الحفر واستكمال الآبار

chain tongs

ملقطات السلسلة: قوة العمل في حفر الآبار وإكمالها

تُعدّ ملقطات السلسلة أداة أساسية في صناعة النفط والغاز، وتُستخدم على نطاق واسع في عمليات حفر الآبار وإكمالها. تُعتبر هذه الأدوات المُشغّلة يدويًا قيمة جدًا لشدّ وتخفيف الأنابيب، مما يجعلها ضرورية للعديد من المهام طوال دورة حياة البئر.

فهم ملقطات السلسلة

تتكون ملقطات السلسلة، كما يوحي اسمها، من مقبض وسلسلة. تُلف السلسلة، مشابهة لسلسلة الدراجة، حول الأنبوب وتُثبّت بواسطة فكّين. يسمح المقبض، مع آلية الرافعة المُدمجة به، للمشغلين بممارسة قوة كبيرة على الأنبوب، مما يشدّه أو يخفّفه حسب الحاجة.

التطبيقات الرئيسية في الحفر وإكمال الآبار

تُستخدم ملقطات السلسلة في مجموعة متنوعة من التطبيقات طوال عملية حفر البئر وإكماله، بما في ذلك:

  • نصب وسحب الغلاف: تتضمن هذه الخطوة الحاسمة في بناء البئر تركيب غلاف فولاذي لتوفير الدعم ومنع انهيار بئر البئر. تُعتبر ملقطات السلسلة ضرورية لضمان تثبيت الغلاف بشكل آمن على رأس البئر.
  • ربط و فصل الأنابيب: تُستخدم الأنابيب لنقل النفط والغاز من الخزان إلى السطح. تُستخدم ملقطات السلسلة لربط و فصل سلاسل الأنابيب، مما يضمن اتصالًا خاليًا من التسرب.
  • العمل مع أنابيب الحفر: أثناء عمليات الحفر، تُستخدم ملقطات السلسلة للتعامل مع أنابيب الحفر، بما في ذلك إجراء الاتصالات وفصل المقاطع حسب الحاجة.
  • معدات إكمال البئر: تُستخدم ملقطات السلسلة أيضًا في تجميع وتفكيك مختلف معدات إكمال البئر، مثل حشوات الأنابيب، والصمامات، والمكونات الأخرى.

أنواع ملقطات السلسلة

تتوفر ملقطات السلسلة بأحجام وتصميمات مختلفة للاستيعاب أقطار الأنابيب المختلفة والتطبيقات. تشمل الأنواع الشائعة:

  • ملقطات السلسلة القياسية: هذا هو النوع الأكثر أساسية، ويتميز بمقبض واحد وسلسلة.
  • ملقطات السلسلة ذات المقبضين: تُقدم هذه الملقطات رافعة أكبر، مما يجعلها مثالية للتعامل مع الأنابيب ذات القطر الكبير.
  • ملقطات السلسلة ذات القفل: تُدمج هذه الملقطات آلية قفل، مما يسمح بشدّ وتخفيف الأنبوب بدقة.
  • ملقطات السلسلة الهيدروليكية: تُشغّل هذه الملقطات بواسطة الضغط الهيدروليكي، مما يوفر قوة أكبر للتطبيقات الصعبة.

الفوائد والاعتبارات

تُقدم ملقطات السلسلة العديد من المزايا:

  • التنوع: تُناسب مجموعة واسعة من أحجام الأنابيب والتطبيقات.
  • المتانة: صُنعت ملقطات السلسلة للتحمل في بيئة حقل النفط الصعبة.
  • القدرة على التصنيع: تُعتبر رخيصة نسبياً و متاحة بسهولة.

ومع ذلك، من المهم مراعاة:

  • خطر الإصابة: إذا تم استخدامها بشكل غير صحيح، فقد تُشكل ملقطات السلسلة خطر الإصابة للمشغلين.
  • احتمال تلف الأنبوب: قد يؤدي الاستخدام غير الصحيح إلى تلف الأنبوب.


تُعدّ ملقطات السلسلة أدوات لا غنى عنها في عمليات حفر الآبار وإكمالها، و تُقدم وسيلة فعالة وموثوقة لشدّ وتخفيف الأنابيب. يُعزّز تنوعها، و متانتها، و أسعارها المنخفضة من مكانتها الأساسية في هذه الصناعة. ومع ذلك، فإن التدريب الصحيح وممارسات التشغيل الآمنة ضرورية لضمان سلامة العمال ومنع تلف المعدات.

