تقدير التكلفة والتحكم فيها

Estimator's Allowance

التنقل في ظل عدم اليقين: مخصص المقدر في المشاريع التقنية

في عالم المشاريع التقنية المعقد، نادرًا ما يكون مسار الإنجاز خطًا مستقيمًا. يمكن أن تلقي التحديات غير المتوقعة، وتعديلات التصميم، وتغيرات ظروف السوق، جميعها بمفتاح ربط في أعمال المشروع. ولمواجهة هذا عدم اليقين المتأصل، يستخدم مقدرّو التكاليف غالبًا أداة قوية: **مخصص المقدر.**

ما هو مخصص المقدر؟

مخصص المقدر هو مبلغ محدد من المال يتم تضمينه في تقدير مفهوم، يعكس عدم القدرة على التنبؤ الطبيعي بالمشروع. يمثل هذا المخصص أفضل تخمين للمقدر لتغطية التكاليف المحتملة المرتبطة بـ:

  • النطاق غير المؤكد: عندما لا تكون المواصفات الدقيقة للمشروع محددة بعد، يساعد المخصص في تغطية احتمال وجود إضافات أو تغييرات غير متوقعة في نطاق العمل.
  • المنهجيات غير المؤكدة: إذا كان نهج الاستشاري المفضل لتلبية متطلبات المشروع غير معروف، فإن المخصص يسمح بالمرونة في تقدير التكلفة.
  • تخطيط الطوارئ: يُستخدم كعامل حماية ضد التحديات غير المتوقعة، مثل تكاليف المواد غير المتوقعة، ونقص العمالة، أو العقبات التنظيمية.

أهمية مخصص المقدر:

يُعد هذا المخصص شبكة أمان حاسمة لكل من العميل والمقاول. فبالنسبة للعملاء، يوفر مستوى من الراحة مع العلم أن ميزانية المشروع لن تُهدر بسبب ظروف غير متوقعة. بالنسبة للمقاولين، يسمح لهم بالتكيف مع احتياجات المشروع المتغيرة دون تعريض ربحهم للخطر.

الاعتبارات الرئيسية عند تطبيق مخصص المقدر:

  • الشفافية: من المهم التواصل بشكل واضح حول الغرض وحجم المخصص لجميع أصحاب المصلحة. يساعد ذلك على إيجاد الثقة والفهم فيما يتعلق بآفاق المشروع المالية.
  • التبرير: يجب أن يكون المخصص مدعومًا بتبرير مفصل، يحدد عدم اليقين والمخاطر المحتملة التي يتناولها. يوفر ذلك أساسًا قويًا للمفاوضات ويساعد على ضمان تخصيص مناسب.
  • المراقبة والتحكم: يجب أن تكون آليات المراقبة والتحكم المنتظمة موجودة لمتابعة استخدام المخصص طوال دورة حياة المشروع. يساعد ذلك على ضمان التخصيص المسؤول وييسر التعديلات المحتملة مع تقدم المشروع.


مخصص المقدر هو أداة قيمة للتنقل في تعقيدات عدم اليقين في المشاريع التقنية. يقدم شبكة أمان للعملاء والمقاولين على حد سواء، مما يسمح لهم بالتكيف مع الظروف المتغيرة مع الحفاظ على فهم واضح وواقعي لتكاليف المشروع. من خلال تطبيق المخصص بعناية وإقامة ممارسات تواصل شفافة، يمكن لأصحاب المصلحة إنشاء أساس متين لإنجاز المشروع بنجاح، حتى في مواجهة التحديات غير المتوقعة.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Navigating Uncertainty: The Estimator's Allowance

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary purpose of an Estimator's Allowance?

a) To increase the overall project budget. b) To provide a safety net for unforeseen project challenges. c) To incentivize the contractor to complete the project faster. d) To cover the cost of unexpected materials.


b) To provide a safety net for unforeseen project challenges.

2. Which of the following is NOT a typical reason for incorporating an Estimator's Allowance?

a) Uncertain scope of work. b) Unforeseen delays caused by weather conditions. c) Uncertainty in the contractor's preferred methodology. d) Changes in market conditions affecting material costs.


b) Unforeseen delays caused by weather conditions.

3. Why is transparency regarding the Estimator's Allowance important?

a) To avoid legal disputes. b) To ensure proper allocation of funds. c) To foster trust and understanding among stakeholders. d) All of the above.


d) All of the above.

4. What is the role of justification in applying an Estimator's Allowance?

a) To convince the client to accept a higher budget. b) To provide a rationale for the allowance and its size. c) To make the project appear more complex. d) To ensure that the allowance is used for its intended purpose.


b) To provide a rationale for the allowance and its size.

5. Why is monitoring and control important for the Estimator's Allowance?

a) To ensure that the allowance is not wasted. b) To identify potential risks and adjust the allowance accordingly. c) To track the utilization of the allowance and make informed decisions. d) All of the above.


d) All of the above.

Exercise: Applying the Estimator's Allowance

Scenario: You are an estimator working on a project to renovate a historic building. The scope of work includes replacing the roof, restoring the exterior facade, and upgrading the electrical and plumbing systems.

