معجم المصطلحات الفنية مستعمل في Lifting & Rigging: Shot Hole (completions)

Shot Hole (completions)

ثقب الإنفجار: أداة قوية لتحفيز الإنتاج في مجال النفط والغاز

في عالم استكشاف وإنتاج النفط والغاز، يعتبر تعظيم استخراج الهيدروكربونات أمرًا بالغ الأهمية. تُعد تقنية **إكمال ثقب الإنفجار** إحدى التقنيات المستخدمة لتحسين إنتاجية الآبار، وهي طريقة تستخدم انفجارات مُتحكم بها لإنشاء مسارات لتدفق السوائل داخل الخزان.

ما هو ثقب الإنفجار؟

ثقب الإنفجار هو ببساطة بئر يتم فيه تفجير متفجرات مُتحكم بها، عادةً النتروجليسرين. يؤدي هذا الانفجار إلى إنشاء شبكة من الشقوق في الصخور المحيطة، مما يزيد من مساحة السطح التي تتلامس مع البئر ويسهل تدفق النفط أو الغاز.

كيف يعمل:

  1. الحفر: يتم حفر بئر متخصص في صخور الخزان، عادةً عند عمق وجود التكوين المطلوب.
  2. وضع الشحنة المتفجرة: يتم وضع كمية مُحددة بدقة من المتفجرات، مثل النتروجليسرين، في ثقب الإنفجار.
  3. التفجير: يتم تفجير المتفجرات، مما يخلق موجة صدمية تُكسر الصخور المحيطة.
  4. انتشار الشقوق: تمتد الشقوق إلى الخارج من ثقب الإنفجار، مما يُشكل شبكة معقدة من المسارات لتدفق السوائل.
  5. إكمال البئر: بعد إنشاء ثقب الإنفجار، يتم إكمال البئر بطريقة تقليدية، مع تركيب الأنابيب والغطاء والمعدات الأخرى لتسهيل الإنتاج.

فوائد إكمال ثقب الإنفجار:

  • زيادة الإنتاجية: تؤدي زيادة مساحة السطح وتحسين مسارات التدفق التي تُنشأها ثقوب الإنفجار إلى تحسين معدل إنتاج البئر بشكل كبير.
  • زيادة اتصال الخزان: يمكن للانفجارات إنشاء شقوق تمتد إلى أبعد في الخزان، مما يزيد من كمية النفط أو الغاز التي يمكن الوصول إليها.
  • خفض التكاليف: يمكن أن يكون إكمال ثقب الإنفجار وسيلة فعالة من حيث التكلفة لزيادة الإنتاج، حيث يمكن أن يكون أرخص من طرق التحفيز الأخرى.


  • السلامة: تتطلب عمليات ثقب الإنفجار وجود موظفين مدربين تدريباً عالياً وبروتوكولات سلامة صارمة لتقليل المخاطر.
  • التأثير البيئي: يجب تقييم التأثير المحتمل على البيئة وتخفيفه بعناية من خلال التخطيط والتنفيذ المسؤولين.
  • ملاءمة التكوين: لا يُناسب إكمال ثقب الإنفجار جميع التكوينات. يجب مراعاة نوع الصخور وضغط التكوين والعوامل الأخرى.


يُعد إكمال ثقب الإنفجار أداة قيمة في صناعة النفط والغاز، حيث يُقدم وسيلة قوية لتحفيز إنتاج الآبار. هذه التقنية، عند تنفيذها بعناية ودراية، يمكن أن تُحسّن بشكل كبير من الوصول إلى الخزان وتحسين استخراج الهيدروكربونات. ومع ذلك، من الضروري إعطاء الأولوية للسلامة وتقليل التأثير البيئي وضمان ملاءمة التقنية للتكوين الجيولوجي المحدد.

Test Your Knowledge

Shot Hole Completion Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary purpose of shot hole completion?

a) To create a new wellbore.


Incorrect. Shot hole completion is used to enhance existing wellbores, not create new ones.

b) To increase the flow of oil or gas from a well.


Correct! Shot holes create pathways for fluid flow, enhancing well productivity.

c) To seal off unwanted zones in a well.


Incorrect. This is typically done with cementing or other well completion techniques.

d) To measure the pressure in a reservoir.


Incorrect. Pressure measurements are taken with other tools and techniques.

2. What type of explosive is commonly used in shot hole completion?

a) Dynamite


Incorrect. While dynamite is an explosive, it's not typically used for shot hole completion.

b) Nitroglycerin


Correct! Nitroglycerin is a common explosive used in shot hole completion.

c) Gunpowder


Incorrect. Gunpowder is not suitable for the controlled fracturing required for shot hole completion.

d) Propane


Incorrect. Propane is a flammable gas, not an explosive.