Test Your Knowledge

Chain Tongs Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary function of chain tongs?

a) Lifting heavy equipment b) Cutting pipe c) Tightening and loosening pipe d) Welding pipe


c) Tightening and loosening pipe

2. Which of the following is NOT a type of chain tongs?

a) Standard Chain Tongs b) Double-Handle Chain Tongs c) Ratcheting Chain Tongs d) Electric Chain Tongs


d) Electric Chain Tongs

3. Chain tongs are used in which of the following operations?

a) Running and pulling casing b) Connecting and disconnecting tubing c) Working with drill pipe d) All of the above


d) All of the above

4. What is a potential risk associated with using chain tongs?

a) Pipe corrosion b) Risk of injury to operators c) Environmental pollution d) Increased drilling time


b) Risk of injury to operators

5. Which of the following is a benefit of using chain tongs?

a) High maintenance requirements b) Limited applications c) Affordability d) Complex operation


c) Affordability

Chain Tongs Exercise

Scenario: You are working on a well completion crew and need to connect a new section of tubing to the existing string. The tubing has a diameter of 4 inches.


  1. Identify the appropriate type of chain tongs for this job.
  2. Explain the steps involved in connecting the tubing using chain tongs.
  3. Briefly discuss any safety precautions that should be taken when using chain tongs in this scenario.

Exercice Correction

1. **Appropriate Chain Tongs:** For a 4-inch tubing diameter, standard chain tongs or double-handle chain tongs would be suitable. The choice would depend on the operator's preference and the available equipment. 2. **Steps Involved in Connecting Tubing:** * Ensure the tubing ends are clean and free of debris. * Apply pipe dope or thread sealant to the threads of the tubing section to be connected. * Carefully align the tubing sections and start threading them together using the chain tongs. * Use the chain tongs to tighten the connection, ensuring a firm and leak-free joint. * If using a ratchet chain tong, ensure the ratchet mechanism is engaged for a gradual and controlled tightening. * Once the connection is tight, inspect it for leaks. 3. **Safety Precautions:** * Use appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE), including gloves and safety glasses. * Ensure a firm grip on the chain tongs and avoid using excessive force that could damage the tubing. * Be aware of your surroundings and avoid potential hazards during the process. * Never use chain tongs on a pipe that is under pressure. * If you encounter any difficulties or feel unsafe, stop the operation and seek assistance.


  • "Oil Well Drilling Engineering: A Comprehensive Treatise" by Robert F. Stewart and J.B. Allred - A comprehensive text covering drilling and well completion techniques, including sections on pipe handling and tools like chain tongs.
  • "Petroleum Engineering Handbook" by Marcel J. Economides and John E. Nolte - This handbook includes detailed information on drilling and completion operations, providing insights into the use and importance of chain tongs.
  • "The Well Completion Manual" by Harold J. Vinegar - Focuses on well completion practices, with relevant sections on tools and equipment, including chain tongs.


  • "Chain Tongs: An Essential Tool in Oil & Gas Operations" by [Author Name] - Search for articles online and in industry journals focusing specifically on chain tongs. Look for publications from reputable sources like SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers) or other industry associations.
  • "Safety Considerations for Using Chain Tongs in Oilfield Operations" by [Author Name] - Find articles addressing safety procedures and best practices associated with chain tong usage.
  • "Evolution of Chain Tongs in Oil & Gas Drilling" by [Author Name] - Look for articles tracing the development and improvement of chain tongs over time.

Online Resources

  • Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) Website: SPE offers a vast library of technical papers, articles, and presentations related to drilling and well completion. Search for specific terms like "chain tongs" or "pipe handling" to find relevant content.
  • Oil & Gas Journal: This industry publication often features articles discussing various aspects of drilling and well completion, including tool usage.
  • Manufacturer Websites: Companies specializing in oilfield equipment, including chain tongs, often have detailed product information, specifications, and user manuals on their websites.

Search Tips

  • Use specific search terms like "chain tongs drilling," "chain tongs well completion," or "chain tongs types" for targeted results.
  • Include relevant keywords related to the specific application or type of chain tongs you're interested in.
  • Use quotation marks around exact phrases to refine your search. For example, "chain tongs safety precautions".
  • Explore related search suggestions offered by Google to discover additional relevant information.


Chain Tongs: A Workhorse in Drilling & Well Completion

This document expands on the provided text, breaking it down into chapters focusing on specific aspects of chain tongs.

Chapter 1: Techniques

This chapter details the proper techniques for using chain tongs, emphasizing safety and efficiency.

Using Chain Tongs Effectively and Safely:

The effectiveness and safety of using chain tongs depend heavily on proper technique. Here's a breakdown of best practices:

  • Pipe Preparation: Before engaging the chain tongs, ensure the pipe is clean and free of debris. Any obstructions can hinder proper gripping and lead to slippage or damage.

  • Chain Engagement: The chain should be wrapped evenly around the pipe, ensuring sufficient overlap to prevent slippage. The jaws should be securely fastened, and the chain links should be properly seated to avoid binding or premature wear. Avoid crossing chains.

