تخطيط وجدولة المشروع

Activity Oriented

تخطيط يركز على النشاط: التركيز على "كيف" وليس فقط "ماذا"

في عالم تخطيط المشاريع والجدولة، تكمن قرارات مهمة في اختيار النهج الصحيح. من بين الأساليب الشهيرة تخطيط يركز على النشاط، وهو استراتيجية تعطي الأولوية للمهام الفردية (الأنشطة) المطلوبة لتحقيق أهداف المشروع، بدلاً من التركيز على المعالم أو الأحداث المحددة.

ما الذي يميز تخطيط يركز على النشاط؟

يؤكد تخطيط يركز على النشاط على تقسيم المشروع إلى مكوناته الدقيقة - الإجراءات الفردية اللازمة لتحريك المشروع للأمام. يوفر هذا النهج العديد من المزايا:

  • فهم دقيق: يوفر فهمًا دقيقًا لكل مهمة، وتبعياتها، والموارد المطلوبة، والمخاطر المحتملة.
  • دقة أكبر: يسمح التركيز على الأنشطة بتقديرات أكثر دقة للوقت والتكلفة وتخصيص الموارد، مما يؤدي إلى إدارة أفضل للمشروع بشكل عام.
  • مرونة وقابلية للتكيف: من خلال تقسيم المشروع إلى أنشطة قابلة للإدارة، تصبح التعديلات أسهل في التنفيذ إذا نشأت تغييرات غير متوقعة.
  • تحسين التواصل: تُعزز قائمة الأنشطة المفصلة التواصل الواضح بين أعضاء الفريق، مما يضمن أن يكون الجميع على دراية بمسؤولياتهم وكيفية مساهمة مهامهم في الصورة الأكبر.

كيف يعمل في الممارسة؟

إليك مثال مبسط لتوضيح تخطيط يركز على النشاط في العمل:

تخيل مشروعًا لبناء موقع ويب. بدلاً من مجرد تحديد المشروع باسم "تطوير موقع ويب"، فإن تخطيط يركز على النشاط سيقوم بتقسيمه إلى:

  • النشاط 1: تصميم هيكل الموقع وتخطيطه.
  • النشاط 2: تطوير محتوى الموقع.
  • النشاط 3: ترميز الواجهة الأمامية للموقع.
  • النشاط 4: ترميز الواجهة الخلفية للموقع.
  • النشاط 5: اختبار الموقع وإصلاح الأخطاء.
  • النشاط 6: نشر الموقع.

ستُعرّف كل نشاط بمهام محددة، وتقديرات مدتها، وتخصيص الموارد، والتبعيات المحتملة. يسمح هذا المستوى من التفاصيل بمراقبة أفضل، وتخصيص الموارد، والتحكم العام في المشروع.

التحديات والاعتبارات

على الرغم من فعاليته، فإن تخطيط يركز على النشاط له اعتبارات خاصة به:

  • التعقيد: يمكن أن تصبح إدارة عدد كبير من الأنشطة معقدة، مما يتطلب أدوات تخطيط مخصصة ومديري مشاريع مهرة.
  • التزام الوقت: إن إنشاء قائمة تفصيلية للأنشطة قد يكون مستهلكًا للوقت، خاصةً للمشاريع الكبيرة والمعقدة.
  • نطاق محدود: قد يتجاهل التركيز فقط على الأنشطة الصورة الأكبر والأهداف الاستراتيجية للمشروع.


تخطيط يركز على النشاط هو أداة قوية للمشاريع التي تتطلب تنظيمًا دقيقًا وفهمًا قويًا للمهام الفردية. من خلال إعطاء الأولوية للأنشطة، يمكن للفريق تحقيق دقة أكبر، ومرونة أكبر، وتواصل أفضل، مما يمهد الطريق لتنفيذ المشروع بنجاح. ومع ذلك، من المهم الموازنة بين مزايا هذا النهج وتحدياته وتحديد ملاءمته للمشروع المحدد في متناول اليد.

Test Your Knowledge

Activity-Oriented Planning Quiz:

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary focus of activity-oriented planning? a) Defining milestones and events b) Breaking down the project into individual tasks c) Analyzing project risks and dependencies d) Setting project budgets and timelines


b) Breaking down the project into individual tasks

2. Which of these is NOT an advantage of activity-oriented planning? a) Improved communication among team members b) Reduced project complexity c) Increased accuracy in estimations d) Greater flexibility and adaptability


b) Reduced project complexity

3. In activity-oriented planning, how are activities defined? a) By their estimated duration b) By their assigned resources c) By their dependencies on other activities d) All of the above


d) All of the above

4. Which of these is a potential challenge of activity-oriented planning? a) Lack of detailed information about project tasks b) Difficulty in tracking progress and performance c) Increased time commitment for planning d) Limited opportunities for communication


c) Increased time commitment for planning

5. Activity-oriented planning is most suitable for projects that require: a) Quick completion timelines b) Minimal resource allocation c) High levels of precision and detail d) Flexibility and adaptability


c) High levels of precision and detail

Activity-Oriented Planning Exercise:

Scenario: You are managing a project to develop a new mobile application. The project goals include:

  • Designing a user-friendly interface
  • Developing the application's core features
  • Testing the application on various devices
  • Deploying the application on app stores

Task: Create a detailed activity list for this project. Include at least 5 activities, with specific tasks, estimated durations, assigned resources (e.g., developers, designers), and potential dependencies.

