هندسة المكامن

Productivity Index

مؤشر الإنتاجية: مقياس أساسي في إنتاج النفط والغاز

يُعرف **مؤشر الإنتاجية (PI)** أيضًا باسم **مؤشر J**، وهو مقياس أساسي في صناعة النفط والغاز لقياس كفاءة إنتاج البئر. فهو يُحدد كمية الهيدروكربونات التي يُمكن أن ينتجها البئر عند فرق ضغط معين. ببساطة، يُمثل PI **كمية النفط أو الغاز المنتجة لكل وحدة من انخفاض الضغط**.

فهم المفهوم:

تخيل حفرة مفتوحة في خزان، خالية تمامًا من أي عوائق أو أضرار. يُمثل هذا السيناريو المثالي **أقصى إنتاجية محتملة** للخزان. يُمكننا استخدام مؤشر الإنتاجية لمقارنة إنتاجية البئر المُكمل فعليًا بهذا السيناريو المثالي.

حساب PI:

يحسب PI باستخدام الصيغة التالية:

PI = Q / (Pwf - Pres)


  • Q: معدل تدفق النفط أو الغاز (مقاس بالبراميل يوميًا أو الأقدام المكعبة يوميًا)
  • Pwf: ضغط التدفق عند رأس البئر (مقاس بالبوصة المربعة)
  • Pres: ضغط الخزان (مقاس بالبوصة المربعة)

ما الذي يُخبرنا به PI:

يشير PI الأعلى إلى **بئر أكثر كفاءة**، مما يعني أنه يُمكنه إنتاج المزيد من الهيدروكربونات عند انخفاض ضغط معين. تتضمن العوامل التي قد تؤثر على PI ما يلي:

  • خصائص الخزان: نفاذية الخزان، مساميته، وضغطه.
  • تصميم الإكمال: نوع بئر الآبار، الثقوب، تقنيات التحفيز، وأضرار بئر الآبار.
  • معدات الإنتاج: معدات رأس البئر، الأنابيب، وخطوط التدفق.

PI كأداة تشخيصية:

يُعد PI أداة تشخيصية قيمة تُساعد المهندسين على:

  • تقييم فعالية الإكمال: تُوفر مقارنة PI لبئر مُكمل حديثًا بالبيانات التاريخية من آبار مماثلة في نفس الحقل رؤى حول نجاح تصميم الإكمال.
  • مراقبة أداء البئر: يُمكن أن يُشير تتبع PI بمرور الوقت إلى تغييرات في إنتاجية البئر، والتي قد تكون ناجمة عن عوامل مثل استنفاد الخزان أو تلف التكوين أو عطل المعدات.
  • تحسين الإنتاج: من خلال تحليل PI، يُمكن للمهندسين تحديد نقاط الاختناق المحتملة وتنفيذ استراتيجيات لتحسين أداء البئر، مثل علاجات التحفيز أو تنظيف بئر الآبار.

مقارنة مع الحفرة المفتوحة المثالية:

يُمثل سيناريو الحفرة المفتوحة المثالي معيارًا نظريًا لإنتاجية البئر. من خلال مقارنة PI لبئر مُكمل بهذا المثالي، يُمكن للمهندسين تحديد تأثير تصميم الإكمال وتلف بئر الآبار على كفاءة الإنتاج. يشير PI الأقل مقارنة بالحفرة المفتوحة المثالية إلى أن البئر لا يؤدي وظيفته على أكمل وجه، مما يُسلط الضوء على مجالات التحسين.


يُعد مؤشر الإنتاجية معلمة أساسية في صناعة النفط والغاز، حيث يُوفر رؤى قيمة حول أداء البئر ويدعم اتخاذ قرارات تتعلق بتصميم الإكمال وتحسين الإنتاج وإدارة الخزان. من خلال فهم العوامل التي تؤثر على PI واستخدامه كأداة تشخيصية، يُمكن للمشغلين زيادة استخراج الهيدروكربونات وتحسين ربحية آبارهم.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Productivity Index (PI)

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What does the Productivity Index (PI) measure in the oil and gas industry?

a) The volume of oil or gas produced per unit of time. b) The efficiency of a well's production at a specific pressure differential. c) The total amount of oil or gas extracted from a reservoir. d) The cost per barrel of oil or gas produced.


b) The efficiency of a well's production at a specific pressure differential.

2. Which of the following is NOT a factor that can influence the Productivity Index (PI)?

a) Reservoir permeability. b) Wellbore damage. c) Market price of oil or gas. d) Stimulation techniques.


c) Market price of oil or gas.

3. What does a higher Productivity Index (PI) indicate?

a) A less efficient well. b) A well producing more hydrocarbons at a given pressure drop. c) A well with a lower reservoir pressure. d) A well with a higher production cost.


b) A well producing more hydrocarbons at a given pressure drop.

4. How is the Productivity Index (PI) calculated?

a) PI = Q / (Pwf - Pres) b) PI = (Pwf - Pres) / Q c) PI = Q * (Pwf - Pres) d) PI = (Pwf + Pres) / Q


a) PI = Q / (Pwf - Pres)

5. How can the Productivity Index (PI) be used as a diagnostic tool?

a) To determine the best drilling location for a new well. b) To assess the effectiveness of a completion design. c) To predict the future price of oil or gas. d) To measure the environmental impact of oil and gas production.


b) To assess the effectiveness of a completion design.

