معجم المصطلحات الفنية مستعمل في Oil & Gas Specific Terms: Crown Plugs (subsea)

Crown Plugs (subsea)

سدادة التاج: حراس رأس البئر تحت الماء

في أعماق المحيط الشاسعة واللا رحيمة، تعمل رؤوس الآبار تحت الماء كواجهة حيوية بين الخزان والبنية التحتية السطحية، مما يسهل استخراج الهيدروكربونات القيمة. عنصر أساسي في هذا النظام المعقد هو سدادة التاج، وهو مكون قوي يتم وضعه فوق تي ​​التدفق، ويلعب دورًا محوريًا في سلامة البئر والمرونة التشغيلية.

فهم سدادة التاج:

سدادة التاج هي في الأساس صمام كبير القطر يقع في أعلى رأس البئر، مباشرة فوق تي ​​التدفق، والذي يعمل كتقاطع مركزي لخطوط التدفق. وظيفتها الأساسية هي:

  • عزل البئر: يمكن إغلاق سدادة التاج لختم البئر تمامًا، مما يمنع أي تدفق للنفط أو الغاز أو الماء إلى السطح. هذا أمر بالغ الأهمية للصيانة أو الإصلاحات، أو في حالة الطوارئ.
  • تحكم التدفق: يمكن فتح سدادة التاج جزئيًا لتنظيم معدل التدفق، مما يسمح بالتحكم الدقيق في الإنتاج.
  • تحويل التدفق: في بعض الحالات، يمكن استخدام سدادة التاج لإعادة توجيه التدفق إلى خطوط إنتاج مختلفة أو إلى منشأة تخزين منفصلة.

أنواع سدادات التاج:

تتوفر سدادات التاج في تصميمات وأحجام متنوعة، اعتمادًا على التطبيق المحدد وظروف البئر. بعض الأنواع الشائعة تشمل:

  • سدادات التاج التي تعمل هيدروليكيًا: تستخدم هذه السدادات الضغط الهيدروليكي للفتح والإغلاق، مما يسمح بالتحكم عن بعد من السطح.
  • سدادات التاج التي تعمل يدويًا: يتم تشغيل هذه السدادات يدويًا، مما يتطلب من الغواصين أو مركبات التحكم عن بعد التفاعل جسديًا مع رأس البئر.
  • سدادات الكرة: تستخدم هذه السدادات صمام كرة كبير لختم البئر، مما يوفر حلًا قويًا وموثوقًا به.

أهمية سدادات التاج:

تُعد سدادات التاج ضرورية لتشغيل آبار تحت الماء بأمان وكفاءة، مما توفر:

  • سلامة البئر: من خلال عزل البئر، تمنع سدادات التاج التسريبات المحتملة أو الانفجارات، مما يحمي البيئة ويضمن سلامة العاملين.
  • المرونة التشغيلية: تسمح القدرة على التحكم في التدفق وتحويله بإنتاج الأمثل وإدارة فعالة لموارد البئر.
  • ال安全性 والاعتمادية: يعزز التصميم المتين والتشغيل الموثوق لسدادات التاج السلامة والاعتمادية الكلية لنظام رأس البئر تحت الماء.


تُعد سدادة التاج بطلاً غير معروف في عالم تكنولوجيا رؤوس الآبار تحت الماء المعقد. دورها الأساسي في عزل البئر والتحكم في التدفق والمرونة التشغيلية يجعلها مكونًا لا غنى عنه، مما يضمن الإنتاج الآمن والفعال للهيدروكربونات القيمة من أعماق المحيط.

Test Your Knowledge

Crown Plug Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary function of a crown plug?

a) To connect the wellhead to the surface infrastructure.


Incorrect. This is the function of the flow tee, not the crown plug.

b) To isolate the well and control flow.


Correct! The crown plug acts as a valve to isolate and control the flow of fluids from the well.

c) To prevent corrosion in the wellhead.


Incorrect. While corrosion protection is important in subsea wells, it's not the primary function of the crown plug.

d) To regulate the pressure within the well.


Incorrect. Pressure regulation is handled by other components in the wellhead system.

2. What type of crown plug utilizes hydraulic pressure for operation?

a) Manually operated crown plug.


Incorrect. Manually operated crown plugs require physical interaction.

b) Hydraulically operated crown plug.


Correct! Hydraulically operated crown plugs are controlled remotely using hydraulic pressure.

c) Ball plug.


Incorrect. While ball plugs are a type of crown plug, they can be operated manually or hydraulically.

d) Flow tee.


Incorrect. The flow tee is a junction point and not a type of crown plug.

3. Which of the following is NOT a benefit provided by crown plugs?

a) Well integrity.


Incorrect. Crown plugs contribute to well integrity by isolating the well.

b) Operational flexibility.


Incorrect. Crown plugs provide flexibility by allowing for flow control and diversion.

c) Environmental impact reduction.


Incorrect. Crown plugs help prevent leaks and blowouts, reducing environmental impact.

d) Enhanced production efficiency.


Correct! While crown plugs indirectly contribute to efficiency, their primary role is safety and control, not directly enhancing production efficiency.

4. Where is the crown plug typically located on a subsea wellhead?

a) At the base of the wellhead.


