معجم المصطلحات الفنية مستعمل في Drilling & Well Completion: CIV (completion)

CIV (completion)

فهم صمامات العزل التكميلية (CIVs): في عمليات الآبار

في صناعة النفط والغاز، تلعب **صمامات العزل التكميلية (CIVs)** دورًا حيويًا في التحكم في إنتاج البئر وعزله. فهي مكونات أساسية في تكملة البئر، وهي تشير إلى المرحلة النهائية من بدء تشغيل البئر بعد الحفر. تم تصميم صمامات CIVs لعزل أقسام مختلفة من بئر النفط بشكل فعال، مما يسمح بإجراء عمليات متنوعة مثل:

**1. التحكم في الإنتاج:** تتيح صمامات CIVs التحكم الانتقائي في الإنتاج من مناطق أو فترات فردية داخل بئر النفط. وهذا يسمح للمشغلين بتحسين الإنتاج عن طريق عزل المناطق ذات الإنتاجية المنخفضة أو المشاكل المحتملة.

**2. تدخل البئر:** توفر صمامات CIVs وسيلة آمنة وفعالة لعزل أقسام من بئر النفط أثناء التدخلات مثل عمليات إعادة العمل، أو معالجات التحفيز، أو إصلاحات معدات أسفل البئر. فهي تمنع تدفق السوائل من الأقسام الأخرى، مما يضمن بيئة خاضعة للسيطرة للعملية.

**3. السلامة:** في حالة الطوارئ أو الأحداث غير المتوقعة، تعمل صمامات CIVs كحاجز أمان، تعزل القسم المتأثر وتمنع تدفق الهيدروكربونات أو السوائل الأخرى بشكل غير مُسيطر عليه. وهذا يقلل من الأضرار البيئية ويضمن سلامة العاملين.

**أنواع صمامات CIVs:**

هناك العديد من أنواع صمامات CIVs، تم تصميم كل منها لتطبيقات محددة وظروف الآبار. بعض الأنواع الشائعة تشمل:

  • **صمامات الغلق:** بسيطة وموثوقة، تستخدم هذه الصمامات بشكل شائع في تطبيقات الإنتاج.
  • **صمامات الكرة:** توفر تشغيلًا سريعًا وسهلاً لفتح/إغلاق، صمامات الكرة مناسبة للبيئات ذات الضغط العالي ودرجة الحرارة العالية.
  • **صمامات القابس:** تم تصميمها للتطبيقات ذات الضغط العالي ودرجة الحرارة العالية، توفر صمامات القابس قدرات إغلاق محكمة.
  • **صمامات الحلقي:** تُوضع هذه الصمامات في الحلقية (المساحة بين الغلاف والأنبوب) وتسمح بعزل الحلقية لعمليات محددة.

**بناء وصورة صمام العزل التكميلي (CIV):**

يتكون صمام CIV بشكل عام من:

  • **جسم الصمام:** هذا هو الهيكل الرئيسي الذي يضم مكونات الصمام.
  • **مقعد الصمام:** سطح الإغلاق الذي يغلق عليه عنصر الصمام (البوابة، الكرة، القابس).
  • **عنصر الصمام:** المكون المتحرك الذي يتحكم في تدفق السائل عبر الصمام.
  • **الضاغط:** هذا المكون، عادةً ما يكون محرك هيدروليكي أو كهربائي، يوفر القوة لفتح وإغلاق الصمام.
  • **عمود الصمام:** يربط بين الضاغط وعنصر الصمام.

عملية صمام CIV تتضمن تحريك عنصر الصمام ضد مقعد الصمام لإنشاء مانع محكم وعزل مسار التدفق. يمكن تحقيق هذا العزل بطرق مختلفة اعتمادًا على نوع الصمام، لكن الهدف النهائي هو منع تدفق السائل عبر الصمام.


صمامات CIVs هي مكونات أساسية في أي تكملة بئر، تلعب دورًا حاسمًا في التحكم في الإنتاج، وتدخل البئر، والسلامة. فهم وظيفتها وأنواعها المختلفة ضروري لأي متخصص يعمل في عمليات الآبار. مع تطبيقاتها المتنوعة وأهميتها في ضمان الإنتاج الآمن والكفاءة، تظل صمامات CIVs جزءًا حيويًا من صناعة النفط والغاز.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Completion Isolation Valves (CIVs)

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary function of a Completion Isolation Valve (CIV)?

a) To control the flow of fluids into the wellbore.


Incorrect. CIVs are used to control and isolate the flow of fluids **within** the wellbore, not into it.

b) To isolate different sections of the wellbore.


Correct. CIVs are designed to isolate different sections of the wellbore, allowing for various operations.

c) To increase the production rate of the well.


Incorrect. While CIVs can help optimize production by isolating zones with lower productivity, their primary function is isolation.

d) To prevent the formation of hydrates in the wellbore.


Incorrect. This is not a function of CIVs. Preventing hydrate formation is handled by other methods and equipment.

2. Which of the following is NOT a common type of CIV?

a) Gate Valve


Incorrect. Gate valves are a common type of CIV.

b) Ball Valve


Incorrect. Ball valves are a common type of CIV.

c) Check Valve


Correct. Check valves are not typically used as CIVs. They are designed to allow flow in one direction only.

d) Plug Valve


Incorrect. Plug valves are a common type of CIV.

