معجم المصطلحات الفنية مستعمل في General Technical Terms: Capability Survey

Capability Survey

دراسة القدرات: فحص دقيق للمشتري يتجاوز نطاق المشروع

في عالم الأعمال، حيث الشراكات والتعاونات حاسمة للنجاح، فإن فهم قدرات شريك محتمل أمر أساسي. دراسة القدرات هي عملية منهجية يستخدمها المشترون لتقييم قدرة البائع الإجمالية وملاءمته، دون الرجوع إلى أي مشروع محدد. يساعد هذا الفحص الدقيق الاستباقي المشترين على اتخاذ قرارات مدروسة، مما يضمن اختيارهم شريكًا قادرًا على الوفاء بوعوده وتلبية احتياجاتهم على المدى الطويل.

ما وراء نطاق المشروع:

على عكس طلبات العروض (RFP) أو طلبات الأسعار (RFQ) التقليدية التي تركز على مشاريع محددة، تتجاوز دراسة القدرات نطاق المشروع الفوري. تهدف إلى تقديم صورة شاملة لقدرات البائع، واستكشاف:

  • الخبرة الفنية: ما هي كفاءاتهم الأساسية؟ ما هي التقنيات التي يتخصصون فيها؟ ما هو سجل مشاريعهم الناجحة؟
  • القدرة التشغيلية: هل لديهم الموارد والقوى العاملة والبنية التحتية اللازمة للتعامل مع المشاريع واسعة النطاق؟ كيف يديرون المخاطر ويضمنون مراقبة الجودة؟
  • الاستقرار المالي: ما هي صحتهم المالية؟ هل هم شريك موثوق به؟
  • التوافق الثقافي: هل قيمهم وأسلوبهم في التواصل متسق معك؟ هل يتشاركون رؤيتك وأهدافك؟

فوائد دراسة القدرات:

  • تخفيض المخاطر: من خلال فهم قدرات البائع قبل الالتزام بمشروع، يمكن للمشترين تقليل المخاطر المرتبطة باختيار شريك غير مؤهل.
  • اتخاذ قرارات مدروسة: توفر الدراسة رؤى قيمة حول نقاط القوة والضعف لدى البائع، مما يسمح للمشترين باتخاذ قرارات أكثر دراية.
  • شراكات استراتيجية: تساعد دراسة القدرات على تحديد الشركاء المحتملين على المدى الطويل الذين يمكنهم تلبية احتياجات العمل المتطورة.
  • تحسين التواصل: عملية الدراسة نفسها تعزز التواصل المفتوح والشفافية، وبناء الثقة بين المشتري والبائع.

إجراء دراسة القدرات:

يمكن إجراء دراسات القدرات من خلال طرق مختلفة، بما في ذلك:

  • استبيانات منظمة: استخدام أسئلة محددة مسبقًا لجمع بيانات موحدة حول قدرات البائع.
  • المقابلات: إجراء مقابلات متعمقة مع الموظفين الرئيسيين للحصول على فهم أعمق لعمليات البائع وخبرته.
  • زيارات الموقع: زيارة مقر البائع لملاحظة بنيته التحتية ومرافقه وبيئة العمل.
  • دراسات الحالة: مراجعة مشاريع البائع السابقة وشهادات العملاء لتقييم أدائه وسجله.


تعتبر دراسة القدرات أداة لا غنى عنها للمشترين الذين يبحثون عن بناء شراكات استراتيجية وضمان نجاح مشاريعهم. من خلال تجاوز نطاق المشروع الفوري وتقييم قدرات البائع الإجمالية، يمكن للمشترين اتخاذ قرارات مدروسة، وتخفيف المخاطر، وتأمين شريك موثوق به على المدى الطويل.

Test Your Knowledge

Capability Survey Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary purpose of a Capability Survey?

a) To determine the cost of a specific project. b) To assess a seller's overall capacity and suitability beyond a specific project. c) To negotiate the terms of a contract. d) To evaluate a seller's marketing materials.


b) To assess a seller's overall capacity and suitability beyond a specific project.

2. Which of the following is NOT typically included in a Capability Survey?

a) Technical expertise b) Operational capacity c) Financial stability d) Project timeline


d) Project timeline

3. What is a significant benefit of conducting a Capability Survey?

a) Reduced project costs b) Faster project completion c) Reduced risk of choosing an unqualified partner d) Increased marketing opportunities


c) Reduced risk of choosing an unqualified partner

4. Which method can be used to conduct a Capability Survey?

a) Sending a mass email to potential sellers b) Reviewing a seller's website c) Conducting in-depth interviews with key personnel d) All of the above


d) All of the above

5. What is the main goal of exploring the cultural fit between buyer and seller in a Capability Survey?

a) Ensuring the project team shares the same language. b) Identifying potential conflicts of interest. c) Assessing alignment in values and communication styles for a successful partnership. d) Determining if the project budget aligns with the seller's expectations.


c) Assessing alignment in values and communication styles for a successful partnership.