Incorrect. The crown plug is located at the top of the wellhead.

b) At the junction of the flow lines.


Incorrect. This is the location of the flow tee, not the crown plug.

c) Above the flow tee.


Correct! The crown plug sits directly above the flow tee, which acts as a junction for flow lines.

d) Inside the wellbore.


Incorrect. The crown plug is an external component located on top of the wellhead.

5. Which of the following is a key advantage of using a ball plug?

a) Low maintenance requirements.


Incorrect. While ball plugs are relatively reliable, they still require maintenance like any other valve.

b) Ability to handle high flow rates.


Correct! Ball plugs are known for their ability to handle high flow rates and pressures.

c) Ease of operation.


Incorrect. Ball plugs can be challenging to operate manually due to their size and weight.

d) Versatility in flow direction.


Incorrect. Ball plugs are generally designed for unidirectional flow.

Crown Plug Exercise

Scenario: A subsea wellhead is experiencing a leak in one of its flow lines. The leak is posing a risk to the environment and personnel working on the platform. The well operator needs to isolate the leaking flow line using the crown plug.

Task: Outline the steps required to isolate the leaking flow line using the crown plug, considering the following:

  1. Type of crown plug: Assume the crown plug is hydraulically operated.
  2. Safety considerations: What precautions should be taken before and during the isolation procedure?
  3. Communication: Who needs to be informed and how?

Exercise Correction:

Exercice Correction

Steps to Isolate the Leaking Flow Line:

  1. Activate Emergency Procedures: Alert the platform personnel of the emergency situation and activate the appropriate safety protocols. This may include evacuating personnel from the platform if necessary.
  2. Contact Operations and Maintenance: Inform the operations team and maintenance personnel about the leak and the need to isolate the flow line.
  3. Verify Crown Plug Status: Ensure the hydraulic system is functioning correctly and that the crown plug is ready for operation. Check for any pressure or hydraulic fluid leaks.
  4. Isolate the Leaking Flow Line: Use the hydraulic system to close the crown plug, effectively isolating the leaking flow line.
  5. Confirm Isolation: Verify that the leaking flow line is completely isolated by checking for pressure readings and flow rate indicators.
  6. Monitor the Situation: Continuously monitor the isolated flow line for any signs of leakage or pressure build-up.
  7. Initiate Repair Procedures: Contact the appropriate personnel to schedule a repair of the leaking flow line.

Safety Considerations:

  • Emergency Equipment: Ensure that all emergency equipment (lifeboats, fire extinguishers, etc.) is readily available and in working condition.
  • Emergency Drills: Conduct regular emergency drills to ensure personnel are familiar with safety procedures in case of a leak.
  • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): All personnel involved in the isolation procedure should wear appropriate PPE, such as safety helmets, protective clothing, and respiratory masks.
  • Communication and Coordination: Maintain clear communication between platform personnel, operations team, and maintenance personnel throughout the entire process.


  • Platform Personnel: Inform all personnel on the platform about the leak and the isolation procedure.
  • Operations Team: Inform the operations team about the leak and the steps taken to isolate it.
  • Maintenance Personnel: Contact the maintenance team to schedule repair of the leaking flow line.
  • Authorities: If the leak poses a significant environmental risk, contact relevant authorities (e.g., maritime safety agencies, environmental protection agencies) to report the incident.


  • Subsea Production Systems: Design, Analysis, and Applications by M. K. Dusseault, A. B. Zoback, and D. A. Lumley - This comprehensive book covers a wide range of topics related to subsea production systems, including detailed information on wellheads and their components, like crown plugs.
  • Subsea Engineering Handbook by D. T. Jewell and J. E. L. Gravois - This handbook provides an in-depth overview of subsea engineering, including sections on wellhead design, installation, and operation, with insights into crown plug functionality.


  • "Subsea Wellhead Systems: A Review" by A. J. Khan and M. A. Khan - This article provides a review of different subsea wellhead designs, including crown plugs, discussing their working principles and advantages.
  • "Crown Plugs: A Vital Component in Subsea Wellhead Systems" by [Author Name] - This hypothetical article would delve deeper into the specific features and design aspects of crown plugs, highlighting their importance in wellhead operations.

Online Resources

  • Subsea Wellhead Technology: A Comprehensive Guide by [Website Name] - This online guide would offer detailed information on wellhead technology, including sections on crown plugs, their types, operating principles, and safety aspects.
  • Subsea Production Equipment & Technology by [Website Name] - This website would showcase various subsea production equipment, including crown plugs, providing technical specifications, installation procedures, and maintenance guidelines.
  • The Subsea Wellhead Forum - This online forum would offer discussions and insights from experts on subsea wellhead technology, including topics related to crown plug design, applications, and troubleshooting.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Include terms like "crown plugs," "subsea wellheads," "subsea production systems," "valve technology," "wellhead components," "subsea engineering."
  • Combine keywords with modifiers: Use phrases like "types of crown plugs," "crown plug design," "crown plug operation," "crown plug maintenance," "crown plug applications."
  • Use quotation marks: Enclose specific phrases in quotation marks to find exact matches, for example: "crown plug types."
  • Include relevant industry terms: Use terms like "subsea," "oil and gas," "hydrocarbon production," "deepwater drilling," "offshore engineering."
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