تخطيط وجدولة المشروع

Discontinuous Activity

فهم الأنشطة المتقطعة في إدارة مشاريع النفط والغاز

في عالم إدارة مشاريع النفط والغاز سريع الوتيرة والمعقد، نادراً ما تسير الأنشطة بشكل خطي تماماً. غالباً ما تُعطل الجداول الزمنية بسبب ظروف غير متوقعة، أو تأخيرات في المعدات، أو قيود في الموارد. لمواجهة هذه الانقطاعات التي لا مفر منها، غالباً ما يستخدم مديرو المشاريع تقنية جدولة تُعرف باسم **الأنشطة المتقطعة**.

**ما هي الأنشطة المتقطعة؟**

يسمح النشاط المتقطع، في جوهره، بوجود فترات راحة أو فجوات في تنفيذ مهمة ما. على عكس الأنشطة المستمرة التي تسير دون انقطاع، يمكن إيقاف النشاط المتقطع واستئنافه لاحقاً. السمة الرئيسية للنشاط المتقطع هي أن **الفترة الزمنية بين تاريخي البدء والانتهاء قد تتجاوز مدتها الفعلية**. هذه المرونة ضرورية لإدارة التبعيات وضمان بقاء الجدول الزمني العام للمشروع على المسار الصحيح.

**لماذا استخدام الأنشطة المتقطعة؟**

هناك العديد من الأسباب التي تجعل استخدام الأنشطة المتقطعة ضروريًا في مشاريع النفط والغاز:

  • إدارة التبعيات: تسمح الأنشطة المتقطعة بجدولة فعالة للمهام المترابطة. على سبيل المثال، قد يتأخر تشغيل حفر البئر بسبب الحاجة إلى معدات متخصصة. من خلال تحديد الحفر كنشاط متقطع، يمكن لمدير المشروع استيعاب تأخير المعدات دون تعطيل المهام الأخرى المتعلقة به، مثل تحضير الموقع أو الخدمات اللوجستية.
  • توفر الموارد: تُمكن الأنشطة المتقطعة من تحسين استخدام الموارد. إذا لم تكن طاقم عمل معين أو معدات متاحة لفترة معينة، يمكن إيقاف النشاط مؤقتاً حتى تصبح الموارد متاحة. يضمن هذا استخدام الموارد بكفاءة ويمنع حدوث فترات توقف غير ضرورية.
  • القيود الجوية: غالباً ما تتأثر عمليات النفط والغاز بظروف الطقس. تسمح الأنشطة المتقطعة بإيقاف العمل أثناء الطقس السيئ واستئنافه بمجرد تحسن الظروف. وهذا يقلل من التأخيرات المحتملة والمخاطر المتعلقة بالسلامة المرتبطة بالعمل في ظروف غير مناسبة.
  • الموافقات التنظيمية: قد يستغرق الحصول على التصاريح والموافقات اللازمة وقتًا كبيرًا. يمكن للأنشطة المتقطعة استيعاب هذه التأخيرات، مما يسمح للمشروع بالمضي قدمًا في المهام الأخرى أثناء انتظار الموافقة التنظيمية.


تخيل مشروع بناء خط أنابيب. يعتمد نشاط "وضع خط الأنابيب" على نشاط "إزالة الممر". إذا تأخر عملية إزالة الممر بسبب مخاوف بيئية، يمكن تعريف نشاط وضع خط الأنابيب على أنه متقطع. يسمح هذا ببدء وضع خط الأنابيب لاحقًا مع ضمان بقاء الجدول الزمني العام للمشروع متماشياً مع نشاط إزالة الممر.

الاعتبارات الأساسية:

على الرغم من أن الأنشطة المتقطعة توفر المرونة، من الضروري مراعاة ما يلي:

  • التواصل الواضح: ضمان فهم جميع أصحاب المصلحة لطبيعة النشاط المتقطعة أمر ضروري لتجنب سوء الفهم.
  • تقديرات مدة دقيقة: يجب تقدير مدة النشاط المتقطع بعناية، مع مراعاة الانقطاعات والتأخيرات المحتملة.
  • المراقبة المنتظمة: يحتاج مديرو المشاريع إلى مراقبة تقدم الأنشطة المتقطعة عن كثب لضمان استمرارها وفقًا للخطة ومعالجة أي انقطاعات بشكل فوري.


تُعد الأنشطة المتقطعة أداة قيمة لإدارة مشاريع النفط والغاز المعقدة. من خلال السماح بحدوث الانقطاعات والتأخيرات، توفر المرونة اللازمة لمواجهة التحديات غير المتوقعة والحفاظ على جدول زمني متماسك للمشروع. ومع ذلك، فإن التخطيط السليم والتواصل والمراقبة ضرورية لضمان التنفيذ الناجح لهذه التقنية في الجدولة.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Discontinuous Activities in Oil & Gas Project Management

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the key characteristic of a discontinuous activity?

a) It proceeds without interruption.


Incorrect. Discontinuous activities are defined by their ability to be paused and resumed.

b) Its duration is always less than the interval between its start and finish dates.

Incorrect. The interval between start and finish dates can be longer than the actual duration of the activity.

c) It is always used for critical path tasks.

Incorrect. Discontinuous activities can be used for various tasks, not just critical path tasks.

d) The interval between the start and finish dates can exceed its actual duration.

Correct! Discontinuous activities allow for gaps in execution.

2. Which of the following is NOT a reason to use discontinuous activities in oil and gas projects?

a) Managing dependencies between tasks.


Incorrect. Discontinuous activities are useful for managing dependencies.

b) Optimizing resource availability.

Incorrect. Discontinuous activities help optimize resource utilization.

c) Ensuring all activities are completed in a continuous manner.

Correct! Discontinuous activities are designed to allow for interruptions, not continuous execution.

d) Managing weather-related delays.

Incorrect. Discontinuous activities help manage weather delays.

3. Which of the following is a key consideration when using discontinuous activities?

a) Using only continuous activities for critical tasks.


Incorrect. The type of activity should be chosen based on its characteristics, not just its criticality.

b) Avoiding communication with stakeholders about the activity's nature.

Incorrect. Clear communication about discontinuous activities is crucial.

c) Regularly monitoring the progress of the activity.

Correct! Monitoring discontinuous activities is essential for ensuring they progress as planned.

d) Ignoring potential interruptions and delays.

Incorrect. Potential interruptions and delays must be considered when planning discontinuous activities.

4. In a well drilling project, the "Wellhead Installation" activity is dependent on the "Drilling Completion" activity. If the "Drilling Completion" activity is delayed due to equipment issues, how can discontinuous activities help manage this situation?

a) The "Wellhead Installation" activity should be scheduled as a continuous activity to ensure it starts immediately after the "Drilling Completion" activity is finished.


Incorrect. This would lead to delays and potentially wasted resources.

b) The "Wellhead Installation" activity should be defined as a discontinuous activity, allowing it to be paused until the "Drilling Completion" activity is completed.

Correct! This allows the project to continue other tasks while waiting for the equipment.

c) The "Drilling Completion" activity should be prioritized and expedited, regardless of the cost.

Incorrect. Expediting the "Drilling Completion" activity might not be the most efficient solution.

d) The "Wellhead Installation" activity should be canceled until the "Drilling Completion" activity is finished.

Incorrect. This would lead to unnecessary delays and potential cost overruns.

5. Which statement best describes the value of discontinuous activities in oil and gas project management?

a) Discontinuous activities allow project managers to ignore delays and continue working on other tasks.


Incorrect. Discontinuous activities help manage delays, not ignore them.

b) Discontinuous activities eliminate the need for accurate duration estimates.

Incorrect. Accurate duration estimates are still crucial, even with discontinuous activities.

c) Discontinuous activities ensure a linear and predictable project schedule.

Incorrect. Discontinuous activities are designed to accommodate non-linear project schedules.

d) Discontinuous activities provide flexibility and adaptability to manage unforeseen challenges.

Correct! Discontinuous activities offer flexibility and help maintain a cohesive project schedule.



You are managing a pipeline construction project. The activity "Laying Pipeline" is dependent on the activity "Clearing Right-of-Way." The "Clearing Right-of-Way" activity is expected to take 6 weeks. However, there is a high probability that it could be delayed due to environmental permitting issues. The "Laying Pipeline" activity is expected to take 4 weeks.


  1. Define the "Laying Pipeline" activity as a discontinuous activity. Explain your reasoning.
  2. Identify potential delays that could impact the "Laying Pipeline" activity.
  3. Develop a plan to manage these potential delays.

Exercice Correction

Here's a possible solution to the exercise:

1. **Define the "Laying Pipeline" activity as a discontinuous activity.**

Reasoning: The "Laying Pipeline" activity is dependent on the "Clearing Right-of-Way," which could be delayed due to permitting issues. By defining "Laying Pipeline" as a discontinuous activity, we can allow for a gap in execution to accommodate the potential delay in the "Clearing Right-of-Way." This will prevent unnecessary downtime and resource idle time while waiting for the right-of-way to be cleared.