Capability Survey Exercise

Scenario: You are a buyer looking for a software development company to build a custom application for your business. You need to assess the capabilities of two potential companies, "Tech Titans" and "Code Crusaders".


  1. Identify three key areas you would focus on when conducting a Capability Survey for each company.
  2. Suggest a specific question for each area you identified.
  3. Explain why these questions would be relevant to your decision-making process.


  • Area: Technical Expertise
  • Question: "What specific programming languages and frameworks does your team specialize in? Provide examples of successful projects utilizing these technologies."
  • Relevance: This question assesses the company's ability to deliver a high-quality solution within the required technical specifications.

Exercise Correction

Here's a sample solution, remember there are various ways to approach this exercise!

Tech Titans:

  1. Area: Technical Expertise

    • Question: "Can you provide details on your experience with developing applications in [Specify your application type, e.g., mobile apps, web applications, etc.]? Please share examples of similar projects you've delivered for other clients."
    • Relevance: This question directly assesses their expertise in your desired area and allows you to evaluate the quality of their previous work.
  2. Area: Operational Capacity

    • Question: "How do you manage project timelines and resources for complex software development projects? Can you describe your project management methodology?"
    • Relevance: This question helps understand their process for handling project complexity, ensuring they can deliver on time and within budget.
  3. Area: Cultural Fit

    • Question: "What is your company's approach to client communication and collaboration? How do you handle feedback and changes during the development process?"
    • Relevance: This question evaluates their communication style and responsiveness, which are crucial for a smooth and successful partnership.

Code Crusaders:

  1. Area: Financial Stability

    • Question: "Could you provide information about your company's financial health and any past funding rounds you've participated in? Are you currently involved in any large-scale projects that might impact your availability?"
    • Relevance: Understanding their financial status ensures they are stable and capable of handling your project's scope and potential future collaborations.
  2. Area: Operational Capacity

    • Question: "What is your company's approach to quality assurance and testing during the development process? Can you share your procedures for ensuring code security and stability?"
    • Relevance: This question focuses on their commitment to quality and addresses the importance of robust testing for your application's success.
  3. Area: Technical Expertise

    • Question: "How does your company stay updated with the latest technological advancements in software development? Do you participate in any industry conferences or training programs for your team?"
    • Relevance: This question assesses their commitment to continuous improvement and their ability to integrate emerging technologies, ensuring your application remains relevant and future-proof.


  • "The Procurement Handbook: A Guide to Effective Procurement Management" by John G. Danziger: This comprehensive guide covers various procurement aspects, including due diligence and vendor selection. It discusses the importance of assessing vendor capabilities and provides practical tips.
  • "Strategic Sourcing: The Art and Science of Procurement" by David W. Burt: This book dives into strategic sourcing techniques, highlighting the importance of assessing supplier capabilities and building long-term partnerships.
  • "The Complete Guide to Procurement: A Comprehensive Guide for Procurement Professionals" by Robert M. Monczka, Robert Handfield, Larry Giunipero, and John Trent: This book covers a broad range of procurement topics, including vendor assessment and capability surveys.


  • "Vendor Due Diligence: A Critical Step in Procurement" by Supply Chain Management Review: This article provides an overview of vendor due diligence, including the importance of assessing vendor capabilities and financial stability.
  • "Capability Survey: A Strategic Approach to Vendor Assessment" by Procurement Leaders: This article explains the importance of capability surveys and provides a framework for conducting them effectively.
  • "Beyond the RFP: Using Capability Surveys to Find the Right Partner" by Forbes: This article discusses the advantages of using capability surveys over traditional RFPs and provides insights into their implementation.

Online Resources

  • The Procurement Institute: This website offers a wealth of resources and articles on procurement best practices, including vendor assessment and capability surveys.
  • The Institute for Supply Management (ISM): ISM provides resources and information on various supply chain management aspects, including vendor selection and capability assessment.
  • The American Society for Quality (ASQ): ASQ offers resources and articles on quality management, which includes vendor assessment and supplier quality control.

Search Tips

  • "Capability survey" + "due diligence": This search will provide articles and resources focused on capability surveys as a due diligence tool.
  • "Vendor assessment" + "capability survey": This search will uncover articles and resources that explain the use of capability surveys for vendor evaluation.
  • "Capability survey" + "framework": This search will help you find frameworks and templates for conducting capability surveys.
  • "Capability survey" + "questions": This search will return lists of questions that can be used in a capability survey.
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