3. What is a major benefit of shot hole completion compared to other stimulation methods?

a) It can be used in any formation type.


Incorrect. Shot hole completion is not suitable for all formation types.

b) It has no environmental impact.


Incorrect. Like any well stimulation technique, shot hole completion has potential environmental considerations.

c) It can be a cost-effective method to increase production.


Correct! Shot hole completion can be a more economical option compared to some other stimulation methods.

d) It guarantees a significant increase in production.


Incorrect. While shot hole completion can significantly improve production, it doesn't guarantee a specific increase.

4. Which of the following is a crucial safety consideration for shot hole completion?

a) Using the right type of drill bit.


Incorrect. While the drill bit is important, safety concerns are much broader.

b) Ensuring proper well casing installation.


Incorrect. This is a general well completion concern, not specific to shot hole completion.

c) Training and expertise of personnel handling explosives.


Correct! Proper training is essential for safe handling of explosives.

d) Avoiding the use of hydraulic fracturing in the same well.


Incorrect. While there may be considerations regarding combined stimulation techniques, this isn't the primary safety concern for shot holes.

5. What is a key factor to consider regarding the suitability of shot hole completion?

a) The depth of the well.


Incorrect. While depth can influence well completion decisions, it's not the determining factor for shot hole suitability.

b) The type of rock formation.


Correct! The rock type and its properties are crucial for assessing shot hole effectiveness.

c) The number of existing wells in the area.


Incorrect. This doesn't directly impact the suitability of shot hole completion.

d) The price of oil and gas.


Incorrect. While market prices can influence economic decisions, they don't dictate the suitability of a stimulation method.

Shot Hole Completion Exercise

Problem: A company is considering using shot hole completion in a newly drilled well. The reservoir is a sandstone formation with good porosity but low permeability. The company is concerned about the potential environmental impact of the explosives.


  1. Discuss the potential advantages and disadvantages of using shot hole completion in this scenario.
  2. Suggest ways to mitigate the environmental risks associated with shot hole completion.

Exercice Correction


  • Increased permeability: Shot holes can fracture the sandstone, improving permeability and allowing better fluid flow, which could significantly increase production.
  • Cost-effectiveness: In comparison to other stimulation techniques, shot hole completion might be a more economical option for this scenario.


  • Limited effectiveness: While shot holes can improve permeability, they might not be as effective in stimulating a low-permeability formation as other methods like hydraulic fracturing.
  • Environmental impact: The use of explosives can pose potential risks to surrounding ecosystems, including ground and water contamination.

Mitigation Strategies:

  • Careful selection of explosives: Choosing environmentally friendly explosives with minimal residual contaminants.
  • Precise placement of charges: Targeting the explosive placement to maximize fracturing while minimizing damage to surrounding rock.
  • Monitoring and control: Implementing rigorous environmental monitoring before, during, and after the operation to identify and address any potential impacts.
  • Waste management: Proper handling and disposal of explosive residues and associated waste materials to prevent contamination.
  • Community engagement: Informing and involving local communities in the planning and execution of the operation to address their concerns and ensure transparency.


  • Petroleum Engineering Handbook by Tarek Ahmed (Covers well stimulation techniques including shot hole completions)
  • Reservoir Engineering Handbook by John R. Fanchi (Provides comprehensive information on reservoir behavior and stimulation methods)
  • Modern Fracturing Techniques by Michael J. Economides and Kenneth G. Nolte (Focuses on hydraulic fracturing, but includes related techniques like shot hole completions)


  • "Shot Hole Fracturing: A Powerful Tool for Increasing Oil and Gas Production" (This article is not yet published but is an example of the type of article you might find. Search relevant journals like "SPE Journal" and "Journal of Petroleum Technology")
  • "A Review of Stimulation Techniques for Oil and Gas Wells" (This type of article provides an overview of different techniques including shot hole completion)

Online Resources

  • Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE): www.spe.org (Search their database for papers and presentations on shot hole completion)
  • OnePetro: www.onepetro.org (A large database of technical information related to the oil and gas industry)
  • Schlumberger: www.slb.com (Schlumberger is a major oilfield services company, their website has resources on various well completion techniques)
  • Halliburton: www.halliburton.com (Another major oilfield services company, their website offers information on well stimulation and completion)

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Use terms like "shot hole completion," "explosive fracturing," "well stimulation," and "reservoir stimulation" to refine your search results.
  • Include location: If you're interested in specific regions, use terms like "shot hole completion Texas" or "explosive fracturing Gulf of Mexico."
  • Focus on specific types of rocks: Use terms like "shot hole completion sandstone" or "explosive fracturing shale" to target relevant information.
  • Combine keywords: Try combining keywords like "shot hole completion safety," "shot hole completion environmental impact," or "shot hole completion economics" to find specific information.
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