2. **Potential Delays:**

  • Environmental permitting delays
  • Unexpected environmental discoveries requiring further assessment
  • Weather delays
  • Equipment availability issues

3. **Plan to Manage Delays:**

  • **Communication:** Regularly communicate with stakeholders about the discontinuous nature of the "Laying Pipeline" activity and potential delays. Provide updates on the progress of the "Clearing Right-of-Way" and the expected start date for "Laying Pipeline."
  • **Contingency Planning:** Develop contingency plans for each potential delay. For example, if weather delays are anticipated, have backup equipment and crews ready to continue work in favorable conditions. If permitting delays are expected, explore alternative routes or methods for clearing the right-of-way.
  • **Resource Allocation:** Monitor resource availability and allocate resources efficiently to ensure they are available when needed. This might involve temporarily assigning resources to other tasks while waiting for the "Clearing Right-of-Way" to be completed.
  • **Monitoring:** Closely monitor the progress of both the "Clearing Right-of-Way" and the "Laying Pipeline" activities to identify potential delays early and take corrective action.


  • Project Management for Oil and Gas: A Practical Guide by David L. Paradowski (This book covers various aspects of project management in the oil and gas industry, including scheduling and the use of discontinuous activities).
  • The PMP Exam Study Guide: The Complete Guide to Passing the PMP Exam by Rita Mulcahy (This comprehensive guide for the Project Management Professional exam touches upon scheduling methodologies, including discontinuous activities).
  • Construction Project Management: A Practical Guide by John R. Schuyler (This book covers project management techniques applicable to construction projects, including the concept of discontinuous activities).


  • "Discontinuous Activities: A Powerful Tool for Managing Complex Projects" by [Your Name] (This article can be written by you, providing a detailed explanation of discontinuous activities and their applications in oil and gas projects).
  • "The Use of Discontinuous Activities in Oil and Gas Project Scheduling" by [Author Name] (You can find articles by searching for this keyword phrase on online databases like ScienceDirect or JSTOR).
  • "Managing Project Delays with Discontinuous Activities" by [Author Name] (Similar to the previous article, you can search for articles related to managing delays and the role of discontinuous activities).

Online Resources

  • Project Management Institute (PMI): The PMI website offers resources on various project management topics, including scheduling and the use of discontinuous activities.
  • AACE International: This organization focuses on cost engineering and project management. Their website might have resources related to scheduling techniques, including discontinuous activities.
  • Oil and Gas Journal: This industry publication might feature articles discussing project management practices in the oil and gas sector, which could include information on discontinuous activities.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Combine keywords like "discontinuous activities," "oil and gas project management," "scheduling," and "project delays" to narrow down your search.
  • Include quotation marks: Use quotation marks around specific phrases like "discontinuous activities" to find exact matches.
  • Use Boolean operators: Employ operators like "AND," "OR," and "NOT" to refine your search. For example, "discontinuous activities AND oil AND gas AND project management" would return results related to all these keywords.


Chapter 1: Techniques for Managing Discontinuous Activities

This chapter delves into the specific techniques used to effectively manage discontinuous activities in oil & gas projects.

1.1 Calendar-Based Scheduling:

  • Concept: This technique utilizes project management software to set specific start and end dates for the discontinuous activity, taking into account the anticipated breaks or interruptions.
  • Example: If a well drilling activity is scheduled to start on June 1st but is expected to be interrupted for two weeks due to equipment delivery, the software can be used to schedule the activity to resume on June 15th.
  • Pros: Offers clear visual representation of the activity's duration, breaks, and dependencies.
  • Cons: Requires accurate prediction of break duration, which can be challenging.

1.2 Milestone-Based Scheduling:

  • Concept: This technique focuses on key milestones within the discontinuous activity, rather than continuous duration.
  • Example: Instead of defining the entire well drilling activity as a discontinuous activity, it can be broken down into milestones: "Rig Setup", "Initial Drilling", "Equipment Replacement", "Final Drilling". Each milestone can be scheduled with defined start and end dates.
  • Pros: Provides flexibility in managing individual phases within the activity.
  • Cons: Requires meticulous planning and coordination across different teams involved in each milestone.

