الأسواق المالية

Double Witching

الساحرتان المزدوجتان: التنقل في تقلبات السوق مرتين شهرياً في سوق الخيارات

تُعجّ الأسواق المالية بالمصطلحات الشيقة، و"الساحرتان المزدوجتان" (Double Witching) أحدها، حيث تُثير إحساساً بالإثارة والقلق على حد سواء بين المتداولين. تحدث هذه الظاهرة عدة مرات في السنة، وتشير إلى انتهاء صلاحية عقود خيارات مؤشرات الأسهم وعقود أسواق العقود الآجلة لمