-time staffing models within the oil and gas sector.
  • "The Future of Workforce Management in the Oil and Gas Industry" - Articles exploring trends in staffing and workforce management within the industry might touch upon the importance of full-time roles.

Online Resources

  • Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE): SPE's website features publications, articles, and events related to the oil and gas industry.
  • American Petroleum Institute (API): API's website provides information on industry standards, best practices, and trends.
  • Oil & Gas Journal: This industry publication often features articles and analyses on staffing challenges and trends within the sector.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Combine terms like "oil and gas," "full-time staffing," "project management," "project success," and "workforce management" for targeted results.
  • Include industry-specific terms: Incorporate terms like "upstream," "downstream," "exploration," "production," or specific job titles (e.g., "drilling engineer") to narrow your search.
  • Search within specific websites: Use site: followed by the website address (e.g., site:spe.org) to focus your search on a particular resource.
  • Explore industry forums and communities: Online forums and groups dedicated to oil and gas professionals can be a valuable source of information and discussions related to staffing and project management.
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