معجم المصطلحات الفنية مستعمل في Oil & Gas Specific Terms: Eighty-Twenty Rule

Eighty-Twenty Rule

قاعدة 80/20: تبسيط التعقيد في مجال النفط والغاز

قاعدة 80/20، المعروفة أيضًا باسم مبدأ باريتو، هي مفهوم قوي يمكن تطبيقه عبر مختلف الصناعات، بما في ذلك عالم النفط والغاز المعقد. تنص هذه القاعدة، التي نسبت إلى عالم الاجتماع الإيطالي فيلفريدو باريتو، على أن 80٪ من النتائج تنبع من 20٪ من الأسباب. بعبارة أبسط، هذا يعني أن جزءًا كبيرًا من النتائج يمكن أن يُعزى إلى عدد قليل نسبيًا من العوامل.

قاعدة 80/20 في مجال النفط والغاز:

في صناعة النفط والغاز، يمكن تطبيق قاعدة 80/20 بعدة طرق، مما يؤدي إلى تبسيط العمليات وتحسين الكفاءة:

  • الاستكشاف والإنتاج: قد توجد 80٪ من احتياطيات النفط والغاز في 20٪ فقط من مناطق الاستكشاف. هذا يسلط الضوء على أهمية تركيز الموارد على المناطق ذات الاحتمالية العالية.
  • تحسين الإنتاج: قد تُعزى 80٪ من أوقات التوقف عن الإنتاج إلى 20٪ من أعطال المعدات. من خلال التركيز على تلك المكونات الحرجة، يمكن تعظيم جهود الصيانة.
  • صيانة الآبار: قد تكون 80٪ من تكاليف صيانة الآبار مدفوعة بـ 20٪ من الآبار. تحديد تلك الآبار ذات الصيانة العالية يسمح بالتدخلات المستهدفة وتوفير التكاليف.
  • إدارة خطوط الأنابيب: قد تنشأ 80٪ من تسربات خطوط الأنابيب من 20٪ من مقاطع خطوط الأنابيب. يمكن استخدام هذه المعرفة لتحديد أولويات عمليات التفتيش والصيانة.
  • السلامة والامتثال البيئي: قد يكون 80٪ من حوادث السلامة ناتجة عن 20٪ من الأنشطة التشغيلية. تحليل هذه الأنشطة يسمح بتخفيف المخاطر المستهدفة وتدريب السلامة.

فوائد تطبيق قاعدة 80/20 في مجال النفط والغاز:

  • تخصيص الموارد: من خلال تحديد العوامل الأكثر تأثيرًا، يمكن تخصيص الموارد بشكل أكثر فعالية، مما يضمن أعلى عائد على الاستثمار.
  • تحسين الكفاءة: يمكن أن يؤدي التركيز على عناصر "القليل الحيوية" إلى تقليل أوقات دورة العمل وتقليل التكاليف التشغيلية.
  • خفض المخاطر: من خلال فهم الأسباب الجذرية للمشكلات، يمكن للشركات تخفيف المخاطر بشكل استباقي وتقليل أوقات التوقف عن العمل.
  • تحسين صنع القرار: توفر قاعدة 80/20 إطارًا لترتيب أولويات القرارات والتركيز على الجوانب الأكثر أهمية لأي مشروع أو عملية.

موانع قاعدة 80/20:

بينما يمكن أن تكون قاعدة 80/20 أداة قوية، من المهم تذكر أنها مبدأ عام وقد لا تصح دائمًا بدقة. يمكن أن تتقلب النسبة الفعلية، وقد تتغير عوامل "القليل الحيوية" مع مرور الوقت.


توفر قاعدة 80/20 إطارًا قيمًا لتحليل العمليات المعقدة واتخاذ القرارات الاستراتيجية في صناعة النفط والغاز. من خلال فهم العوامل الأساسية التي تدفع النتائج الأكثر أهمية، يمكن للشركات تحسين عملياتها، وتقليل التكاليف، وتحسين السلامة والأداء البيئي. بينما لا تعتبر حلاً مضمونًا، تُعد قاعدة 80/20 عدسة قوية يمكن من خلالها تحليل وتحسين كفاءة عمليات النفط والغاز.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: The 80/20 Rule in Oil & Gas

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What does the 80/20 rule, also known as the Pareto Principle, state?

a) 80% of effort produces 20% of results. b) 80% of results are caused by 20% of factors. c) 20% of effort produces 80% of results. d) 20% of results are caused by 80% of factors.


b) 80% of results are caused by 20% of factors.

2. How can the 80/20 rule be applied in oil and gas exploration?

a) Focusing exploration efforts on areas with the highest potential for oil and gas reserves. b) Utilizing 80% of available resources for exploration and 20% for production. c) Prioritizing the exploration of 80% of known oil and gas fields. d) Maintaining 80% of exploration activity while reducing production by 20%.


a) Focusing exploration efforts on areas with the highest potential for oil and gas reserves.