Exercise: Analyzing Well Performance


A new well has been completed in a reservoir. The following data is available:

  • Flow rate (Q): 1000 barrels per day
  • Wellhead flowing pressure (Pwf): 2000 psi
  • Reservoir pressure (Pres): 3000 psi


  1. Calculate the Productivity Index (PI) for this well.
  2. Compare the PI to the ideal open hole scenario for the same reservoir, where the PI is known to be 2.5 barrels per day per psi.
  3. What insights can you gain from this comparison?
  4. Suggest potential reasons why the PI of the completed well is lower than the ideal open hole.

Exercice Correction

1. Calculation of PI:

PI = Q / (Pwf - Pres) PI = 1000 bpd / (2000 psi - 3000 psi) PI = 1000 bpd / (-1000 psi) PI = -1 bpd/psi

2. Comparison with Ideal Open Hole:

The PI of the completed well (-1 bpd/psi) is significantly lower than the ideal open hole scenario (2.5 bpd/psi).

3. Insights from Comparison:

This comparison indicates that the completed well is not performing at its full potential. The negative PI value suggests that the well is experiencing a pressure drawdown that is too high for the current flow rate.

4. Potential Reasons for Lower PI:

  • Wellbore damage: The completion process may have introduced damage to the wellbore, reducing its permeability and flow capacity.
  • Formation damage: The reservoir formation itself may have been damaged during drilling or completion, affecting its productivity.
  • Incomplete stimulation: The well may not have been adequately stimulated, limiting its ability to flow efficiently.
  • Production equipment limitations: The wellhead equipment, tubing, or flowlines may be restricting the flow of hydrocarbons.


The lower PI compared to the ideal open hole highlights the need for further investigation and potential remediation measures to improve the well's performance and maximize hydrocarbon recovery.


  • Petroleum Engineering: Drilling and Well Completion by A.C. Gringarten and J.R. Dempsey: This comprehensive text covers well completion design and performance, including a detailed explanation of the Productivity Index.
  • Reservoir Simulation by K. Aziz and A. Settari: This book discusses reservoir simulation techniques and how they are used to predict well performance and PI.
  • Well Testing by R.N. Horne: This text provides a detailed analysis of well testing methods and their applications in determining PI.


  • "Productivity Index: A Key Performance Indicator for Oil and Gas Wells" by G.C. McDonald: This article provides a clear explanation of the Productivity Index and its significance in production optimization.
  • "The Productivity Index: A Comprehensive Guide to Interpretation and Applications" by D.M. Anderson: This article covers various aspects of PI, including its calculation, interpretation, and application in well performance analysis.
  • "A Comparative Study of Productivity Index Calculation Methods" by A.R. Shah and S.K. Sharma: This research paper compares different PI calculation methods and their accuracy in various reservoir conditions.

Online Resources

  • SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers): The SPE website offers a wealth of information on well performance, productivity analysis, and related topics.
  • Schlumberger: This industry leader provides comprehensive resources on well completion design, reservoir engineering, and productivity analysis.
  • Halliburton: This company offers technical information on well testing, stimulation techniques, and their impact on PI.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords like "Productivity Index," "J-Index," "Well Performance," "Oil & Gas Production," and "Reservoir Engineering."
  • Combine keywords with location, specific well types, or completion techniques for more targeted results.
  • Use Boolean operators like "AND," "OR," and "NOT" to refine your searches.
  • Explore related keywords like "Flow Rate," "Pressure Drop," "Wellbore Damage," and "Reservoir Characteristics" to uncover additional insights.


Chapter 1: Techniques for Calculating the Productivity Index (PI)

This chapter focuses on various techniques employed in the oil and gas industry to calculate the Productivity Index (PI). These techniques vary depending on the specific conditions and data available for a given well.

1.1 Basic PI Calculation:

The most common and straightforward method for calculating PI is using the formula:

PI = Q / (Pwf - Pres)


  • Q: Flow rate of oil or gas (measured in barrels per day or cubic feet per day)
  • Pwf: Wellhead flowing pressure (measured in psi)
  • Pres: Reservoir pressure (measured in psi)

This technique assumes a constant pressure drop across the wellbore and reservoir, which may not always be accurate in real-world scenarios.

1.2 Multiphase Flow Calculations:

When dealing with multiphase flow (oil, gas, and water), the PI calculation becomes more complex. Specialized software or analytical methods like the "Standing and Katz" method are used to account for the different pressures and flow rates of each phase.

1.3 Decline Curve Analysis (DCA):

DCA is a valuable technique to estimate future production based on historical flow rate data. This analysis can be used to derive the PI for different production periods and assess changes in well performance over time.

1.4 Well Test Analysis:

Well tests are designed to measure reservoir characteristics and flow behavior under controlled conditions. This data can be used to calculate PI and estimate the reservoir's maximum potential production.

1.5 Simulation Software:

Advanced reservoir simulation software can model the complex flow dynamics in a reservoir, including the impact of wellbore damage and production conditions. This allows engineers to accurately calculate PI and predict future well performance.

1.6 Importance of Data Quality:

Accurate PI calculation relies heavily on the quality of available data, including flow rate, pressure, and reservoir parameters. Ensuring data consistency and validation is crucial for obtaining reliable PI values.

1.7 Limitations of PI Calculation:

It's important to note that the PI is a simplified metric and does not account for all factors influencing well productivity. Factors such as reservoir heterogeneity, formation damage, and wellbore configuration can significantly affect PI and require specialized analysis.

1.8 Conclusion:

Selecting the appropriate PI calculation technique depends on the specific well conditions and available data. By considering these factors and employing appropriate methodologies, engineers can accurately assess and monitor well productivity, leading to more effective reservoir management and production optimization.

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