معجم المصطلحات الفنية مستعمل في Reservoir Engineering: Demonstrated


"مُثبت" في مجال النفط والغاز: أكثر من مجرد إظهار

يحمل مصطلح "مُثبت" في صناعة النفط والغاز ثقلًا يتجاوز مجرد "إظهار" وجود شيء ما. فهو يدل على حقيقة **مُثبتة ومُؤكدة** ، مدعومة بأدلة صارمة وسجلات موثقة.

في سياق احتياطيات النفط والغاز ، تُعد الاحتياطيات "المُثبتة" تلك التي تم التحقيق فيها بدقة وتأكيدها من خلال:

  • الحفر الاستكشافي والتقييم: يشمل ذلك حفر الآبار لجمع البيانات حول وجود الخزان وحجمه وجودته.
  • الدراسات الجيولوجية والجيوفزيائية: تُستخدم هذه الدراسات تقنيات مثل المسوحات الزلزالية لفهم بنية باطن الأرض واحتمالية وجود تراكمات الهيدروكربونات.
  • التقييمات الهندسية: تتضمن هذه المرحلة تحليلاً مفصلاً للخزان ، بما في ذلك ضغط الخزان وخصائص السوائل ومعدلات الإنتاج ، لتحديد حجم الهيدروكربونات القابلة للاستخراج.

لماذا يهم "المُثبت"؟

  • التقارير المالية والتقييم: يعتمد المستثمرون والمقرضون على تصنيف الاحتياطيات كـ "مُثبتة" لاتخاذ قرارات مستنيرة. تُمثل الاحتياطيات المُثبتة مستوى أعلى من اليقين مقارنةً بالاحتياطيات "المحتملة" أو "الممكنة" ، مما يجعلها أكثر جاذبية للاستثمار.
  • تخطيط الموارد وإدارتها: تستخدم شركات النفط والغاز تقديرات الاحتياطيات المُثبتة للتخطيط لمشاريع التطوير المستقبلية وتحديد أهداف الإنتاج وإدارة أصولها بشكل فعال.
  • الامتثال للوائح: تتطلب العديد من الولايات القضائية من الشركات الإبلاغ عن احتياطياتها باستخدام نظام تصنيف موحد ، بما في ذلك الاحتياطيات "المُثبتة". يضمن ذلك الشفافية والمساءلة في الصناعة.

يمكن تصنيف الاحتياطيات "المُثبتة" إلى:

  • الاحتياطيات المؤكدة: تشير هذه الفئة إلى أعلى مستوى من اليقين ، حيث يتم بالفعل إنتاج الاحتياطيات أو تم إنتاجها في الماضي.
  • الاحتياطيات المحتملة: تُعد هذه الاحتياطيات محتملة الإنتاج ، بناءً على البيانات التاريخية والدراسات الجيولوجية والهندسية المستمرة.

"مُثبت" - حجر الزاوية للثقة:

في صناعة النفط والغاز ، يُعد مصطلح "مُثبت" مؤشرًا رئيسيًا على اليقين والموثوقية. يضمن للمستثمرين والمنظمين وأصحاب المصلحة اتخاذ قرارات مستنيرة بناءً على أدلة قوية وموارد مُثبتة. يلعب هذا التمييز دورًا حاسمًا في تشكيل الاستقرار المالي واستدامة قطاع النفط والغاز على المدى الطويل.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: "Demonstrated" in Oil & Gas

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What does the term "demonstrated" signify in the oil and gas industry?

a) A potential resource that may exist but hasn't been confirmed. b) A proven and established fact backed by rigorous evidence. c) A resource that is currently being produced. d) A preliminary estimate of the resource's size and quality.


b) A proven and established fact backed by rigorous evidence.

2. Which of the following is NOT a method used to confirm "demonstrated" reserves?

a) Exploration and appraisal drilling. b) Geological and geophysical studies. c) Financial analysis of the company's stock price. d) Engineering evaluations.


c) Financial analysis of the company's stock price.

3. Why is the "demonstrated" classification of reserves important for investors?

a) It helps them understand the company's marketing strategy. b) It provides a more accurate picture of the company's financial health. c) It allows them to assess the likelihood of future production and profit. d) Both b) and c).


d) Both b) and c).

4. What is the highest level of certainty in the classification of "demonstrated" reserves?

a) Probable reserves. b) Possible reserves. c) Proven reserves. d) Confirmed reserves.


c) Proven reserves.

5. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of using "demonstrated" reserves for resource planning and management?

a) Enhanced transparency and accountability in the industry. b) More accurate production target setting. c) More effective asset management. d) Increased reliance on speculation and guesswork.


d) Increased reliance on speculation and guesswork.


Scenario: You are a financial analyst evaluating two oil and gas companies, Company A and Company B. Both companies have reported significant reserves, but Company A classifies its reserves as "demonstrated", while Company B only mentions "possible" reserves.


  1. Explain to a potential investor why the classification of reserves matters in this case.
  2. Which company would you recommend investing in, and why?

Exercice Correction

1. **Explanation to Investor:** The classification of reserves is crucial because it reflects the level of certainty about the existence and recoverability of the oil and gas resources. "Demonstrated" reserves indicate that the resource has been thoroughly investigated and proven, while "possible" reserves imply a lower level of certainty and greater risk. 2. **Investment Recommendation:** Given the information, I would recommend investing in Company A. The classification of their reserves as "demonstrated" suggests a higher level of confidence in the resource's existence and potential for production. This translates to a lower risk for investors and a higher likelihood of profitable returns. Company B, with only "possible" reserves, presents a higher risk due to the uncertainty surrounding the actual resource volume and recoverability.


  • Petroleum Engineering Handbook: This comprehensive handbook covers all aspects of oil and gas exploration, production, and reservoir engineering, including reserve estimation and classification.
  • The Economics of Oil and Gas: This book delves into the financial aspects of the industry, emphasizing the importance of reserve classification for valuation and investment decisions.
  • Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) publications: The SPE offers a wide range of technical publications on various topics related to oil and gas, including reserve estimation and reporting.


  • "Reserve Classification and Reporting" by Society of Petroleum Engineers: This article provides a detailed overview of the different categories of reserves and the criteria used to define them.
  • "Demonstrated Reserves: The Cornerstone of Oil and Gas Investment" by Oil and Gas Journal: This article explores the importance of demonstrated reserves for investors and the impact of their classification on financial decisions.
  • "The Evolution of Reserve Classification in the Oil and Gas Industry" by SPE: This article traces the historical development of reserve classification and its implications for the industry.

Online Resources

  • Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE): The SPE website offers a vast library of technical resources, including publications, presentations, and training materials related to oil and gas reserves and reserve classification.
  • The Oil & Gas Journal: This industry publication provides daily news, analysis, and technical articles on various aspects of the oil and gas sector, including reserve estimations.
  • U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC): The SEC website provides regulations and guidance on the reporting of oil and gas reserves by public companies.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords like "oil and gas reserves classification," "demonstrated reserves," "proven reserves," and "probable reserves."
  • Combine keywords with specific geographic locations or companies to narrow your search.
  • Use quotation marks to find exact phrases, e.g., "demonstrated reserves" to find results that contain the exact phrase.
  • Filter your search results by date, file type, or other criteria to refine your search.
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