الحفر واستكمال الآبار


الملاقط: العضلات وراء الحفر وإكمال الآبار

في عالم استكشاف النفط والغاز، تُعدّ عمليات الحفر وإكمال الآبار من العمليات المعقدة التي تتطلب الدقة والأدوات القوية. من بين المعدات الأساسية المستخدمة في هذه المساعي، تلعب **الملاقط** دورًا حاسمًا، حيث تعمل كـ"العضلات" التي تدفع عملية توصيل و فصل المكونات الحيوية.

**فهم الأساسيات:**

الملاقط هي مفاتيح كبيرة، مصنوعة عادةً من الفولاذ الثقيل، مصممة لِمُسْكَتِ وِدَوْرَانِ الأنابيب أثناء العمليات الحاسمة مثل:

  • التوصيل: تشديد الاتصال بين أقسام أنابيب الحفر، الغلاف، الأنابيب، أو الأنابيب الأخرى.
  • الفصل: فكّ وتفكيك هذه الأقسام.

**أنواع الملاقط:**

اعتمادًا على الغرض المحدد، تأتي الملاقط بأشكال متنوعة:

  • ملاقط الغلاف: مصممة لِمُسْكَتِ أوتار الغلاف، وهي الأنابيب الفولاذية التي تُبطّن فتحة البئر لتوفير متانة هيكلية ومنع الانهيار.
  • ملاقط الدوران: تُستخدم لِتَوْصِيْلِ وِفَصْلِ أنابيب الحفر، وهي الأنابيب الطويلة المجوفة التي تحمل بت الحفر إلى تشكيل الهدف.
  • ملاقط الأنابيب: مصممة خصيصًا لِمُسْكَتِ أوتار الأنابيب، وهي الأنابيب الصغيرة التي تنقل النفط والغاز المُنتَجِ إلى السطح.

التشغيل بالطاقة:**

بينما تُشغّل الملاقط التقليدية يدويًا، فإن **ملاقط الطاقة** تُقدّم ميزة كبيرة من خلال أتمتة العملية. توفر هذه الأدوات التي تُشغّل بالهواء المضغوط أو السوائل الهيدروليكية:

  • عزم دوران محسّن: قوة متزايدة لِتَشْدِيْدِ الاتصالات، مما يضمن وجود رابط آمن.
  • تشغيل أسرع: يقلل بشكل كبير من الوقت والجهد اللازم لِتَوْصِيْلِ وِفَصْلِ أقسام الأنابيب.
  • سلامة محسنة: يُلغي العمل اليدوي، مما يقلل من خطر إصابة المُشغّلِ.

مبدأ العمل:**

تُعمل الملاقط باستخدام زوج من الفكّين التي تُمسْكِ الأنبوب، مما يسمح بالدوران المُتحكّمِ فيه. تُستخدم ملاقط الطاقة نظامًا هيدروليكيًا أو هوائيًا لتشغيل الفكّين وتوفير عزم الدوران اللازم. صُمّمَتْ الفكّوك لِتَتَصَلَ بأحجام الأنابيب المتنوعة ولضمان وجود مُسْكَتِ آمن أثناء التشغيل.

الأهمية في إكمال البئر:**

تلعب الملاقط دورًا حاسمًا في ضمان إكمال البئر بنجاح. تُعدّ الاتصالات المُوَصّلَةُ وَالمُفَصّلَةُ بشكل صحيح أمرًا ضروريًا لـ:

  • منع التسربات: تضمن الاتصالات الآمنة سلامة البئر وتمنع تسرب السوائل.
  • الحفاظ على تدفق البئر: تضمن اتصالات الأنابيب المناسبة إنتاجًا فعالًا للنفط والغاز.
  • ضمان السلامة: تُقلّل الأنابيب المُثَبّتةُ بشكل مُحكمِ من خطر حدوث حوادث وفشل المعدات.


تُعَدّ الملاقط، سواء كانت يدوية أو مُشغّلة بالطاقة، أدوات أساسية في عمليات الحفر وإكمال البئر. تُعدّ قدرتها على توفير عزم الدوران والدقة اللازمين لِتَوْصِيْلِ الأنابيب أمرًا ضروريًا لسلامة وفعالية ونجاح هذه العمليات الحاسمة. مع تقدم الصناعة، تستمر ابتكارات التصميم والتكنولوجيا في الملاقط في تحسين أدائها، مما يُمَكّنُ من عمليات أكثر أمانًا وفعالية.

Test Your Knowledge

Tongs Quiz:

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary function of tongs in drilling and well completion?

a) To drill into the earth's formations. b) To connect and disconnect pipe sections. c) To pump oil and gas to the surface. d) To measure the depth of the well.


b) To connect and disconnect pipe sections.

2. Which type of tong is specifically designed for handling casing strings?

a) Rotary tongs b) Tubing tongs c) Casing tongs d) Drill pipe tongs


c) Casing tongs

3. What is the main advantage of using power tongs over manual tongs?

a) They are more lightweight and easier to handle. b) They require less maintenance. c) They provide increased torque and speed. d) They are less expensive to operate.


c) They provide increased torque and speed.

4. What is the primary safety benefit of using power tongs?

a) They reduce the risk of operator injury. b) They prevent leaks in the well. c) They ensure efficient oil and gas production. d) They increase the drilling speed.


a) They reduce the risk of operator injury.