1.3 Contingency Buffering:

  • Concept: Incorporating buffer periods within the schedule to account for potential disruptions or delays in discontinuous activities.
  • Example: When scheduling a pipeline laying activity, a buffer of two weeks can be added after the "Right-of-Way Clearing" milestone to accommodate potential delays.
  • Pros: Offers a safety net for unexpected interruptions.
  • Cons: Can lead to overestimated project durations if buffers are not managed carefully.

1.4 Resource Allocation Optimization:

  • Concept: Adjusting resource allocation based on the planned start and end dates of discontinuous activities.
  • Example: If a specific crew is required for a discontinuous activity, their availability should be planned around the activity's schedule, minimizing idle time during breaks.
  • Pros: Enhances resource efficiency and reduces overall project costs.
  • Cons: Requires accurate resource planning and communication with different teams.

1.5 Communication & Collaboration:

  • Concept: Maintaining clear communication between all stakeholders involved in the discontinuous activity, including project managers, engineers, and contractors.
  • Example: Regularly updating stakeholders on the activity's progress, anticipated breaks, and any potential disruptions.
  • Pros: Promotes transparency and minimizes misunderstandings.
  • Cons: Requires dedicated effort to ensure consistent communication and updates.

By combining these techniques, project managers can effectively manage discontinuous activities in oil & gas projects, mitigating risks and ensuring project success.

Chapter 2: Models for Discontinuous Activity Analysis

This chapter focuses on various models that can be used to analyze discontinuous activities in oil & gas projects, providing insights for efficient planning and risk management.

2.1 Critical Path Method (CPM):

  • Concept: CPM analyzes the entire project schedule, identifying critical activities that impact the overall project duration. Discontinuous activities are factored into the calculation, allowing for accurate project timelines.
  • Example: CPM can determine the impact of a delayed "Equipment Delivery" milestone on the critical path of a well drilling project.
  • Pros: Helps identify critical activities and potential delays, facilitating effective resource allocation.
  • Cons: Requires detailed understanding of activity dependencies and accurate duration estimates.

2.2 Monte Carlo Simulation:

  • Concept: This probabilistic model simulates the project schedule multiple times, considering potential variations in activity durations, including those affected by discontinuous activities.
  • Example: Simulating the well drilling project under different scenarios, accounting for potential delays in "Equipment Delivery" and "Weather Conditions".
  • Pros: Provides insights into potential project completion ranges and identifies critical areas for risk mitigation.
  • Cons: Requires significant data and statistical analysis expertise.

2.3 Network Diagram:

  • Concept: Visual representation of the project schedule, depicting the dependencies between activities, including discontinuous activities.
  • Example: A network diagram can illustrate the relationship between "Right-of-Way Clearing" and "Pipeline Laying", where the latter is a discontinuous activity dependent on the former.
  • Pros: Provides a clear visual representation of the project's dependencies and allows for easy identification of potential bottlenecks.
  • Cons: Can become complex for large projects with numerous activities.

2.4 Gantt Chart:

  • Concept: A visual representation of the project schedule, highlighting start and end dates of each activity, including discontinuous activities.
  • Example: A Gantt chart can display the planned start and end dates of a discontinuous "Well Completion" activity, taking into account the anticipated downtime for equipment maintenance.
  • Pros: Offers a simple and intuitive overview of the project schedule.
  • Cons: Lacks detailed information on activity dependencies and critical path analysis.

By utilizing these models, project managers can analyze the impact of discontinuous activities on the overall project schedule, identify potential risks, and develop effective mitigation strategies.

Chapter 3: Software Solutions for Managing Discontinuous Activities

This chapter explores software solutions specifically designed to manage discontinuous activities in oil & gas projects, offering various functionalities to streamline scheduling and optimize resource allocation.

3.1 Primavera P6:

  • Key Features: Offers robust scheduling capabilities, including support for discontinuous activities, resource allocation, and critical path analysis. Provides functionalities for managing project dependencies and tracking progress.
  • Benefits: Streamlines project scheduling, facilitates resource optimization, and enhances communication between project teams.
  • Drawbacks: Can be complex to learn and implement, requiring specialized training for users.

3.2 Microsoft Project:

  • Key Features: User-friendly project management software with basic support for discontinuous activities, calendar-based scheduling, and resource allocation.
  • Benefits: Easy to use and learn, making it suitable for smaller projects or those with limited budget constraints.
  • Drawbacks: Lacks advanced features like Monte Carlo simulations or complex dependency tracking.

