معجم المصطلحات الفنية مستعمل في Drilling & Well Completion: Drill Collar

Drill Collar

أعمدة الحفر: الأبطال الصامتون في حفر النفط والغاز

في عالم استكشاف النفط والغاز، فإن رحلة الوصول إلى الهيدروكربونات القيّمة تحت الأرض هي عملية معقدة ودقيقة. بينما يُحتفل عادةً بالمثقاب لدوره في قطع الصخور، فإن عمود الحفر هو مكون أساسي يعمل بصمت في الخلفية. تلعب هذه الأنابيب القوية ذات الجدران السميكة دورًا حاسمًا في ضمان نجاح عمليات الحفر.

ما هي أعمدة الحفر؟

أعمدة الحفر هي في الأساس أنابيب فولاذية ذات جدران سميكة مصممة لتحمل الضغوط والإجهادات الهائلة التي تواجهها أثناء الحفر. تُوضع عادةً بين سلسلة الحفر (الأنابيب الطويلة المتصلة التي تحمل المثقاب) وأنبوب الحفر الأثقل، مما يشكل رابطًا مهمًا في النظام.

لماذا تعتبر أعمدة الحفر أساسية؟

وظيفتها الأساسية هي إضافة وزن على المثقاب. يُؤدي هذا الوزن الإضافي إلى إحداث قوة سفلية، وهي ضرورية لـ:

  • النفاذ: من خلال زيادة الوزن على المثقاب، تُعزز أعمدة الحفر قدرته على النفاذ، مما يُمكنه من قطع التكوينات الصخرية الصلبة.
  • التحكم: يساعد الوزن الذي توفره أعمدة الحفر في الحفاظ على التحكم في سلسلة الحفر، مما يمنعها من التأرجح والاهتزاز بشكل لا يمكن السيطرة عليه.
  • الثبات: يساعد إضافة الوزن في ثبات سلسلة الحفر، مما يُقلل من خطر التواء أو ثني تحت الضغط.

كيف تعمل أعمدة الحفر؟

تم تصميم أعمدة الحفر بـسُمك جدار كبير، مما يسمح لها بمقاومة الضغوط العالية التي يفرضها وزن سلسلة الحفر وعملية الحفر. الوزن الذي تضيفه يتناسب طرديًا مع طولها وقطرها.

أعمدة الحفر وإكمال الآبار:

لا يقتصر دور أعمدة الحفر على مرحلة الحفر فقط. خلال إكمال الآبار، تساهم في:

  • تثبيت الغلاف: تساعد أعمدة الحفر في تثبيت سلسلة الحفر عند تثبيت الغلاف، وهو البطانة الفولاذية الواقية التي تُدخل في بئر الحفر.
  • عمليات التثبيت بالأسمنت: تُستخدم للحفاظ على سلسلة مستقرة أثناء عملية التثبيت بالأسمنت، مما يُضمن وجود رابط قوي بين الغلاف وبئر الحفر.


أعمدة الحفر هي بطل غير معروف في صناعة النفط والغاز، تدعم بهدوء عمليات الحفر والإكمال الناجحة. يساهم دورها في النفاذ والتحكم والثبات في ضمان استخراج الموارد القيّمة من الأرض بأمان وكفاءة.

Test Your Knowledge

Drill Collar Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary function of drill collars?

a) To guide the drill bit through the rock formations. b) To lubricate the drill bit and prevent friction. c) To add weight over the bit to enhance penetration and control. d) To protect the drill string from damage.


c) To add weight over the bit to enhance penetration and control.

2. What is the main reason drill collars are designed with heavy wall thickness?

a) To increase their buoyancy in water. b) To improve their ability to withstand high pressures. c) To make them more resistant to corrosion. d) To reduce the overall weight of the drill string.


b) To improve their ability to withstand high pressures.

3. How do drill collars contribute to well completion operations?

a) They are used to remove the drill bit at the end of drilling. b) They help stabilize the drill string during casing running and cementing. c) They are used to measure the depth of the well. d) They are used to monitor the pressure within the wellbore.


b) They help stabilize the drill string during casing running and cementing.

4. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of using drill collars?

a) Enhanced penetration power. b) Improved control over the drill string. c) Reduced risk of buckling or bending. d) Increased drilling speed.


d) Increased drilling speed.

5. What is the relationship between the weight of a drill collar and its length and diameter?

a) The weight is inversely proportional to length and diameter. b) The weight is directly proportional to length and diameter. c) The weight is only affected by the length. d) The weight is only affected by the diameter.


b) The weight is directly proportional to length and diameter.

Drill Collar Exercise


Imagine you are working on an oil drilling rig. You are tasked with calculating the weight of a drill collar. You are provided with the following information:

  • Length of the drill collar: 30 feet
  • Outer diameter of the drill collar: 8 inches
  • Wall thickness of the drill collar: 1 inch
  • Density of steel: 490 lb/ft³

Calculate the weight of the drill collar in pounds. Show your work.

Exercise Correction

**1. Calculate the inner diameter:** Inner Diameter = Outer Diameter - 2 * Wall Thickness Inner Diameter = 8 inches - 2 * 1 inch = 6 inches **2. Calculate the cross-sectional area of the drill collar:** Cross-sectional Area = (π/4) * (Outer Diameter² - Inner Diameter²) Cross-sectional Area = (π/4) * (8² - 6²) square inches Cross-sectional Area = (π/4) * (64 - 36) square inches Cross-sectional Area = (π/4) * 28 square inches Cross-sectional Area = 22 square inches **3. Convert the cross-sectional area to square feet:** Cross-sectional Area = 22 square inches * (1 foot / 12 inches)² Cross-sectional Area = 0.153 square feet **4. Calculate the volume of the drill collar:** Volume = Cross-sectional Area * Length Volume = 0.153 square feet * 30 feet Volume = 4.59 cubic feet **5. Calculate the weight of the drill collar:** Weight = Volume * Density Weight = 4.59 cubic feet * 490 lb/ft³ Weight = 2252.1 pounds **Therefore, the weight of the drill collar is approximately 2252.1 pounds.**


  • "Drilling Engineering" by John A. S. Adams: This comprehensive textbook covers various aspects of drilling engineering, including drill collars and their role in the drilling process.
  • "Petroleum Engineering: Drilling and Well Completion" by William C. Lyons: This book provides a detailed explanation of drilling operations, including the function and design of drill collars.
  • "Applied Drilling Engineering" by Robert F. Mitchell: This text offers practical knowledge about drilling engineering, including insights into drill collar applications and their impact on drilling performance.


  • "Drill Collar Design and Selection" by SPE: This Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) article delves into the design considerations and selection criteria for drill collars based on specific drilling conditions.
  • "The Importance of Drill Collars in Oil and Gas Drilling" by Energy Voice: This article highlights the crucial role of drill collars in achieving efficient and safe drilling operations.
  • "Drill Collars: The Unsung Heroes of the Oil and Gas Industry" by Rigzone: This article emphasizes the importance of drill collars in maintaining stability and control during drilling operations.

Online Resources

  • SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers): SPE offers a wealth of technical resources on drilling engineering, including publications, conference proceedings, and training courses related to drill collars.
  • DrillingInfo: This platform provides data, analytics, and insights related to oil and gas drilling, including information on drill collar types and applications.
  • Baker Hughes: This major oilfield services company has a dedicated section on their website devoted to drilling equipment, including information about drill collars and their role in drilling operations.

Search Tips

  • Specific terms: Use specific terms like "drill collar design," "drill collar weight," "drill collar selection," "drill collar function," etc., to narrow down your search results.
  • Technical terms: Include technical terms like "drilling string," "bottom hole assembly," "drill bit," "weight on bit," etc., to find relevant and in-depth resources.
  • Specific drilling conditions: Include keywords related to the specific drilling conditions, such as "deepwater drilling," "horizontal drilling," "unconventional resources," etc., to focus your search on relevant information.
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