إدارة سلامة الأصول

Casing Patch

رقعة الغلاف: سدّ تسريبات آبار النفط والغاز

في بيئة استكشاف وإنتاج النفط والغاز الصعبة، يمكن أن تشكل التسريبات غير المتوقعة تحديات كبيرة. عنصر أساسي في معالجة هذه المشكلات هو **رقعة الغلاف**, وهي نظام إصلاح متخصص مصمم لسدّ التسريبات في أغلفة الآبار.

**ما هي رقعة الغلاف؟**

رقعة الغلاف عبارة عن غلاف معدني، غالبًا مصنوع من الفولاذ، يتم تثبيته على قسم تالف أو متسرب من غلاف البئر. يعمل هذا الغلاف كحاجز، فعليًا يعزل التسرب ويمنع فقدان المزيد من السوائل أو التلوث.

**أنواع رقعة الغلاف:**

هناك عدة أنواع من رقعة الغلاف، كل نوع مناسب لسيناريوهات محددة:

  • رقعة كاملة القطر: هذه الرقعة تغطي كامل قطر الغلاف، مما يوفر عزلًا كاملًا.
  • رقعة جزئية القطر: تُستخدم هذه الرقعة للتسريبات الصغيرة وتغطي جزءًا فقط من قطر الغلاف.
  • رقعة ميكانيكية: هذه هي الوحدات المُعدة مسبقًا مع آلية قفل ميكانيكية تؤمن الرقعة بالغلاف.
  • رقعة قابلة لللحام: هذه الرقعة تتطلب لحامًا بالغلاف، غالبًا تُستخدم للضرر الأكثر خطورة.
  • رقعة مُكمّلة: هذه هي الأكمام التي تُدرج على الغلاف التالف وتُلحم في مكانها.

**كيف تعمل رقعة الغلاف؟**

  1. التحضير: يتم تنظيف منطقة الغلاف التالفة وإعدادها للرقعة.
  2. التثبيت: يتم خفض الرقعة المختارة في البئر وتثبيتها فوق التسرب.
  3. التأمين: يتم بعد ذلك تأمين الرقعة بالغلاف، إما ميكانيكيًا أو عن طريق اللحام.
  4. الاختبار: بعد التثبيت، يتم اختبار الرقعة بدقة لضمان عزل خالي من التسرب.

مزايا استخدام رقعة الغلاف:

  • عزل التسرب الفعال: تُعزل رقعة الغلاف التسريبات بفعالية، مما يمنع فقدان المزيد من السوائل ويقلل من التأثير البيئي.
  • فعّالية التكلفة: مقارنةً بخيارات الإصلاح الأخرى، يمكن أن تكون رقعة الغلاف حلاً أكثر اقتصادية.
  • الحد الأدنى من وقت التوقف: يمكن إكمال التثبيت والاختبار بسرعة نسبيًا، مما يقلل من وقت التوقف التشغيلي.
  • التنوع: تُناسب رقعة الغلاف مجموعة متنوعة من أنواع التسريبات وأحجام الغلاف.


تُعدّ رقعة الغلاف أداة لا غنى عنها لمشغلي النفط والغاز، حيث تُقدم حلًا موثوقًا به وفعالًا لإصلاح التسريبات في أغلفة الآبار. تجعلها تنوعها وفعاليتها وفعّالية التكلفة أصولًا قيّمة لضمان سلامة واستدامة عمليات النفط والغاز.

Test Your Knowledge

Casing Patch Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary function of a casing patch? a) To increase the diameter of the well casing. b) To prevent the well from collapsing. c) To seal leaks in the well casing. d) To guide drilling equipment.


c) To seal leaks in the well casing.

2. Which type of casing patch covers the entire diameter of the casing? a) Partial-bore patch. b) Mechanical patch. c) Weldable patch. d) Full-bore patch.


d) Full-bore patch.

3. What is the final step in the casing patch installation process? a) Cleaning the damaged area of the casing. b) Positioning the patch over the leak. c) Securing the patch to the casing. d) Testing the patch for leaks.


d) Testing the patch for leaks.

4. What is a major advantage of using casing patches? a) They are only suitable for small leaks. b) They require significant downtime for installation. c) They are expensive compared to other repair options. d) They can effectively isolate leaks and minimize environmental impact.


d) They can effectively isolate leaks and minimize environmental impact.

5. Which of the following is NOT a type of casing patch? a) Mechanical patch. b) Welded patch. c) Sleeved patch. d) Reinforced concrete patch.


d) Reinforced concrete patch.