Exercice Correction

Here's a possible activity list: | Activity | Tasks | Estimated Duration | Resources | Dependencies | |---|---|---|---|---| | Activity 1: Design the User Interface | - Create wireframes and mockups | 2 weeks | 2 Designers | N/A | | | - Conduct usability testing | 1 week | 1 UX Researcher | Activity 1: Create wireframes and mockups | | Activity 2: Develop Core Features | - Build backend logic and APIs | 4 weeks | 3 Developers | Activity 1: Design the User Interface | | | - Implement front-end functionality | 4 weeks | 3 Developers | Activity 2: Build backend logic and APIs | | Activity 3: Test Application | - Test on various devices (iOS, Android) | 2 weeks | 2 Testers | Activity 2: Implement front-end functionality | | | - Perform security testing | 1 week | 1 Security Expert | Activity 3: Test on various devices | | Activity 4: Prepare for Deployment | - Create app store listings | 1 week | 1 Marketing Manager | Activity 3: Perform security testing | | | - Finalize app icon and screenshots | 1 week | 1 Designer | Activity 4: Create app store listings | | Activity 5: Deploy Application | - Submit app to App Store | 1 week | 1 Project Manager | Activity 4: Finalize app icon and screenshots | | | - Submit app to Google Play Store | 1 week | 1 Project Manager | Activity 5: Submit app to App Store |


  • Project Management: A Systems Approach to Planning, Scheduling, and Controlling by Harold Kerzner: This comprehensive book covers various project management methodologies, including activity-oriented planning.
  • Effective Project Management: Traditional, Agile, and Hybrid Approaches by Jeffrey K. Pinto: This book explores various approaches to project management, highlighting the importance of activity-based planning.
  • Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) by Project Management Institute: This widely accepted standard in project management outlines the principles and practices of activity-oriented planning in its "Schedule Management" knowledge area.


  • Activity-Based Planning: A Practical Guide to Project Management by Paul Bergman: This article provides a detailed overview of activity-oriented planning, covering its advantages, challenges, and implementation strategies.
  • The Importance of Activity-Oriented Planning in Project Management by Sarah Jones: This article discusses the benefits of using activity-oriented planning to improve project efficiency, communication, and control.
  • Activity-Based Planning vs. Milestone-Based Planning: Which is Right for Your Project? by Michael Smith: This article compares and contrasts activity-oriented planning with milestone-based planning, helping you determine the best approach for your specific project.

Online Resources

  • Project Management Institute (PMI): This organization offers a wealth of information on project management, including resources on activity-oriented planning and other methodologies.
  • *MindTools: * This website provides practical advice and tools for personal and professional development, including articles and resources on project management techniques, including activity-oriented planning.
  • ProjectManagement.com: This website offers various articles, tools, and resources for project managers, including information on activity-oriented planning and its applications.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords like "activity-oriented planning," "activity-based planning," "work breakdown structure," and "project management methodologies."
  • Combine keywords with "advantages," "challenges," "examples," "implementation," and "best practices" for a more focused search.
  • Utilize quotation marks around keywords to find exact matches.
  • Use advanced search operators like "site:pmi.org" or "site:projectmanagement.com" to narrow down your search to specific websites.


Chapter 1: Techniques for Activity-Oriented Planning

Activity-oriented planning relies on several key techniques to effectively break down projects into manageable activities and ensure smooth execution. These techniques aim to create a detailed and comprehensive understanding of the project's workflow.

1. Work Breakdown Structure (WBS): The cornerstone of activity-oriented planning, the WBS decomposes the project into smaller, more manageable components. It's a hierarchical representation, starting with the overall project goal and progressively breaking it down into sub-projects, tasks, and finally, individual activities. Effective WBS creation involves iterative decomposition, ensuring clarity and avoiding ambiguity.

2. Precedence Diagramming Method (PDM): PDM visually represents the dependencies between activities. It uses nodes to represent activities and arrows to show the sequential relationships (finish-to-start, start-to-start, finish-to-finish, start-to-finish). This clarifies the order of execution and identifies critical paths, which are sequences of activities that determine the shortest possible project duration.

