معجم المصطلحات الفنية مستعمل في Asset Integrity Management: Capillary pressure

Capillary pressure

فك شفرة التدفق: الضغط الشعري في النفط والغاز

في عالم استكشاف النفط والغاز المعقد، فإن فهم التفاعل المعقد للقوى داخل تشكيلات الصخور المسامية أمر بالغ الأهمية لنجاح عملية الاستخراج. تلعب إحدى هذه القوى، **الضغط الشعري**، دورًا محوريًا في تحديد حركة السوائل داخل هذه التشكيلات.

**الضغط الشعري** هو **الفرق في الضغط** الذي يوجد بين سائلين غير قابلين للامتزاج (مثل النفط والماء) يشغلان نفس المساحة المسامية في صخرة. ينشأ هذا الفرق في الضغط بسبب **التوتر السطحي** بين هذه السوائل. يعمل التوتر السطحي مثل "الجلد" على سطح السوائل، مما يخلق قوة تقاوم حركة سائل واحد إلى الفراغ الذي يشغله الآخر.

تخيل سائلين، النفط والماء، في أنبوب صغير. بسبب التوتر السطحي بين السوائل، سيميل النفط إلى "التصاق" بجدران الأنبوب، مما يخلق واجهة منحنية مع الماء. يخلق هذا الانحناء فرقًا في الضغط بين السائلين، مع كون الضغط في النفط أعلى من الضغط في الماء.

**كيف يرتبط هذا بإنتاج النفط والغاز؟**

في صخرة خزان، تنطبق نفس الظاهرة. عندما يكون النفط والماء موجودين في مسام الصخرة، يؤثر فرق الضغط الشعري على حركة السوائل. للتغلب على هذا الفرق في الضغط وبدء تدفق النفط، يجب أن يتجاوز الضغط في بئر الحفر الضغط الشعري.

فيما يلي تفصيل لكيفية تأثير الضغط الشعري على إنتاج النفط والغاز:

  • **توصيف الخزان:** تساعد قياسات الضغط الشعري في فهم توزيع حجم المسام والاتصال داخل صخرة الخزان. هذه المعلومات حيوية للتنبؤ بأنماط تدفق السوائل وتحديد قدرة الخزان على إنتاج الهيدروكربونات.
  • **قبة الماء:** مع إنتاج النفط، يمكن أن تتحرك المياه الموجودة أسفل طبقة النفط لأعلى، مدفوعة بتدرج الضغط. يلعب الضغط الشعري دورًا رئيسيًا في تحديد معدل حدوث "قبة الماء" هذه، مما يؤثر على كفاءة الإنتاج.
  • **تحسين استخلاص النفط (EOR):** في أساليب EOR مثل الحقن المائي، فإن فهم الضغط الشعري أمر بالغ الأهمية لتحسين استراتيجية الحقن. من خلال التلاعب بالضغط الشعري، يمكن للمهندسين زيادة استخلاص النفط عن طريق دفع النفط نحو آبار الإنتاج.

**في جوهره، فإن الضغط الشعري هو عامل أساسي يحكم حركة السوائل في الوسائط المسامية ويلعب دورًا حاسمًا في إنتاج النفط والغاز بكفاءة. ** إن فهم هذا الفرق في الضغط وتقديره بدقة أمر ضروري لتحسين استراتيجيات إدارة الخزان وتحقيق أقصى قدر من استخلاص الهيدروكربونات.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Unlocking the Flow: Capillary Pressure in Oil & Gas

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is capillary pressure?

a) The pressure exerted by the weight of the fluids in a reservoir. b) The pressure difference between two immiscible fluids in a pore space. c) The pressure required to overcome the resistance of the rock to fluid flow. d) The pressure at which fluids start to flow through the reservoir.


b) The pressure difference between two immiscible fluids in a pore space.

2. Which of the following factors influences capillary pressure?

a) The density of the fluids. b) The viscosity of the fluids. c) The interfacial tension between the fluids. d) The temperature of the reservoir.


c) The interfacial tension between the fluids.

3. How does capillary pressure affect water coning?

a) It prevents water coning from occurring. b) It increases the rate of water coning. c) It decreases the rate of water coning. d) It has no effect on water coning.


b) It increases the rate of water coning.

4. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of understanding capillary pressure in reservoir management?

a) Predicting fluid flow patterns in the reservoir. b) Determining the optimal injection strategy for EOR methods. c) Estimating the amount of oil that can be recovered from the reservoir. d) Calculating the pressure required to start producing oil from a well.


d) Calculating the pressure required to start producing oil from a well.

5. Why is capillary pressure a key factor in efficient oil and gas production?

a) It helps to prevent the formation of gas bubbles in the oil. b) It allows for the separation of oil and water in the reservoir. c) It determines the rate at which fluids can flow through the reservoir. d) It influences the pressure gradient in the reservoir.


c) It determines the rate at which fluids can flow through the reservoir.

Exercise: Capillary Pressure and Water Coning

Scenario: You are an engineer working on an oil reservoir. The reservoir contains oil and water, and the water is located below the oil layer. The reservoir has a high capillary pressure.

Task: Explain how the high capillary pressure will affect the production of oil from the well and how this might lead to water coning. Propose a potential solution to mitigate this issue.

Exercice Correction

A high capillary pressure in this scenario means that there is a significant pressure difference between the oil and water in the pore spaces. This pressure difference will resist the flow of oil towards the well. Consequently, the production rate of oil will be lower than it would be with a lower capillary pressure. Moreover, the high capillary pressure can accelerate water coning. As oil is produced from the well, the pressure in the reservoir decreases, creating a pressure gradient that drives the water upwards. The high capillary pressure makes it more difficult for the oil to displace the water, leading to a faster rate of water coning. To mitigate this issue, engineers can implement strategies such as:

  • **Injecting water:** In a waterflooding project, injecting water into the reservoir can help push the oil towards the production wells. This reduces the effect of capillary pressure by creating a more favorable pressure gradient for oil flow.
  • **Optimizing well spacing and placement:** Careful placement of production and injection wells can help to control the water coning by ensuring that water is not drawn towards the production well too quickly.
  • **Using specialized well completion techniques:** Techniques like horizontal wells or multi-lateral wells can help to intercept more oil while limiting the impact of water coning.

By understanding the impact of capillary pressure and implementing appropriate strategies, engineers can improve oil production and minimize water coning issues in reservoirs.


  • "Fundamentals of Reservoir Engineering" by L.P. Dake: A comprehensive textbook covering various aspects of reservoir engineering, including capillary pressure.
  • "Petroleum Engineering Handbook" by W.D. McCain: Another widely used handbook providing detailed information on oil and gas production, including capillary pressure concepts.
  • "Applied Petroleum Reservoir Engineering" by T.A. Blasingame: This textbook focuses on practical applications of reservoir engineering principles, with specific chapters dedicated to capillary pressure and its implications.


  • "Capillary Pressure: A Review" by S.A. Holditch (SPE Journal): A thorough review article exploring the history, theory, and applications of capillary pressure.
  • "The Role of Capillary Pressure in Oil and Gas Production" by J.M. Schechter (Journal of Petroleum Technology): This article delves into the impact of capillary pressure on various aspects of oil and gas production, including water coning and EOR.
  • "Capillary Pressure Measurement and Its Applications" by M.J. King (SPE Reservoir Engineering): This article explores different methods used to measure capillary pressure and discusses their importance in reservoir characterization.

Online Resources

  • SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers): The SPE website provides access to a vast collection of technical papers, presentations, and other resources related to capillary pressure and reservoir engineering. https://www.spe.org/
  • OnePetro: This platform offers a comprehensive library of technical publications from various industry sources, including articles on capillary pressure. https://www.onepetro.org/
  • Stanford University: "Reservoir Engineering" course notes: These online notes provide a detailed explanation of capillary pressure and its applications in reservoir engineering. https://web.stanford.edu/group/stanfordes/

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Instead of simply searching for "capillary pressure," use more specific terms like "capillary pressure oil reservoir," "capillary pressure water coning," or "capillary pressure measurement techniques."
  • Include relevant keywords: Incorporate keywords related to your specific area of interest, such as "EOR," "reservoir characterization," or "production optimization."
  • Utilize advanced search operators: Use operators like "+" (AND), "-" (NOT), and "site:" to refine your search results and find relevant articles and documents.
  • Search academic databases: Explore databases like JSTOR, ScienceDirect, and Google Scholar for peer-reviewed articles on capillary pressure.
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