3. During a well intervention, what role does a CIV play?

a) It allows for the injection of stimulation fluids into the wellbore.


Incorrect. While CIVs may be used during stimulation treatments, their primary role is to isolate the specific zone being treated.

b) It prevents fluid flow from other sections of the wellbore.


Correct. CIVs isolate sections of the wellbore during interventions to ensure a controlled environment.

c) It increases the pressure in the wellbore during stimulation.


Incorrect. CIVs do not directly affect pressure in the wellbore during stimulation.

d) It monitors the flow rate of fluids during the intervention.


Incorrect. Flow rate monitoring is done by other instruments and equipment, not CIVs.

4. What is the purpose of the actuator in a CIV?

a) To prevent fluid flow through the valve.


Incorrect. The valve element itself is responsible for preventing flow.

b) To connect the valve stem to the valve element.


Incorrect. This is the function of the valve stem.

c) To provide the force to open and close the valve.


Correct. The actuator provides the force to move the valve element.

d) To monitor the pressure in the wellbore.


Incorrect. Pressure monitoring is done by other instruments, not the actuator.

5. Which type of CIV is specifically designed for isolating the annulus?

a) Gate Valve


Incorrect. Gate valves are typically used for isolating production zones within the tubing.

b) Ball Valve


Incorrect. Ball valves are not specifically designed for annular isolation.

c) Plug Valve


Incorrect. While plug valves can be used in the annulus, they are not specifically designed for this purpose.

d) Annular Valve


Correct. Annular valves are positioned in the annulus to isolate it for specific operations.


Scenario: You are working on a well that has multiple producing zones. Zone 1 is experiencing a decline in production and needs to be isolated to prevent further fluid influx. Zone 2 is producing at a stable rate and should remain active. You have a CIV installed between Zone 1 and Zone 2.


  1. Explain the steps you would take to isolate Zone 1 using the CIV.
  2. What precautions should you take before and after isolating Zone 1?

Exercice Correction

**Steps to isolate Zone 1:** 1. **Confirm the correct CIV:** Ensure the CIV you are using is the one that isolates the boundary between Zone 1 and Zone 2. 2. **Inspect the CIV:** Visually inspect the CIV for any damage or leaks. 3. **Verify actuator functionality:** Ensure the actuator is working properly and can operate the CIV. 4. **Isolate Zone 1:** Close the CIV using the actuator, isolating Zone 1. 5. **Monitor the well:** Monitor the pressure and flow rate from Zone 2 to ensure it remains stable after isolating Zone 1. **Precautions:** **Before Isolation:** * **Communicate:** Notify relevant personnel about the planned isolation and the reasons for it. * **Safety Procedures:** Ensure everyone involved understands and follows safety procedures. * **Equipment Readiness:** Check and verify the functionality of all equipment associated with the CIV. **After Isolation:** * **Pressure Monitoring:** Regularly monitor the pressure in both Zones 1 and 2 for any unexpected changes. * **Flow Monitoring:** Monitor the flow rate from Zone 2 for any significant alterations. * **Documentation:** Record the time of isolation, the CIV used, and any relevant observations.


  • "Well Completion Design: Principles and Practices" by John A. G. Edwards - A comprehensive resource on well completion design, including detailed sections on CIVs, their types, selection, and installation.
  • "Petroleum Engineering Handbook" by Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) - This industry standard handbook covers a wide range of topics, including a dedicated section on well completion equipment and operations, providing insights into CIVs.
  • "Downhole Completion: Design and Installation" by H. J. Ramey Jr. - This book provides a thorough understanding of downhole completion components, including CIVs, their functionality, and practical applications.


  • "Completion Isolation Valves: A Critical Component for Well Production" by SPE - A detailed article discussing the different types, functions, and considerations for choosing CIVs based on well conditions.
  • "Annular Valves: Application and Performance in Well Completion" by Offshore Technology Conference - An article focusing on the specific application and performance of Annular Valves, a type of CIV used for isolating the annulus space.
  • "Completion Design Considerations for High-Pressure/High-Temperature Wells" by Journal of Petroleum Technology - This article covers design considerations for well completions in harsh environments, including the selection of appropriate CIVs for high-pressure and high-temperature conditions.

Online Resources

  • Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) - SPE's website hosts a vast collection of articles, technical papers, and resources on oil and gas industry topics, including comprehensive information on CIVs and well completion.
  • Schlumberger - This global oilfield services company provides extensive technical information on well completion equipment, including CIVs, with insights into their design, operation, and applications.
  • Baker Hughes - Another leading oilfield services company offering detailed resources on various aspects of well completion, including CIVs, their types, functionalities, and best practices for installation and operation.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Use combinations like "Completion Isolation Valves," "CIVs," "well completion equipment," "downhole valves," "production control valves," and "well intervention."
  • Combine with well conditions: Refine your search by adding specifics like "high-pressure," "high-temperature," "gas wells," "oil wells," or "horizontal wells."
  • Explore technical papers: Use phrases like "SPE paper," "journal article," or "technical report" to find research and technical insights on CIVs.
  • Filter search results: Utilize Google's advanced search options (e.g., "filetype:pdf" or "site:spe.org") to narrow your search based on file type or website.
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