معجم المصطلحات الفنية مستعمل في Electrical Installation: Compartmentalization


التقسيم : الحفاظ على الفصل في عالم الخزانات

التقسيم، في سياق الخزانات، يشير إلى **تقسيم خزان أكبر إلى حجرات أصغر، معزولة أو خزانات فرعية**. تعمل هذه الحجرات بشكل مستقل، مما يعني عدم وجود **تبادل مباشر للمواد أو السوائل بينها**. يساعد هذا الفصل المميز في تحقيق أغراض مختلفة، اعتمادًا على نوع الخزان وتطبيقه.

فهم الحجرات:

تخيل وعاء كبير ممتلئ بالماء. يشمل التقسيم تقسيم هذا الوعاء إلى حجرات أصغر، منفصلة باستخدام جدران أو حواجز. تحتوي كل حجرة على جزء محدد من الماء، دون تدفق مباشر بينهما. وهذا يخلق "خزانات فرعية" متميزة، لكل منها خصائصها وصفاتها الفريدة.

فوائد التقسيم:

  1. العزل: يمنع التلوث المتبادل أو مزج السوائل أو المواد المختلفة. وهذا أمر بالغ الأهمية في التطبيقات مثل:

    • تخزين المواد الكيميائية: تخزين المواد الكيميائية غير المتوافقة في حجرات منفصلة يمنع حدوث تفاعلات خطيرة.
    • البحث البيولوجي: عزل زراعة الخلايا أو الكائنات الحية في حجرات يمنع التفاعلات غير المرغوب فيها.
    • معالجة المياه: فصل مراحل المعالجة المختلفة داخل خزان واحد يضمن عمليات فعالة وآمنة.
  2. التحكم: يسمح بالإدارة المستقلة لكل حجرة. وهذا يتيح:

    • التسليم المستهدف: توجيه السوائل أو المواد إلى حجرات محددة بناءً على الحاجة.
    • التعديلات الدقيقة: تعديل الظروف مثل درجة الحرارة أو الرقم الهيدروجيني أو الضغط داخل الحجرات الفردية.
    • التشغيل المرن: تعديل حجم أو محتويات كل حجرة بشكل مستقل.
  3. الأمان: يوفر إمكانية التكرار والاحتياطي في حالة حدوث فشل. إذا تعرّضت حجرة واحدة للخطر، فإن الآخرين يظلون غير متأثرين. وهذا أمر حيوي بالنسبة لـ:

    • أنظمة الطوارئ: ضمان تشغيل الوظائف الحيوية بشكل مستمر حتى في حالة فشل جزء من النظام.
    • مصادر الطاقة الاحتياطية: توفير مصادر طاقة متعددة في حالة فشل مصدر واحد.

أمثلة على التقسيم في الخزانات:

  • خزانات المياه: يمكن استخدام التقسيم لعزل مصادر المياه المختلفة، أو منع مزج المياه المعالجة وغير المعالجة، أو إنشاء مناطق منفصلة لاستخدامات مختلفة.
  • خزانات الوقود: تضمن الحجرات في خزانات الوقود أنه في حالة حدوث تلف، يتم فقدان جزء فقط من الوقود، مما يمنع حدوث انسكابات كارثية.
  • خزانات تخزين المواد الكيميائية: تمنع الحجرات التفاعلات الخطيرة بين المواد الكيميائية غير المتوافقة، مما يضمن السلامة والاستقرار.


التقسيم تقنية قيّمة في إدارة الخزانات والتحكم فيها. من خلال إنشاء حجرات منفصلة، معزولة، يسمح ذلك بـ:

  • زيادة السلامة: منع التلوث المتبادل والحفاظ على التكرار.
  • تحسين الكفاءة: تمكين التسليم المستهدف، والتعديلات الدقيقة، والتشغيل المرن.
  • تحكم أكبر: إدارة الحجرات الفردية لتحقيق أداء مثالي.

يلعب التقسيم دورًا حاسمًا في مختلف الصناعات والتطبيقات، مما يضمن سلامة وأمان وكفاءة أنظمة الخزانات.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Compartmentalization in Reservoirs

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What does "compartmentalization" mean in the context of reservoirs? a) The process of adding compartments to a reservoir. b) The division of a reservoir into isolated sub-reservoirs. c) The transfer of fluids between different parts of a reservoir. d) The measurement of the volume of a reservoir.


b) The division of a reservoir into isolated sub-reservoirs.

2. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of compartmentalization in reservoirs? a) Isolation of different substances b) Increased risk of cross-contamination c) Independent management of each compartment d) Safety redundancy


b) Increased risk of cross-contamination

3. How does compartmentalization contribute to safety in chemical storage tanks? a) By allowing for easy access to chemicals. b) By preventing dangerous reactions between incompatible chemicals. c) By increasing the capacity of the tank. d) By reducing the cost of storage.


b) By preventing dangerous reactions between incompatible chemicals.

