معجم المصطلحات الفنية مستعمل في General Technical Terms: Critical Velocity (unloading)

Critical Velocity (unloading)

السرعة الحرجة: القوة الدنيا لرفع السوائل في تدفق الغاز

في مجال ديناميكا الموائع، يشير مصطلح "السرعة الحرجة" (التفريغ) إلى سرعة معينة لتدفق الغاز مطلوبة لرفع سائل من سطح. تُلاحظ هذه الظاهرة بشكل شائع في تطبيقات مثل **التجفيف بالرش، والنقل الهوائي، وفصل الغاز والسائل**.

تخيل سيناريو حيث لديك بركة من السائل في قاع وعاء، وتقوم بتوجيه هواء عبر السطح. عند سرعات الهواء المنخفضة، يظل السائل بلا حركة. ومع ذلك، مع زيادة سرعة الهواء، سيتم الوصول إلى نقطة حيث يبدأ السائل في الارتفاع ويتم نقله بعيدًا بواسطة تدفق الغاز. تُعرف هذه السرعة الحدية باسم **السرعة الحرجة**.

**العوامل الرئيسية المؤثرة على السرعة الحرجة:**

  • **خصائص السائل:** لزوجة السائل وكثافته وتوتر سطحه تؤثر بشكل كبير على السرعة الحرجة. على سبيل المثال، سيحتاج سائل أكثر كثافة أو لزوجة إلى سرعة حرجة أعلى ليتم رفعه.
  • **خصائص الغاز:** تلعب كثافة الغاز ولزوجته، إلى جانب معدل تدفقه، أدوارًا حاسمة أيضًا. عادةً ما تؤدي الغازات الأخف وزناً ومعدلات التدفق الأعلى إلى سرعات حرجة أقل.
  • **العوامل الهندسية:** شكل وحجم الحاوية، وجود أي عوائق، والمسافة بين سطح السائل وتدفق الغاز تؤثر على السرعة الحرجة.

**تطبيقات السرعة الحرجة:**

  • **التجفيف بالرش:** يساعد فهم السرعة الحرجة في تحسين عملية تجفيف قطرات السائل من خلال ضمان تفتيت ونقل فعالين داخل غرفة التجفيف.
  • **النقل الهوائي:** السرعة الحرجة ضرورية لتحديد الحد الأدنى من تدفق الهواء المطلوب لنقل المواد الصلبة أو المساحيق في نظام النقل الهوائي.
  • **فصل الغاز والسائل:** يساعد مفهوم السرعة الحرجة في تصميم فاصلات فعالة لفصل مراحل الغاز والسائل بناءً على سرعاتها المختلفة.

**حساب السرعة الحرجة:**

تم تطوير العديد من المعادلات التجريبية والنماذج العددية للتنبؤ بالسرعة الحرجة لتطبيقات محددة. ومع ذلك، فإن هذه الطرق غالبًا ما تنطوي على حسابات معقدة مع مراعاة العوامل المختلفة المذكورة سابقًا.


تمثل السرعة الحرجة مبدأ أساسيًا في ميكانيكا الموائع، خاصةً للأنظمة التي تنطوي على تفاعلات بين الغاز والسائل. فهم هذا المفهوم ضروري لتحسين العمليات الصناعية التي تنطوي على التعامل مع الموائع وفصلها. مع استمرار تطبيق أنظمة الغاز والسائل في مجالات مختلفة، ستزداد أهمية تحليل السرعة الحرجة.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Critical Velocity

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is critical velocity?

a) The maximum velocity a gas can reach before it becomes turbulent. b) The minimum velocity required for a gas flow to lift a liquid from a surface. c) The velocity at which a liquid reaches its boiling point. d) The speed at which a gas can escape from a container.


b) The minimum velocity required for a gas flow to lift a liquid from a surface.

2. Which of the following factors does NOT influence critical velocity?

a) Liquid viscosity b) Gas flow rate c) Container size d) Liquid color


d) Liquid color

3. In which of the following applications is critical velocity NOT relevant?

a) Spray drying b) Pneumatic conveying c) Gas-liquid separation d) Water filtration


d) Water filtration

4. Increasing the density of the liquid will generally:

a) Decrease the critical velocity. b) Increase the critical velocity. c) Have no effect on the critical velocity. d) Make the liquid easier to lift.


b) Increase the critical velocity.

5. Which of the following statements about calculating critical velocity is TRUE?

a) There is a simple formula to calculate critical velocity for all situations. b) Critical velocity can only be calculated using complex computer models. c) Empirical equations and models can be used to predict critical velocity. d) Critical velocity is always constant for a given liquid and gas.


c) Empirical equations and models can be used to predict critical velocity.


Scenario: You are designing a pneumatic conveying system to transport powdered sugar from a storage silo to a mixing tank. The sugar has a density of 1.5 g/cm³. You need to determine the minimum air flow rate required to lift the sugar.


  1. Identify the factors that will affect the critical velocity in this scenario.
  2. Explain how each of these factors will influence the required air flow rate.
  3. Research and find a suitable empirical equation or model to estimate the critical velocity for this scenario.
  4. Use the equation/model and the identified factors to calculate the minimum air flow rate needed to successfully convey the powdered sugar.

Exercice Correction

Here's a breakdown of the exercise and potential solutions:

1. Factors affecting critical velocity:

  • Sugar Properties:

    • Density (1.5 g/cm³) - Higher density requires higher air velocity.
    • Particle size - Smaller particles generally require lower air velocity. (Not specified here)
    • Flowability (not specified here) - Easier-to-flow powders may require lower air velocity.
  • Conveying System:

    • Pipe diameter - Smaller diameter requires higher air velocity.
    • Pipe length - Longer distance requires higher air velocity. (Not specified here)
    • Bends and curves - These can increase air velocity requirements due to frictional losses. (Not specified here)
  • Air properties:

    • Density - Lighter air (e.g., at higher temperatures) will require lower air velocity. (Not specified here)

2. Influence on air flow rate:

  • Higher density of sugar: Higher density means more mass to lift, requiring a higher air flow rate.
  • Smaller pipe diameter: A smaller cross-section requires a higher air velocity to lift the same mass of sugar.
  • Longer pipe length: Increased friction along the pipe length requires a higher air flow rate to overcome resistance.
  • Bends and curves: These create resistance, requiring higher air velocity to maintain flow.

3. Empirical equation/model:

Many empirical models exist for pneumatic conveying. One common model is the Zenz-Othmer equation:

v = K * sqrt( (ρp - ρg) * g * Dp / ρg )


  • v is the air velocity (m/s)
  • K is a constant (typically between 0.5 and 1.5, depending on the material and system)
  • ρp is the density of the powder (1.5 g/cm³ in this case)
  • ρg is the density of the air (typically around 1.2 kg/m³)
  • g is the acceleration due to gravity (9.81 m/s²)
  • Dp is the particle diameter (not specified, assume a value based on the sugar type)

4. Calculate air flow rate:

  • You'll need to find or estimate values for K and Dp based on your specific sugar and system.
  • Plug these values, along with the other parameters, into the Zenz-Othmer equation to calculate v.
  • You can then calculate the required air flow rate by multiplying the velocity (v) by the cross-sectional area of the pipe.

Important Note: This is a simplified approach. Real-world pneumatic conveying design requires more detailed analysis considering factors like:

  • Material characteristics (particle size distribution, flowability, moisture content)
  • Conveying system layout (pipe size, bends, transitions)
  • Operating pressures and temperatures

Consult specialized engineering resources and software for a more comprehensive design.


  • Fluid Mechanics by Frank M. White (Comprehensive textbook covering fluid mechanics principles including gas-liquid interactions.)
  • Handbook of Fluid Dynamics edited by Richard W. Johnson (Provides a detailed section on multiphase flows, including critical velocity concepts.)
  • Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering by Warren L. McCabe, Julian C. Smith, and Peter Harriott (Covers practical applications of critical velocity in areas like spray drying and pneumatic conveying.)
  • Gas-Liquid Two-Phase Flow by G.F. Hewitt and D.N. Roberts (Focused on detailed analysis of two-phase flow dynamics, including critical velocity calculations.)


  • "Critical Velocity for Pneumatic Conveying of Solids" by J.R. Grace (This article discusses the theoretical framework for calculating critical velocity in pneumatic conveying systems.)
  • "Spray Drying: A Review" by B.K. Pareek and S.K. Gupta (This review article explores the role of critical velocity in spray drying and its optimization.)
  • "Critical Velocity of Gas-Liquid Flow in Horizontal Pipes" by S.S. Sarma and K.R. Narayanan (This article focuses on determining the critical velocity for two-phase flow in horizontal pipes.)
  • "The Role of Critical Velocity in Liquid-Gas Separation" by A.K. Sen (This article investigates the concept of critical velocity in the context of gas-liquid separation technologies.)

Online Resources

  • "Critical Velocity" on Engineering Toolbox (Provides a basic overview of the concept and its applications.)
  • "Critical Velocity for Two-Phase Flow" on Sciencedirect (This resource provides a more in-depth explanation of critical velocity in two-phase flow scenarios.)
  • "Gas-Liquid Separators: Design and Operation" on Process Engineering (A comprehensive guide to gas-liquid separation processes, including critical velocity considerations.)

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords like "critical velocity pneumatic conveying," "critical velocity spray drying," or "critical velocity gas liquid separation."
  • Include the terms "unloading" or "lift-off" to refine your search for critical velocity in the context of liquid lifting.
  • Include specific materials or applications like "critical velocity water," "critical velocity oil," or "critical velocity powder."
  • Use advanced search operators like "site:edu" or "site:gov" to target academic or government websites for reliable information.
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