معجم المصطلحات الفنية مستعمل في Drilling & Well Completion: surface casing

surface casing

غلاف السطح: ترسيخ أساس بئرك

في عالم حفر واستكمال الآبار الديناميكي، يكون الأساس القوي أمرًا بالغ الأهمية. يُوضع هذا الأساس بواسطة **غلاف السطح**، وهو مكون حيوي يرسخ بئر الحفر ويحمي البيئة المحيطة.

**ما هو غلاف السطح؟**

غلاف السطح هو أول سلسلة من الأنابيب الفولاذية المُثبتة بالأسمنت بعد حفر الحفرة الأولية، المعروفة باسم "حفرة السطح". يعمل كحاجز أساسي بين بئر الحفر والتكوينات الضحلة، التي غالبًا ما تحتوي على طبقات المياه الجوفية العذبة ومناطق التلوث المحتملة.

**الأدوار الرئيسية لغلاف السطح:**

  • **حماية البيئة:** يمنع مزج طين الحفر وسوائل التكوين مع المياه الجوفية، مما يحمي البيئة.
  • **سلامة بئر الحفر:** يوفر الاستقرار الهيكلي لبئر الحفر، ويمنع الانهيار ويضمن سلامة عمليات الحفر.
  • **الحماية من الأحمال السطحية:** يقاوم الأحمال السطحية، مثل حركة المرور، والاستقرار، والتآكل، مما يضمن سلامة البئر على المدى الطويل.
  • **أساس لسلسلة الغلاف اللاحقة:** يعمل كأساس متين لتركيب سلاسل غلاف الوسيط والإنتاج.

**تصميم وتركيب غلاف السطح:**

تم تصميم غلاف السطح خصيصًا لظروف الموقع المحددة، بما في ذلك:

  • **العمق:** يحدد طول ووزن الأنبوب.
  • **خصائص التكوين:** تؤثر على نوع الأسمنت المستخدم وعمق التثبيت.
  • **الاعتبارات البيئية:** تحدد الاحتياطات اللازمة لمنع التلوث.

يشمل التثبيت:

  1. **حفر حفرة السطح:** يتم حفر الحفرة الأولية إلى العمق المطلوب.
  2. **تشغيل الغلاف:** يتم خفض أنبوب غلاف السطح إلى بئر الحفر.
  3. **التثبيت بالأسمنت:** يتم ضخ الأسمنت إلى الفراغ (المساحة بين الغلاف وبئر الحفر) لتثبيت الغلاف في مكانه وتوفير حاجز ضد هجرة السوائل.
  4. **اختبار الضغط:** يتم اختبار الغلاف المُثبت بالأسمنت لضمان سلامته ومقاومته للتسرب.

**غلاف السطح مقابل أنبوب السطح:**

بينما غالبًا ما يتم استخدام مصطلحي "غلاف السطح" و "أنبوب السطح" بالتبادل، فهناك اختلافات طفيفة بينهما:

  • **غلاف السطح:** يشير بشكل خاص إلى سلسلة الغلاف المستخدمة لختم حفرة السطح وحماية البيئة. إنه مصطلح أكثر تحديدًا وفنيًا.
  • **أنبوب السطح:** يمكن أن يشمل أي أنبوب يستخدم على مستوى السطح، بما في ذلك الغلاف، الأنبوب، أو خطوط التدفق. إنه مصطلح أوسع وأقل دقة.

**أهمية غلاف السطح:**

غلاف السطح هو مكون أساسي في حفر النفط والغاز الآمن والمسؤول. يحمي البيئة، ويحافظ على سلامة بئر الحفر، ويوفر أساسًا ثابتًا لعمليات الحفر الإضافية. يعتبر التصميم السليم والتركيب والصيانة ضروريين لضمان الأداء طويل الأمد وسلامة أي بئر.

Test Your Knowledge

Surface Casing Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary function of surface casing?

a) To facilitate the extraction of oil and gas. b) To prevent the mixing of drilling mud and formation fluids with groundwater. c) To increase the production rate of the well. d) To provide a smooth passage for the drilling bit.


b) To prevent the mixing of drilling mud and formation fluids with groundwater.

2. Which of the following is NOT a key role of surface casing?

a) Environmental protection. b) Wellbore integrity. c) Protection from surface loads. d) Increasing the well's production capacity.


d) Increasing the well's production capacity.

3. What factors influence the design of surface casing?

a) Depth, formation properties, environmental considerations. b) Production rate, drilling mud type, wellbore diameter. c) The number of drilling rigs, the experience of the drilling crew, weather conditions. d) The cost of materials, the availability of labor, the market price of oil and gas.


a) Depth, formation properties, environmental considerations.

4. Which of the following is the correct sequence of steps for surface casing installation?

a) Running the casing, cementing, pressure testing, drilling the surface hole. b) Drilling the surface hole, running the casing, cementing, pressure testing. c) Cementing, pressure testing, drilling the surface hole, running the casing. d) Pressure testing, drilling the surface hole, running the casing, cementing.


b) Drilling the surface hole, running the casing, cementing, pressure testing.