Casing Patch Exercise

Scenario: An oil well has a leak in the casing at a depth of 1000 meters. The leak is causing a loss of oil and a potential environmental hazard. The well operator decides to use a casing patch to repair the leak.

Task: 1. Choose the most appropriate type of casing patch for this scenario, explaining your reasoning. 2. Outline the steps involved in installing the chosen casing patch. 3. Describe the testing procedures that should be conducted after the patch installation.

Exercice Correction

**1. Type of Casing Patch:** - **Full-bore patch** would be most suitable for this scenario. As the leak is causing a loss of oil and poses an environmental hazard, a full-bore patch would provide the most reliable and complete seal. - A mechanical patch would also be suitable, as it is a reliable, efficient option, but a full-bore patch provides more security, ensuring complete isolation of the leak. **2. Installation Steps:** - **Preparation:** Clean the damaged area of the casing thoroughly to ensure a proper seal. - **Lowering and Positioning:** Lower the chosen full-bore patch into the well using specialized equipment and position it accurately over the leak. - **Securing:** Secure the patch to the casing using the appropriate mechanical locking mechanism, ensuring a tight and secure seal. - **Testing:** Conduct a thorough leak test after installation to confirm the patch has effectively sealed the leak. **3. Testing Procedures:** - **Pressure Testing:** Apply pressure to the well casing to test the integrity of the patch and ensure it is leak-free. - **Fluid Monitoring:** Monitor the well for any signs of leakage or fluid loss after the pressure test. - **Visual Inspection:** Use downhole cameras or other inspection tools to visually verify the patch installation and confirm no leaks are present.


  • Well Completion Design and Operations by John P. Ziglar (This comprehensive guide discusses casing patch installation and other completion techniques.)
  • Oil Well Completion: A Practical Guide by M.C. Leverett (This book provides a detailed overview of well completion practices, including casing repair techniques.)
  • The Complete Guide to Oil and Gas Production Operations by Michael J. Economides (This book covers the various aspects of oil and gas production, including well integrity and repair.)


  • "Casing Repair: An Overview of Patching Methods" by The Oil and Gas Journal (This article provides a detailed overview of different casing patch types and their applications.)
  • "Casing Patching Technology: Advances and Innovations" by Journal of Petroleum Technology (This article discusses recent advancements in casing patching technologies and their benefits.)
  • "Case Study: Successful Casing Patching Operation in a High-Pressure Well" by SPE Journal (This article presents a case study of a successful casing patching operation, highlighting the challenges and solutions involved.)

Online Resources

  • Oil & Gas Journal - This website offers articles and resources on various aspects of the oil and gas industry, including well completion and repair techniques.
  • SPE.org - The Society of Petroleum Engineers website provides access to technical papers, publications, and resources related to well completion and repair.
  • Baker Hughes - This company provides a range of well completion services, including casing patching. Their website offers information on their products and services.
  • Halliburton - Another major oilfield services company, Halliburton offers expertise in well completion, including casing patch installation. Their website provides information on their services.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords like "casing patch," "well casing repair," "casing patching methods," "casing sleeve installation," "casing leak repair," etc.
  • Combine keywords with specific well types, such as "horizontal well casing patch" or "deepwater well casing repair."
  • Include location-based keywords, such as "casing patch companies in Texas" or "casing repair services in the Gulf of Mexico."
  • Utilize advanced search operators like "site:spe.org casing patch" or "filetype:pdf casing repair methods" to narrow down your search results.


Casing Patch: A Comprehensive Guide

Chapter 1: Techniques

Casing patch installation involves several key techniques, varying depending on the type of patch and the severity of the leak. The general process involves these steps:

1. Well Preparation: This crucial initial step involves thoroughly cleaning the damaged casing section. This often includes milling or brushing to remove any corrosion, debris, or scale that could compromise the patch's seal. The area surrounding the leak is also inspected to assess the extent of the damage and plan the patch placement. Detailed logging and measurement of the casing diameter are essential for selecting the appropriate patch size.

2. Patch Selection and Preparation: The choice of patch (full-bore, partial-bore, mechanical, weldable, sleeved) depends on the specific leak characteristics and available wellbore access. Pre-fabricated patches require minimal on-site preparation, while weldable patches often necessitate pre-cutting and fitting. Sleeved patches require precise sizing and preparation of the sleeve to ensure a snug fit over the damaged casing.