Task: Identify three potential uncertainties in this project and explain how you would incorporate an Estimator's Allowance to address them.

Exercice Correction

Here are three potential uncertainties and how an Estimator's Allowance could address them:

  • Uncertain Scope of Work: During the restoration of the exterior facade, unforeseen structural issues might be discovered requiring additional repairs. An allowance could be included to cover the costs of unexpected structural repairs.
  • Uncertain Methodologies: The specific restoration methods for the exterior facade might require specialized techniques or materials, which are not yet fully determined. An allowance could be included to cover potential changes in methodology and associated material costs.
  • Contingency Planning: The historical nature of the building might require permits and approvals from various authorities. An allowance could be included to cover potential delays and associated costs related to navigating the permitting process.

For each of these uncertainties, it's important to document the rationale behind the allowance, clearly communicate its purpose to all stakeholders, and establish mechanisms to monitor its utilization throughout the project lifecycle. This ensures responsible use of the allowance and helps maintain financial transparency.


  • "Estimating and Cost Engineering" by Dr. A. Motiwalla (This book covers various aspects of cost estimation, including risk assessment and allowance for uncertainty)
  • "Construction Cost Estimating" by R.S. Means (Provides comprehensive guidance on cost estimating in construction projects, emphasizing practical applications)
  • "Project Management" by Harold Kerzner (A classic text on project management covering various aspects of project planning, budgeting, and risk management, where allowance for uncertainty plays a vital role)


  • "How to Use Contingency and Risk Allowances in Your Project Budgets" by Project Management Institute (PMI) (This article provides a practical guide to incorporating contingency and risk allowances into project budgets, offering insights into the decision-making process and best practices)
  • "Estimating Allowance: A Key to Success in Engineering Projects" by Engineering News-Record (ENR) (An industry publication that often features articles on estimating and cost management in engineering projects, providing valuable insights into the role of the Estimator's Allowance in real-world scenarios)

Online Resources

  • Construction Specifications Institute (CSI): (The CSI website offers numerous resources on cost estimating, including articles, webinars, and case studies related to the use of allowances in construction projects)
  • Project Management Institute (PMI): (The PMI website provides a wealth of information on project management best practices, including risk management and budgeting, with relevant articles and resources on contingency planning and allowance for uncertainty)
  • Cost Estimating & Risk Management by the Engineering Management Institute: (This website provides a comprehensive overview of cost estimating and risk management, including resources on defining and justifying allowances for uncertainty in technical projects)

Search Tips

  • "Estimator's allowance" + "construction project": This search will yield results specifically relevant to the construction industry, providing examples and case studies of the concept's implementation.
  • "Contingency allowance" + "technical project": This search will reveal resources related to budgeting for unforeseen risks and uncertainties in technical projects, encompassing concepts similar to the Estimator's Allowance.
  • "Risk management" + "estimating": By focusing on risk management in estimating, you can discover resources that delve into the methodology behind incorporating allowances for uncertainty into project budgets.


Chapter 1: Techniques for Calculating the Estimator's Allowance

This chapter delves into the practical techniques used by estimators to determine the appropriate amount for the Estimator's Allowance. These techniques involve a combination of experience, data analysis, and risk assessment.

1.1. Percentage-Based Approach:

  • This method involves applying a predetermined percentage to the total estimated project cost.
  • The percentage is chosen based on historical data, industry benchmarks, and the perceived level of risk associated with the project.
  • Example: For a high-risk project, an allowance of 15-20% of the estimated cost may be appropriate.

1.2. Risk-Based Approach:

  • This method focuses on identifying and quantifying specific risks associated with the project.
  • Each risk is assessed based on its potential impact and likelihood of occurrence.
  • The total allowance is calculated by summing the potential cost associated with each identified risk.
  • Example: Identifying the risk of material price fluctuations, quantifying the potential impact on the project, and assigning a probability of occurrence.

1.3. Parametric Approach:

  • This method uses historical data and statistical analysis to develop relationships between project characteristics and cost variations.
  • These relationships are then applied to the current project to estimate the potential for cost overruns.
  • Example: Using historical data to establish a correlation between project complexity and cost overruns, and applying this correlation to a new project.

1.4. Delphi Technique:

  • This approach involves gathering expert opinions from various stakeholders within the project team.
  • Each expert provides their estimate for the potential cost overrun, and these estimates are then aggregated and analyzed.
  • Example: Conducting a survey of project managers, engineers, and subcontractors to obtain their individual assessments of potential risks and cost overruns.

1.5. Monte Carlo Simulation:

  • This technique utilizes statistical modeling and random sampling to simulate a range of potential project outcomes.
  • The simulation generates a distribution of possible costs, including the expected cost and the probability of exceeding the budget.
  • Example: Running multiple iterations of the simulation with different inputs to obtain a comprehensive understanding of potential cost variations.


The choice of technique for calculating the Estimator's Allowance depends on the specific project requirements, available data, and the level of risk involved. A combination of techniques can often be used to ensure a comprehensive and accurate assessment of potential cost overruns.

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