3.3 Oracle Primavera Cloud:

  • Key Features: Cloud-based project management solution with functionalities for managing discontinuous activities, collaboration tools, and real-time project tracking.
  • Benefits: Provides accessibility from various devices, facilitates real-time collaboration, and offers customizable features for specific project needs.
  • Drawbacks: Requires internet connectivity, potentially limiting use in remote areas with limited network access.

3.4 Other Specialized Software:

  • Key Features: Several niche software solutions are specifically designed for oil & gas projects, offering features tailored to managing discontinuous activities, such as weather forecasting, equipment management, and regulatory compliance.
  • Benefits: Provides advanced tools and functionalities for specific project needs, optimizing efficiency and risk management.
  • Drawbacks: May have limited compatibility with other software solutions and require specific expertise for implementation.

Choosing the appropriate software solution depends on project size, budget constraints, and specific requirements for managing discontinuous activities. It's crucial to evaluate different options and select one that best fits the needs of the oil & gas project.

Chapter 4: Best Practices for Managing Discontinuous Activities

This chapter outlines crucial best practices for effectively managing discontinuous activities in oil & gas projects, minimizing risks and maximizing project success.

4.1 Accurate Duration Estimates:

  • Key Principle: Thoroughly assess and estimate the duration of each phase of the discontinuous activity, taking into account potential interruptions and delays.
  • Implementation: Utilize historical data, industry benchmarks, and expert opinions to refine duration estimates. Conduct sensitivity analysis to assess potential impact of variations in duration.

4.2 Clear Communication and Documentation:

  • Key Principle: Ensure transparent communication and clear documentation of the discontinuous activity's schedule, potential disruptions, and mitigation strategies.
  • Implementation: Utilize project management software to share schedule updates, document key milestones, and disseminate information to all stakeholders. Develop clear communication protocols for reporting progress and potential disruptions.

4.3 Risk Assessment and Mitigation:

  • Key Principle: Proactively identify potential risks associated with discontinuous activities and develop contingency plans for addressing them.
  • Implementation: Conduct a comprehensive risk assessment, identifying potential interruptions like weather delays, equipment failure, and regulatory approvals. Develop specific mitigation strategies for each risk, including alternative resources and timelines.

4.4 Flexible Scheduling and Resource Allocation:

  • Key Principle: Utilize flexible scheduling techniques like calendar-based scheduling, milestone-based scheduling, and resource allocation optimization to accommodate disruptions.
  • Implementation: Incorporate buffer periods within the schedule to account for potential delays. Prioritize resource allocation based on the schedule of discontinuous activities, maximizing efficiency and minimizing downtime.

4.5 Monitoring and Control:

  • Key Principle: Regularly monitor the progress of discontinuous activities, ensuring they are progressing as planned and addressing any disruptions promptly.
  • Implementation: Establish clear monitoring protocols, tracking key milestones and performance indicators. Conduct regular status meetings with project teams to discuss progress, challenges, and potential adjustments to the schedule.

By implementing these best practices, project managers can effectively manage discontinuous activities, minimizing risks, optimizing resource utilization, and ultimately achieving project success.

Chapter 5: Case Studies: Discontinuous Activities in Action

This chapter presents real-world case studies illustrating the successful implementation of discontinuous activity management techniques in oil & gas projects.

5.1 Offshore Platform Construction Project:

  • Challenge: The construction of an offshore platform was significantly impacted by severe weather conditions.
  • Solution: The project manager utilized discontinuous activity scheduling to define specific "Weather Windows" for critical tasks like installation and welding. This allowed for the project to progress efficiently during favorable weather conditions, minimizing delays and maximizing productivity.

5.2 Pipeline Installation Project:

  • Challenge: The installation of a new pipeline was disrupted due to unforeseen geological challenges and regulatory approvals.
  • Solution: The project manager adopted a combination of calendar-based scheduling and milestone-based scheduling, incorporating buffer periods for anticipated delays. This flexibility allowed for the project to accommodate the disruptions without impacting the overall completion date.

5.3 Well Drilling Project:

  • Challenge: Equipment delays and unexpected maintenance issues significantly impacted the well drilling project's schedule.
  • Solution: Utilizing a network diagram and CPM analysis, the project manager identified critical activities and allocated resources efficiently, prioritizing equipment maintenance during scheduled downtime. This allowed for the project to maintain a steady pace despite the interruptions.

These case studies showcase the importance of managing discontinuous activities effectively, leveraging various techniques to optimize resource utilization, mitigate risks, and ultimately achieve project success within oil & gas projects.

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