3. What is a potential benefit of applying the 80/20 rule to well maintenance?

a) Increased production by focusing on high-maintenance wells. b) Decreased downtime by prioritizing maintenance on critical wells. c) Reduced maintenance costs by ignoring low-maintenance wells. d) Elimination of all well maintenance issues.


b) Decreased downtime by prioritizing maintenance on critical wells.

4. How can the 80/20 rule help improve safety and environmental compliance in the oil and gas industry?

a) Ignoring 20% of potentially hazardous activities. b) Investing only in 20% of safety training programs. c) Identifying and mitigating risks associated with the most common safety incidents. d) Reducing environmental impact by focusing on 80% of operational activities.


c) Identifying and mitigating risks associated with the most common safety incidents.

5. What is a potential limitation of the 80/20 rule?

a) It is not applicable to the oil and gas industry. b) It can be difficult to identify the "vital few" factors in complex systems. c) The 80/20 ratio is always fixed and does not change over time. d) It can only be used for resource allocation and not for risk mitigation.


b) It can be difficult to identify the "vital few" factors in complex systems.

Exercise: Applying the 80/20 Rule

Scenario: A drilling company is facing high maintenance costs due to frequent equipment failures. The company wants to use the 80/20 rule to identify the root causes of these failures and prioritize maintenance efforts.


  1. Identify the "vital few" equipment components: Analyze recent maintenance records to identify the 20% of equipment components responsible for 80% of failures.
  2. Develop a plan for targeted maintenance: Based on the identified components, create a plan to focus maintenance efforts on these critical parts, including preventative maintenance schedules and early detection strategies.
  3. Assess the potential benefits: Consider the potential benefits of implementing this strategy, including reduced downtime, lower maintenance costs, and improved safety.


Vital few components: Drilling rig pumps, hydraulic systems, and control panels.

Targeted maintenance plan: Implement rigorous preventative maintenance schedules for these specific components, including regular inspections, fluid changes, and component testing. Invest in advanced monitoring systems to detect early signs of wear and tear.

Exercice Correction

This exercise doesn't have a single correct answer as it focuses on applying the 80/20 rule to a specific scenario. However, the student should be able to: 1. **Identify vital few components:** Based on provided data (maintenance records), they should identify the top 20% of components leading to 80% of failures. 2. **Develop a plan:** The plan should be focused on the identified critical components, including specific maintenance tasks, frequencies, and potentially advanced monitoring systems. 3. **Assess potential benefits:** This should include potential reduction in downtime, maintenance costs, and improved safety due to proactively addressing the most frequent failure points.


  • The 80/20 Principle: The Secret to Achieving More with Less by Richard Koch: This seminal book details the 80/20 Rule and its applications across various fields, including business management. It's a great starting point for understanding the concept.
  • The Lean Startup by Eric Ries: This book, while not directly focused on oil & gas, emphasizes the importance of prioritizing and focusing on the key drivers of success, a principle aligned with the 80/20 Rule.
  • The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business by Charles Duhigg: This book explores how habits drive success and failure, and how understanding those patterns can lead to improvements. The 80/20 Rule can be applied to identify high-impact habits in an organization.


  • "The 80/20 Rule: How to Apply the Pareto Principle to Improve Your Business" by Forbes: This article provides a general overview of the 80/20 rule and its application in business. It can be a good starting point for understanding the basic concept.
  • "The 80/20 Rule: A Simple Tool for Improving Your Life and Business" by Entrepreneur: This article delves into the 80/20 Rule and how it can be used to improve efficiency, productivity, and focus.
  • "How the 80/20 Rule Can Help You Maximize Your Oil and Gas Exploration Efforts" by Oil and Gas Journal (Search for similar titles): While this specific article may not exist, it's a good example of the type of search to perform for articles specifically addressing the 80/20 Rule in the oil & gas industry. Search for relevant keywords on reputable oil and gas journals.

Online Resources

  • Pareto Principle (80/20 Rule) on Wikipedia: This article provides a comprehensive overview of the 80/20 Rule, its history, and its various applications.
  • "80/20 Rule: The Power of Focus" by MindTools: This website offers a detailed explanation of the 80/20 rule, its benefits, and how to implement it effectively in different areas of life and work.

Search Tips

  • Use Specific Keywords: Combine keywords like "80/20 rule", "Pareto Principle", "oil & gas", "exploration", "production", "maintenance", "safety", "efficiency" to refine your search results.
  • Filter by Date: This can help you find more recent and relevant articles.
  • Utilize Advanced Operators: Use "+" to include specific words in your search (e.g., "80/20 rule + oil + gas + exploration") or "-" to exclude words (e.g., "80/20 rule - business - general").
  • Search Specific Websites: Use "site:website.com" to narrow your search to a specific website like Oil and Gas Journal or a specific industry organization.
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Wolfgang Purser
on 21 أغسطس، 2024 at 10:24 ص

Hi tidjma.tn administrator, Your posts are always a great source of knowledge.
