معجم المصطلحات الفنية مستعمل في Civil & Structural Engineering: Axial Load

Axial Load

فهم الحمل المحوري: القوة التي تمتد وتضغط

في عالم الهندسة والفيزياء، تلعب القوى دورًا حاسمًا في تحديد سلوك الأشياء. من بين هذه القوى، **الحمل المحوري** يبرز كمفهوم أساسي، يؤثر على سلامة الهياكل وأدائها من الجسور والمباني إلى الأشياء اليومية مثل الطاولات والكراسي.

**ما هو الحمل المحوري؟**

ببساطة، يشير الحمل المحوري إلى **قوة تعمل على طول المحور الطولي لجسم ما**. يمكن أن تكون هذه القوة **شدّية** (سحب) أو **ضغط** (دفع)، مما يؤدي إلى **تمدد** الجسم أو **ضغط** . فكر في حبل يتم سحبه بإحكام أو عمود يدعم وزنًا ثقيلًا.

**الشد مقابل الضغط:**

  • **الشد:** يؤدي الحمل المحوري الشديد إلى سحب الجسم، مما يجعله **يتمدد** . تخيل شريط مطاطي يتم شده.
  • **الضغط:** يدفع الحمل المحوري الضاغط على الجسم، مما يجعله **يتقلص** . فكر في زنبرك يتم ضغطه.

**أمثلة على الحمل المحوري في العمل:**

  • **المباني والجسور:** يخلق وزن الهيكل نفسه والحمل الذي يحمله **أحمالًا محورية ضاغطة** على الأعمدة والعوارض.
  • **الآلات والهياكل:** تتعرض المكونات مثل **الأنابيب** في الآلات **لأحمال محورية** بسبب القوى الدورانية والتروس.
  • **الأشياء اليومية:** يخلق وزن كتاب موضوع على طاولة **حملًا محوريًا ضاغطًا** على أرجل الطاولة.

**أهمية فهم الحمل المحوري:**

إن فهم الأحمال المحورية أمر بالغ الأهمية بالنسبة للمهندسين والمصممين حيث يؤثر بشكل مباشر على قوة **الاستقرار** للإنشاءات. إليك السبب:

  • **الإجهاد والانفعال:** يؤدي الحمل المحوري إلى **الإجهاد** ، وهو القوة الداخلية لكل وحدة مساحة داخل الجسم. يعاني الجسم أيضًا من **الانفعال** ، وهو التشوه الناتج عن الحمل المطبق.
  • **خصائص المواد:** تحدد خصائص المواد (مثل معامل المرونة وقوة الخضوع) كيف تستجيب **لأحمال محورية**. يساعد فهم هذه الخصائص المهندسين على اختيار المواد المناسبة للتطبيقات المختلفة.
  • **تصميم الهياكل:** من خلال تحليل الأحمال المحورية وخصائص المواد، يمكن للمهندسين تصميم هياكل يمكنها **تحمل** القوى التي ستواجهها بأمان.


إن الحمل المحوري هو مفهوم أساسي في الهندسة والفيزياء يلعب دورًا حاسمًا في **استقرار** و **أداء** الهياكل. من خلال فهم كيفية تأثير الأحمال المحورية على المواد والأجسام، يمكننا ضمان **تصميمات آمنة وكفاءة** ، من أصغر المكونات إلى أضخم الهياكل.

Test Your Knowledge

Axial Load Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the definition of axial load?

a) A force acting perpendicular to the object's surface.


Incorrect. Axial load acts along the longitudinal axis of an object.

b) A force acting parallel to the object's surface.


Incorrect. Axial load acts along the longitudinal axis of an object.

c) A force acting along the longitudinal axis of an object.


Correct! Axial load acts along the longitudinal axis of an object.

d) A force acting at an angle to the object's surface.


Incorrect. Axial load acts along the longitudinal axis of an object.

2. Which of the following is NOT an example of an axial load?

a) A book resting on a table.


Incorrect. The book's weight creates a compressive axial load on the table legs.

b) A weight hanging from a rope.


Incorrect. The weight creates a tensile axial load on the rope.

c) A wind pushing against a building.


Correct! Wind pressure is a force acting on the building's surface, not along its axis.

d) A column supporting a roof.