3. Patch Deployment: This step involves carefully lowering the patch into the wellbore using specialized tools and equipment. Accurate positioning is crucial for effective sealing. Guidance systems, such as wireline or coiled tubing, help to accurately place the patch over the damaged area. For complex well geometries or challenging access, advanced deployment techniques may be employed.

4. Patch Securing: The method for securing the patch differs depending on the patch type. Mechanical patches use clamps, bolts, or expanding elements to grip the casing. Weldable patches require specialized welding techniques (e.g., orbital welding) to ensure a strong and leak-proof seal. Sleeved patches are typically welded in place at both ends of the sleeve. Proper securing is critical for the long-term integrity of the repair.

5. Post-Installation Testing: After securing the patch, thorough testing is vital to verify the success of the repair. This typically involves pressure testing to ensure the patch effectively seals the leak and maintains well integrity. Acoustic monitoring or other non-destructive testing methods may also be used to detect any residual leaks or weaknesses.

Chapter 2: Models

Various casing patch models cater to different scenarios, each with unique advantages and disadvantages:

  • Full-Bore Patches: These offer complete coverage of the casing diameter, providing the most robust seal against leaks of any size. They are suitable for significant damage or when a complete barrier is required.

  • Partial-Bore Patches: Designed for smaller, localized leaks, these patches only cover a portion of the casing diameter. They are cost-effective for less severe damage, minimizing the material used and potentially reducing installation time.

  • Mechanical Patches: These pre-fabricated units utilize clamps, expanding elements, or other mechanical mechanisms to secure the patch to the casing. They are often quicker to install than weldable patches and require less specialized equipment.

  • Weldable Patches: These require welding to the casing, creating a permanent and highly robust seal. They are suitable for severe damage but require skilled welders and specialized welding equipment. They are often chosen for high-pressure or high-temperature applications.

  • Sleeved Patches: These involve inserting a metal sleeve over the damaged section of the casing and welding it in place. They provide a substantial increase in casing strength, in addition to sealing the leak. They are ideal when casing integrity is compromised beyond a simple leak.

Selecting the appropriate model depends on factors such as leak size, casing condition, wellbore access, and operational budget.

Chapter 3: Software

Specialized software plays a significant role in planning and executing casing patch installations. These tools aid in:

  • Wellbore Modeling: Software can create 3D models of the wellbore, accurately representing the casing geometry and the location of the leak. This allows for precise patch design and placement planning.

  • Finite Element Analysis (FEA): FEA software simulates the stress and strain on the casing and the patch during and after installation. This helps to ensure the patch's structural integrity and prevent future failures.

  • Leak Detection and Localization: Some software utilizes data from well logs and pressure tests to identify and locate leaks precisely, aiding in efficient patch placement.

  • Deployment Simulation: This allows operators to simulate the patch deployment process, identifying potential challenges and optimizing the installation procedure.

The use of specialized software significantly enhances the efficiency and reliability of casing patch installations.

Chapter 4: Best Practices

Several best practices contribute to successful and safe casing patch operations:

  • Thorough Pre-Job Planning: This includes detailed assessment of the leak, casing condition, and available resources. Careful planning minimizes downtime and ensures the selection of appropriate equipment and personnel.

  • Rigorous Quality Control: All materials and equipment should be inspected and tested to ensure their quality and suitability for the job. Regular inspections throughout the installation process help to identify and address any potential issues.

  • Experienced Personnel: The installation of casing patches requires skilled and experienced personnel proficient in well intervention techniques, welding (where applicable), and quality control procedures.

  • Emergency Preparedness: A comprehensive emergency response plan is crucial to address any unforeseen circumstances, ensuring the safety of personnel and environmental protection.

  • Post-Job Evaluation: Thorough documentation and analysis of the entire process, including challenges encountered and lessons learned, are critical for improving future operations.

Chapter 5: Case Studies

(This chapter would contain detailed descriptions of real-world casing patch installations, highlighting the specific challenges, techniques employed, and outcomes. Examples could include scenarios involving different patch types, varying degrees of casing damage, and diverse well conditions. Each case study would offer valuable insights into the practical application of casing patch technology.) For example, one case study might describe a successful full-bore patch installation in a high-pressure well, while another might detail the use of a partial-bore patch to address a minor leak in a low-pressure well. The inclusion of quantitative data, such as leak rates before and after patching, would enhance the value of the case studies.

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إدارة سلامة الأصول


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