  • Leverage and Force Application: The operator should maintain a firm grip on the handle(s) and apply force smoothly and consistently. Avoid jerking or sudden movements. Proper body mechanics are crucial to prevent strain and injury. For larger pipes or tighter situations, consider using double-handle tongs or hydraulic assistance.

  • Ratcheting Techniques (if applicable): If using ratcheting chain tongs, understand the mechanism and operate it smoothly and deliberately to avoid damaging the ratchet mechanism or the pipe.

  • Rotation and Alignment: Keep the pipe aligned to prevent binding or twisting. Rotate the pipe smoothly to distribute the load evenly and prevent concentrated stress on one area.

  • Safety Precautions: Always wear appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE), including gloves, safety glasses, and steel-toed boots. Be aware of your surroundings and ensure adequate clearance to avoid collisions or entanglement. Never attempt to exceed the rated capacity of the tongs. If the tongs feel excessively strained or the pipe is not yielding easily, stop and reassess the situation. Consult with experienced personnel if necessary.

  • Troubleshooting: If the chain slips or binds, stop immediately and investigate the cause. Common issues include improper chain engagement, uneven pipe surfaces, or debris.

Chapter 2: Models

This chapter explores the different types of chain tongs available, outlining their features and applications.

Variety in Chain Tong Designs:

Chain tongs are manufactured in various configurations to suit diverse operational needs. Key model differences include:

  • Standard Chain Tongs: These are the simplest design, featuring a single handle and chain. Suitable for smaller diameter pipes and lighter applications.

  • Double-Handle Chain Tongs: Offer increased leverage, making them ideal for larger diameter pipes and situations requiring greater torque. The dual handles provide more control and reduce strain on the operator.

  • Ratcheting Chain Tongs: Incorporate a ratchet mechanism allowing for incremental tightening and loosening, enhancing precision and control, particularly useful for delicate connections.

  • Hydraulic Chain Tongs: Powered by hydraulic pressure, these provide significantly increased force for extremely challenging applications involving exceptionally large or stubborn pipes. They enhance safety by reducing the physical strain on the operator.

  • Specialized Designs: Some specialized tongs are designed for specific applications, such as those used for working with upset tubing or particular casing types.

Chapter 3: Software

While chain tongs themselves are not directly controlled by software, related software could manage related aspects of the well's operation.

Software Integration in Well Operations:

Although chain tongs are manually operated, software plays a significant role in the broader context of drilling and well completion operations where they're used. This includes:

  • Well Planning Software: Software packages used to design and plan well construction can incorporate data related to the expected pipe sizes and connections, influencing the selection of appropriate chain tongs.

  • Torque Management Systems: In more sophisticated operations, torque management systems monitor the forces applied during pipe connection and disconnection. This data can inform operational decisions, improving safety and efficiency.

  • Data Logging and Analysis: Data on operations using chain tongs—such as the number of rotations, time spent, and any anomalies—can be logged and analyzed to optimize future operations and identify potential areas for improvement.

Chapter 4: Best Practices

This chapter emphasizes safety, maintenance, and efficient use of chain tongs.

Optimizing Chain Tong Use:

  • Regular Inspection and Maintenance: Regularly inspect chain tongs for wear and tear. Replace worn or damaged chains, jaws, and handles promptly. Proper lubrication is essential for smooth operation and longevity.

  • Capacity Limits: Never exceed the rated capacity of the chain tongs. Using tongs beyond their limits can lead to breakage, injury, and damage to equipment.

  • Training and Certification: Ensure all personnel using chain tongs receive adequate training and certification. Proper training minimizes the risk of accidents and ensures efficient operations.

  • Emergency Procedures: Establish and rehearse emergency procedures in case of equipment failure or injury.

  • Preventive Maintenance: A well-maintained set of chain tongs is crucial for safe and efficient operation. Regular inspection, lubrication, and prompt repair of any damage is vital for preventative maintenance.

Chapter 5: Case Studies

This chapter presents examples of successful and unsuccessful applications of chain tongs, illustrating best practices and potential pitfalls.

(Note: Specific case studies would require confidential data, which is not available here. However, hypothetical examples could be presented.)

Hypothetical Case Study 1 (Successful): A team used double-handle chain tongs efficiently to connect a large-diameter casing string under challenging conditions. Thorough preparation, proper technique, and regular safety checks ensured a smooth and safe operation, completing the task under budget and without incident.

Hypothetical Case Study 2 (Unsuccessful): A team attempted to use standard chain tongs for a heavy-duty operation exceeding the tongs' capacity. This resulted in chain breakage, causing minor injuries and significant delays. The incident highlighted the importance of adhering to rated capacities and choosing the appropriate equipment for the job. Improved training and procurement of suitable equipment were implemented afterward.

This expanded version provides a more comprehensive overview of chain tongs in the oil and gas industry. Remember to always prioritize safety when working with this equipment.

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