Incorrect. The roof's weight creates a compressive axial load on the column.

3. What is the difference between tension and compression?

a) Tension stretches an object, while compression shortens it.


Correct! Tension pulls on the object, while compression pushes on it.

b) Tension shortens an object, while compression stretches it.


Incorrect. Tension pulls on the object, while compression pushes on it.

c) Tension is a horizontal force, while compression is a vertical force.


Incorrect. Tension and compression are both forces acting along the object's axis, regardless of direction.

d) Tension is caused by gravity, while compression is caused by wind.


Incorrect. Both tension and compression can be caused by various forces, including gravity and wind.

4. What is the importance of understanding axial load for engineers?

a) It helps them to design structures that can withstand the forces they will experience.


Correct! Understanding axial loads is crucial for ensuring structural stability.

b) It helps them to predict the color of a material under stress.


Incorrect. Axial load doesn't determine the color of a material.

c) It helps them to calculate the cost of construction materials.


Incorrect. While axial load influences material selection, it doesn't directly determine the cost.

d) It helps them to measure the temperature of a structure.


Incorrect. Axial load doesn't affect the temperature of a structure.

5. Which of the following properties of a material is most directly affected by axial load?

a) Density


Incorrect. Density is not directly affected by axial load.

b) Color


Incorrect. Color is not directly affected by axial load.

c) Electrical conductivity


Incorrect. Electrical conductivity is not directly affected by axial load.

d) Strength


Correct! Axial load directly impacts a material's strength by causing stress and strain.

Axial Load Exercise

Problem: A bridge is being built across a river. The bridge deck is supported by several steel columns. The deck weighs 10,000 kg, and the columns are each designed to withstand a maximum compressive axial load of 2,500,000 N. How many columns are needed to support the bridge deck safely?


  1. Calculate the total weight of the bridge deck in Newtons (N) using the formula: Force (N) = Mass (kg) x Acceleration due to gravity (m/s^2). Assume gravity is 9.8 m/s^2.
  2. Divide the total weight of the deck by the maximum axial load per column to determine the number of columns required.


Exercice Correction

1. Total weight of the bridge deck: Force = 10,000 kg * 9.8 m/s^2 = 98,000 N

2. Number of columns required: 98,000 N / 2,500,000 N/column = 0.0392 columns

Since we can't have a fraction of a column, we need to round up to the nearest whole number. Therefore, **4 columns are needed** to support the bridge deck safely.


  • Mechanics of Materials by R.C. Hibbeler: A comprehensive text covering the fundamentals of mechanics of materials, including axial load, stress, strain, and material properties.
  • Engineering Mechanics: Statics & Dynamics by R.C. Hibbeler: Provides an introduction to statics and dynamics, including the concept of axial load and its application in solving equilibrium problems.
  • Strength of Materials by Ferdinand Beer and E. Russell Johnston Jr.: Focuses on the behavior of materials under various loads, including axial loads, and how to analyze their strength and deformation.


  • Axial Load: A Comprehensive Guide by Engineering Basics: A detailed explanation of axial load, its types, and its impact on structural integrity.
  • Understanding Axial Load in Structural Engineering by The Constructor: An article discussing the importance of axial load in structural design and how engineers analyze its effects.
  • Axial Load: Definition, Examples, and Applications by ScienceDirect: A brief overview of axial load, including its definition, types, and common applications.

Online Resources

  • Axial Load by Britannica: Provides a concise explanation of axial load, its different types, and its impact on structural elements.
  • Axial Load and Stress by Engineering ToolBox: A resource offering detailed explanations, formulas, and calculators for analyzing axial load and stress in structures.
  • Axial Load Calculator by Engineering Calculators: A web-based tool that allows users to calculate axial load, stress, and strain in various materials and geometries.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords like "axial load definition," "axial load examples," "axial load calculation," "axial load stress," "axial load strain."
  • Combine keywords with specific material types like "axial load steel," "axial load concrete," or "axial load wood."
  • Search for academic resources by using keywords like "axial load research papers," "axial load journal articles," or "axial load textbook."
  • Explore relevant websites like Engineering Toolbox, ScienceDirect, and Engineering Calculators for reliable information.
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