معجم المصطلحات الفنية مستعمل في Drilling & Well Completion: PBTD


PBTD: فهم مفتاح التخلي عن الآبار بكفاءة

في صناعة النفط والغاز، عمق الإغلاق الكلي (PBTD) هو مصطلح أساسي مرتبط بالتخلي عن الآبار وإعادة دخولها. إنه يشير إلى النقطة في بئر الآبار حيث يتم وضع سدادة لعزل قسم من البئر. هذه العملية حيوية لعدة أسباب، بما في ذلك:

1. السلامة وحماية البيئة: تمنع سدادة أقسام البئر تدفق النفط أو الغاز أو السوائل غير المنضبطة إلى البيئة، مما يضمن السلامة ويحمي الموارد القيمة.

2. تحسين الإنتاج المستقبلي: يتيح PBTD إعادة دخول البئر وإعادة إكمالها، مما يسمح بإنتاج الهيدروكربونات من مناطق مختلفة أو حقن السوائل لتحسين الاستخلاص.

3. إدارة سلامة الآبار: تعمل السدادات كحواجز، تمنع هجرة السوائل بين مناطق مختلفة من البئر، مما يحافظ على سلامة البئر ويمنع احتمالية عدم استقرار بئر الآبار.

فهم PBTD في العمل:

تخيل بئر تم حفره للوصول إلى مناطق إنتاجية متعددة. بعد استخراج الهيدروكربونات من منطقة واحدة، قد يتم سد البئر إلى عمق ضحل للوصول إلى منطقة أخرى. تعمل نقطة PBTD هذه كحاجز، تعزل المنطقة التي تم إنتاجها سابقًا وتسمح بإنتاج الهيدروكربونات من الهدف الجديد.

العوامل المؤثرة على PBTD:

  • عمق المنطقة المستهدفة: سيتم تحديد PBTD بواسطة عمق منطقة الإنتاج الجديدة.
  • سلامة بئر الآبار: يجب تقييم حالة بئر الآبار لمعرفة المخاطر المحتملة المتعلقة بالسدادة.
  • اللوائح البيئية: قد تؤثر متطلبات التنظيم على وضع السدادات و PBTD.

فوائد PBTD:

  • زيادة الإنتاجية: تسمح إعادة الدخول وإعادة الإكمال التي تمكنها PBTD باستخدام البنية التحتية الحالية بكفاءة، مما يزيد من إنتاجية المناطق المختلفة.
  • إدارة الآبار الاقتصادية: يساعد PBTD في تجنب الحاجة إلى آبار جديدة والتكاليف المرتبطة بها، مما يجعل العمليات أكثر اقتصادية.
  • الحد من التأثير البيئي: من خلال منع التدفق غير المنضبط وضمان سلامة البئر، يساهم PBTD في عمليات النفط والغاز المستدامة.


يلعب PBTD دورًا حاسمًا في عمليات النفط والغاز الآمنة والكفؤة والمسؤولة بيئيًا. من خلال فهم هذا المصطلح الأساسي، يمكن للمهنيين التخطيط لعمليات التخلي عن الآبار وإعادة دخولها وتنفيذها بكفاءة، مما يزيد من استرداد الموارد ويقلل من المخاطر البيئية.

Test Your Knowledge


Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What does PBTD stand for?

(a) Plug Back Total Depth (b) Production Back Total Depth (c) Plugged Back to Depth (d) Partial Back to Depth


(a) Plug Back Total Depth

2. What is the primary purpose of a plug placed at the PBTD?

(a) To prevent the flow of oil and gas into the wellbore. (b) To isolate a section of the wellbore. (c) To enhance the production rate of the well. (d) To increase the pressure within the wellbore.


(b) To isolate a section of the wellbore.

3. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of PBTD?