5. What is the main difference between "surface casing" and "surface pipe"?

a) "Surface casing" is used for shallow wells, while "surface pipe" is used for deep wells. b) "Surface casing" refers specifically to the casing string used for environmental protection, while "surface pipe" is a broader term. c) "Surface casing" is made of steel, while "surface pipe" can be made of other materials. d) "Surface casing" is installed before drilling, while "surface pipe" is installed after drilling.


b) "Surface casing" refers specifically to the casing string used for environmental protection, while "surface pipe" is a broader term.

Surface Casing Exercise

Scenario: You are a drilling engineer working on a new oil well project. The well site is located near a freshwater aquifer. The depth of the surface hole is 100 meters.


  1. Describe the crucial considerations for designing the surface casing for this well.
  2. Explain why surface casing is essential for protecting the freshwater aquifer in this scenario.
  3. Outline the steps involved in installing the surface casing.

Exercice Correction

**1. Crucial Considerations for Designing the Surface Casing:**

  • Depth: The surface casing needs to extend beyond the 100-meter depth of the surface hole, providing a sufficient barrier to protect the aquifer.
  • Formation Properties: Understanding the characteristics of the formations above and around the aquifer (e.g., permeability, porosity) is essential to select appropriate cement and ensure a leak-proof seal.
  • Environmental Considerations: The location near the freshwater aquifer necessitates a robust design and careful installation to prevent any contamination.
  • Corrosion Resistance: The surface casing should be made of materials resistant to corrosion from the surrounding environment and the chemicals used in drilling operations.
  • Structural Integrity: The casing must be strong enough to withstand the stresses of drilling and production operations, as well as the potential weight of the drilling rig and other surface equipment.

**2. Importance of Surface Casing for Aquifer Protection:**

  • Prevent Contamination: The surface casing acts as a barrier, preventing drilling mud, formation fluids, and other potentially harmful substances from migrating into the freshwater aquifer.
  • Maintain Water Quality: Protecting the aquifer ensures the continued availability of clean water for drinking, agriculture, and other purposes.
  • Environmental Responsibility: This is essential for responsible oil and gas exploration and production, minimizing the impact on sensitive ecosystems and water resources.

**3. Steps involved in Installing the Surface Casing:**

  • Drilling the Surface Hole: Drill the initial hole to the required depth (100 meters in this case).
  • Running the Casing: Lower the surface casing pipe into the wellbore.
  • Cementing: Pump cement into the annulus between the casing and the wellbore, ensuring a strong bond and a leak-proof seal.
  • Pressure Testing: After the cement has set, test the cemented casing to verify its integrity and leak-proof nature.


  • Petroleum Engineering Handbook: This comprehensive handbook covers all aspects of oil and gas drilling, including surface casing design, installation, and cementing.
  • Drilling Engineering: This book provides in-depth information on drilling operations and well construction, with dedicated chapters on surface casing.
  • Fundamentals of Reservoir Engineering: This book explores the complexities of reservoir behavior and well production, including the role of surface casing in wellbore integrity.


  • "Surface Casing Design and Installation" by [Author Name] in [Journal Name] - Search for articles on surface casing design and installation practices in reputable journals like the Journal of Petroleum Technology, SPE Drilling & Completion, or similar publications.
  • "The Importance of Surface Casing in Environmental Protection" by [Author Name] in [Journal Name] - Search for articles that delve into the environmental significance of surface casing and its role in preventing contamination.
  • "Case Studies of Surface Casing Failures and Remediation" - Look for articles that analyze case studies of surface casing failures and discuss their causes and consequences, as well as remedial measures.

Online Resources

  • Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE): SPE offers a vast library of technical papers, research, and presentations on various drilling and completion topics, including surface casing. Search their website using keywords like "surface casing," "well integrity," or "environmental protection."
  • American Petroleum Institute (API): API publishes industry standards and guidelines for oil and gas operations, including those related to surface casing design and installation. Refer to their website for relevant API standards like API 11D, 11E, and 11F.
  • The Oil & Gas Journal: This industry publication regularly publishes articles on drilling, completion, and environmental issues, often featuring discussions on surface casing and related technologies.
  • DrillingInfo: This online database provides access to technical information, data, and analysis related to drilling and production operations, including surface casing-related data.

Search Tips

  • Specific Keywords: Use specific keywords like "surface casing design," "surface casing installation," "surface casing cementing," "surface casing failures," or "surface casing regulations" to narrow down your search results.
  • Combine Keywords: Combine keywords to refine your search, such as "surface casing AND environmental protection" or "surface casing AND well integrity."
  • Filter by Publication Date: Filter your search results by publication date to find relevant and updated information.
  • Use Quotation Marks: Use quotation marks around specific phrases to find exact matches, such as "surface casing design guidelines" or "surface casing installation procedures."
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