4. Which of the following is an example of compartmentalization in water reservoirs? a) Using a single reservoir for both treated and untreated water. b) Isolating different water sources within a single reservoir. c) Storing all water in a single, large tank. d) Using a single pump to distribute water throughout the system.


b) Isolating different water sources within a single reservoir.

5. Why is compartmentalization important for emergency systems? a) To make the system more complex and difficult to operate. b) To reduce the cost of maintenance. c) To ensure continuous operation even if part of the system fails. d) To increase the risk of failure.


c) To ensure continuous operation even if part of the system fails.

Exercise: Designing a Fuel Tank

Scenario: You are designing a fuel tank for a large vehicle. The tank needs to be compartmentalized for safety and efficiency.

Task: 1. Identify at least three benefits of compartmentalizing the fuel tank. 2. Suggest at least two specific ways to compartmentalize the tank, considering the type of vehicle and its operation. 3. Explain how your compartmentalization design will improve safety and efficiency in the fuel tank.

Exercise Correction

Here's a possible solution to the exercise:

Benefits of Compartmentalization:

  1. Safety: In case of damage to the tank, only a portion of the fuel would be lost, preventing catastrophic spills.
  2. Redundancy: If one compartment is damaged, the others can continue to function, ensuring a continued fuel supply.
  3. Efficiency: Compartments allow for targeted fuel distribution based on engine demands. For example, smaller compartments near the engine can be accessed first for faster fuel delivery.

Compartmentalization Designs:

  1. Multiple Chambers: Divide the tank into two or more chambers separated by bulkheads. Each chamber can hold a specific amount of fuel. This provides both safety and redundancy.
  2. Variable Volume Compartments: Design compartments with adjustable partitions, allowing for the volume of each compartment to be adjusted based on fuel level and operational needs. This maximizes fuel efficiency and minimizes wasted space.

Improvement in Safety and Efficiency:

The compartmentalization design offers multiple safety benefits, including preventing major spills in case of damage and providing redundancy. By creating separate chambers, the system becomes less vulnerable to catastrophic failure. Moreover, the ability to manage individual compartments allows for optimal fuel distribution, improving efficiency and reducing fuel waste.


  • "Reservoir Engineering: Principles and Applications" by John R. Fanchi: This comprehensive textbook covers a wide range of topics related to reservoir engineering, including compartmentalization and its implications for reservoir management.
  • "Petroleum Reservoir Simulation" by Aziz and Settari: This book delves into numerical modeling of reservoir behavior, including the simulation of compartmentalized systems and their fluid flow dynamics.
  • "Fundamentals of Reservoir Engineering" by Tarek Ahmed: This textbook offers a detailed explanation of reservoir engineering principles, including the concepts of compartmentalization and its effects on production and recovery.


  • "Compartmentalization of Reservoirs: A Review" by (Author Name, Journal/Conference): This article provides a comprehensive overview of compartmentalization in reservoirs, focusing on its benefits, challenges, and applications.
  • "Impact of Compartmentalization on Reservoir Performance: A Case Study" by (Author Name, Journal/Conference): This article examines the practical implications of compartmentalization on a specific reservoir, highlighting its effects on production and recovery.
  • "Compartmentalization and Its Role in Reservoir Characterization" by (Author Name, Journal/Conference): This article explores how compartmentalization influences reservoir characterization and how it can be effectively modeled and analyzed.

Online Resources

  • SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers): SPE is a leading professional organization in the oil and gas industry. Their website offers various publications, articles, and resources related to reservoir engineering, including compartmentalization. https://www.spe.org/
  • OnePetro: This platform provides access to a vast library of technical papers and presentations from the oil and gas industry, including many focusing on reservoir engineering and compartmentalization. https://www.onepetro.org/
  • ResearchGate: This online platform for researchers and scientists offers access to numerous research papers and publications on compartmentalization in reservoirs. https://www.researchgate.net/

Search Tips

  • Specific Keywords: Use specific keywords like "reservoir compartmentalization," "compartmentalized reservoir," "reservoir modeling compartmentalization" to narrow down your search.
  • Operator "AND": Combine multiple keywords using the operator "AND" to refine your search results. For example, "reservoir compartmentalization AND oil production."
  • Include Publication Type: Add "journal article" or "conference paper" to your search query to filter results to academic publications.
  • Filter by Date: Use the "tools" section in Google search to specify a time range for your search results. This can be helpful to find more recent publications.
  • Explore Citations: When you find a relevant article, explore its citations to discover other related publications.
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