(a) Increased productivity (b) Cost-effective well management (c) Increased environmental impact (d) Reduced environmental impact


(c) Increased environmental impact

4. What is a key factor that determines the PBTD?

(a) The depth of the previous production zone. (b) The depth of the new production zone. (c) The diameter of the wellbore. (d) The type of fluids being produced.


(b) The depth of the new production zone.

5. Why is PBTD crucial for well abandonment?

(a) It allows for the efficient removal of all equipment from the well. (b) It ensures that the well is permanently sealed and prevents environmental contamination. (c) It enables the well to be reused for other purposes. (d) It helps to reduce the cost of well abandonment.


(b) It ensures that the well is permanently sealed and prevents environmental contamination.

PBTD Exercise


A well has been drilled to a total depth of 5,000 meters. It has successfully produced hydrocarbons from a zone located at 3,000 meters. The operator decides to re-enter the well and target a new production zone at 2,000 meters.


  1. Determine the PBTD for this scenario.
  2. Explain why it is necessary to plug back the well to the PBTD before accessing the new production zone.

Exercice Correction

1. The PBTD in this scenario would be 2,000 meters. This is because the new production zone is located at that depth, and a plug needs to be placed to isolate the previously produced zone at 3,000 meters. 2. It is necessary to plug back the well to the PBTD because:

  • **Safety and Environmental Protection:** The plug isolates the previously produced zone, preventing uncontrolled flow of hydrocarbons and fluids into the environment.
  • **Well Integrity:** The plug acts as a barrier, preventing the migration of fluids between the two zones, maintaining the integrity of the wellbore and preventing potential instability.
  • **Future Production Optimization:** Plugging back allows for the efficient production from the new target zone without interference from the previously produced zone.


  • "Well Abandonment: Principles and Practice" by R.J. D'Elia (Society of Petroleum Engineers) - Offers a comprehensive guide to well abandonment practices, including detailed explanations of PBTD and its applications.
  • "Oil and Gas Well Engineering: Design and Operation" by John M. Campbell (Elsevier) - Covers various aspects of well engineering, including well abandonment procedures and the importance of PBTD in maintaining well integrity.
  • "Petroleum Engineering Handbook" by Tarek Ahmed (Elsevier) - Provides an extensive overview of petroleum engineering principles, including sections on well abandonment and plugging techniques.


  • "Plug-back operations: A cost-effective way to access new reservoirs" by J.P. Smith (Oil & Gas Journal) - Discusses the advantages of plug-back operations and the role of PBTD in optimizing well performance.
  • "Well abandonment and plugging: A review of regulatory requirements and industry best practices" by A.B. Jones (SPE Journal) - Examines regulatory frameworks and industry standards related to well abandonment, highlighting the importance of PBTD in ensuring environmental protection.
  • "Understanding the role of PBTD in maximizing well life and production" by K.L. Brown (World Oil) - Explores the benefits of PBTD in extending well life, improving production efficiency, and enhancing reservoir management.

Online Resources

  • Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE): https://www.spe.org/ - Access numerous technical papers, research studies, and industry guidelines related to well abandonment, PBTD, and other oil and gas operations.
  • American Petroleum Institute (API): https://www.api.org/ - Offers industry standards, recommendations, and technical documents related to well abandonment practices, including PBTD.
  • Environmental Protection Agency (EPA): https://www.epa.gov/ - Provides information on environmental regulations related to oil and gas operations, including well abandonment requirements and PBTD considerations.
  • National Oil and Gas Environmental Remediation Research Institute (NOGERI): https://www.nogeri.org/ - Offers research, data, and best practices related to oil and gas well abandonment, including insights into PBTD.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords like "PBTD," "plug back total depth," "well abandonment," and "re-entry" in your search queries.
  • Combine keywords with relevant industry terms like "oil and gas," "production," and "reservoir management" to refine your search results.
  • Utilize advanced search operators like quotation marks ("") to find exact phrase matches and limit your search results.
  • Explore different file types like "pdf" or "doc" to focus on specific types of content, such as technical papers or industry reports.
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