3. Activity Definition: This crucial step involves clearly defining each activity. This goes beyond simply naming the activity; it requires specifying the activity's purpose, deliverables, inputs, outputs, and resource requirements. Ambiguous descriptions should be avoided to ensure everyone understands the scope of each activity.

4. Resource Allocation: Identifying and assigning the necessary resources (personnel, equipment, materials) to each activity is essential. This ensures that resources are available when needed and prevents bottlenecks. Techniques like resource leveling and smoothing can be employed to optimize resource utilization.

5. Time Estimation: Accurate estimation of the duration of each activity is critical for realistic scheduling. Various techniques, such as expert judgment, three-point estimation (optimistic, most likely, pessimistic), and historical data analysis, can be used to improve the accuracy of time estimations.

Chapter 2: Models for Activity-Oriented Planning

Several models support activity-oriented planning, providing frameworks for organizing and visualizing the project's activities and their relationships.

1. Gantt Charts: A popular visual representation of a project schedule, Gantt charts show activities as horizontal bars, with their lengths representing their durations. Dependencies are shown through the positioning of the bars. Gantt charts are effective for tracking progress and identifying potential delays.

2. Network Diagrams (CPM/PERT): These diagrams, based on PDM, visually represent the dependencies between activities in a network format. Critical Path Method (CPM) and Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) use network diagrams to identify the critical path and assess the project's overall duration and potential risks.

3. Kanban Boards: While not strictly a planning model, Kanban can be effectively used for managing activities in an activity-oriented approach. Activities are represented as cards on a Kanban board, moving through different stages (e.g., To Do, In Progress, Done). This offers a visual workflow and facilitates agile management of activities.

4. Agile Methodologies (Scrum, XP): Agile methods inherently focus on iterative development and managing tasks (activities) within sprints. While not exclusively activity-oriented, they incorporate principles that complement this approach by breaking down large projects into smaller, manageable units.

Chapter 3: Software for Activity-Oriented Planning

Several software tools facilitate activity-oriented planning, automating tasks and enhancing efficiency.

1. Project Management Software: Tools like Microsoft Project, Asana, Trello, Jira, and Monday.com offer features for creating WBS, defining activities, assigning resources, tracking progress, and generating reports. They often incorporate Gantt charts and other visual aids.

2. Spreadsheet Software: Spreadsheets (e.g., Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets) can be used to create simple activity lists, track progress, and manage resources. However, they lack the advanced features of dedicated project management software for large or complex projects.

3. Specialized Planning Software: Software specifically designed for critical path analysis and network diagram creation offers advanced features for complex project scheduling and risk assessment.

4. Collaboration Platforms: Tools like Slack, Microsoft Teams, and Google Workspace enhance communication and collaboration amongst team members involved in activity-oriented planning. These facilitate real-time updates and information sharing.

Chapter 4: Best Practices for Activity-Oriented Planning

Effective implementation of activity-oriented planning requires adherence to certain best practices:

1. Clear Definition of Scope: Begin with a well-defined project scope to ensure that all necessary activities are identified.

2. Collaboration and Communication: Establish clear communication channels and involve team members in the planning process to ensure buy-in and accurate activity definition.

3. Iterative Refinement: Recognize that initial plans are unlikely to be perfect. Embrace iterative refinement based on feedback and progress monitoring.

4. Realistic Time Estimation: Avoid overly optimistic time estimations. Employ appropriate estimation techniques and include buffer time to account for unexpected delays.

5. Regular Monitoring and Control: Track progress regularly against the planned activities. Identify and address deviations promptly.

6. Risk Management: Identify and assess potential risks associated with each activity and develop mitigation strategies.

7. Documentation: Maintain thorough documentation of activities, dependencies, resources, and progress. This ensures transparency and facilitates knowledge transfer.

Chapter 5: Case Studies in Activity-Oriented Planning

To demonstrate the practical application of activity-oriented planning, here are two hypothetical examples:

Case Study 1: Website Development: A team uses a WBS to break down website development into stages (design, content creation, front-end development, back-end development, testing, deployment). Each stage is further divided into specific activities with assigned resources and timelines. A Gantt chart visualizes the schedule, highlighting the critical path and potential dependencies. Regular progress meetings monitor adherence to the plan.

Case Study 2: Construction Project: A construction project uses a network diagram to depict the sequence of activities, identifying the critical path (foundation, framing, electrical work, plumbing, etc.). PDM highlights dependencies (e.g., framing cannot begin before the foundation is complete). Resource allocation considers the availability of skilled labor, equipment, and materials. Regular progress reports identify any potential delays, allowing for corrective actions. This detailed approach minimized disruptions and delivered the project on time and within budget. The use of a project management software facilitated effective tracking and collaboration among team members.

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تخطيط وجدولة المشروع
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