5. How do tongs work to connect and disconnect pipes?

a) They use a hydraulic system to pump the pipe sections together. b) They use a pair of jaws that grip and rotate the pipes. c) They use a lever system to tighten and loosen the pipe connections. d) They use magnets to hold the pipe sections together.


b) They use a pair of jaws that grip and rotate the pipes.

Tongs Exercise:

Scenario: You are working on a drilling rig and need to connect a section of casing pipe to the existing string.


  1. Identify the type of tong you would use for this task.
  2. Briefly explain the steps involved in using the tongs to make up the casing connection.
  3. Explain the importance of ensuring a secure connection.

Exercice Correction

**1. Type of tong:** You would use **casing tongs** for this task, as they are specifically designed to handle casing strings. **2. Steps involved in making up the casing connection:** * **Prepare the pipes:** Ensure the ends of the pipes are clean and free of debris. Apply lubricant to the threads to facilitate smooth connection. * **Engage the tongs:** Position the casing tongs around the pipe and tighten the jaws to secure a firm grip. * **Make up the connection:** Rotate the tongs clockwise, applying consistent torque to tighten the connection. * **Check the connection:** Use a torque wrench to ensure the connection has been made to the specified torque value. * **Release the tongs:** Once the connection is secure, release the tongs from the pipe. **3. Importance of a secure connection:** * **Preventing leaks:** A secure connection prevents the escape of fluids from the well, ensuring safety and environmental protection. * **Maintaining well integrity:** A tight connection ensures the structural integrity of the well, preventing collapse and potential damage. * **Efficient production:** A properly made-up connection enables efficient flow of oil and gas to the surface.


  • "Drilling Engineering" by M.E. Economides and K.G. Nolte: A comprehensive textbook covering all aspects of drilling, including detailed sections on equipment and tools, like tongs.
  • "Petroleum Engineering Handbook" by T.D. Williams: This handbook offers a broad overview of petroleum engineering, with sections dedicated to drilling and completion processes, including the use of tongs.
  • "Oil Well Drilling Technology" by J.S. Slot and P.C. Smith: Focuses on practical aspects of oil well drilling, with detailed explanations of equipment like tongs, their operation, and safety considerations.


  • "Tongs: A Critical Tool in Drilling and Well Completion" - Oil & Gas Journal: This article discusses the various types of tongs, their functionalities, and their importance in ensuring secure connections.
  • "Advances in Power Tongs Technology: Improving Efficiency and Safety" - SPE Journal: An article exploring the evolution of power tongs, highlighting advancements in design, performance, and safety features.
  • "The Role of Tongs in Downhole Operations" - Journal of Petroleum Technology: This article delves into the specific applications of tongs in various downhole operations, including casing running, tubing installation, and well intervention.

Online Resources

  • Baker Hughes - Tongs and Equipment: Offers detailed information on their range of tongs, including their functionalities, specifications, and applications. https://www.bakerhughes.com/
  • Halliburton - Tongs: Provides a comprehensive overview of Halliburton's tong offerings, with specifications, operation manuals, and service information. https://www.halliburton.com/
  • National Oilwell Varco - Tongs: Offers a wide range of tongs, including manual and power options, with detailed descriptions, technical specifications, and downloadable resources. https://www.nov.com/

Search Tips

  • "Types of Tongs used in Oil and Gas Drilling"
  • "Power Tongs vs Manual Tongs"
  • "Tongs Safety Procedures"
  • "Tongs Manufacturers"
  • "Tongs for Casing, Tubing, and Drill Pipe"
  • "Tongs Torque Calculations"


Chapter 1: Techniques

Tongs: Mastering the Connection and Disconnection

Tongs, as discussed earlier, are the workhorses of the drilling and well completion process. Understanding the techniques behind their operation is crucial for safe and efficient operations.

Making Up: Securing the Connection

  • Proper alignment: Ensure the pipe sections are perfectly aligned before making up. Misalignment can lead to uneven torque and compromised connections.
  • Gradual tightening: Start by applying a light torque to ensure the pipe threads engage correctly. Gradually increase torque to achieve the desired make-up torque.
  • Torque monitoring: Use torque wrenches or torque indicators to monitor the applied torque and ensure it reaches the specified values.
  • Lubrication: Apply a suitable lubricant to the threads to reduce friction and prevent galling.

Breaking Out: Releasing the Grip

  • Reverse torque: Apply reverse torque to the pipe to loosen the connection.
  • Breaking torque: Start with a moderate reverse torque and gradually increase until the connection breaks free.
  • Caution with stuck pipes: If the connection is stuck, avoid excessive force. Use specialized techniques and tools to break the stuck connection.

Hand Tongs vs. Power Tongs

Hand tongs require manual effort to apply torque. They are often used for smaller pipe sizes and in situations where power tongs are not available.

Power tongs utilize hydraulic or pneumatic systems to automate the process. They offer several advantages over hand tongs:

  • Increased torque: Power tongs can handle larger pipes and apply higher torque for secure connections.
  • Faster operation: They significantly reduce the time required for making up and breaking out connections.
  • Improved safety: They minimize the risk of operator injury by reducing manual effort.

Choosing the Right Tongs

The selection of tongs depends on the specific application:

  • Pipe size: Different tongs are designed for different pipe sizes.
  • Torque requirements: Select tongs capable of providing the necessary torque for the application.
  • Operating environment: Consider factors like accessibility, space constraints, and temperature when choosing tongs.


Mastering the techniques of using tongs is essential for successful drilling and well completion operations. By understanding the fundamentals of making up and breaking out, as well as the advantages of power tongs, operators can ensure safe and efficient connections, crucial for maintaining the integrity and productivity of wells.

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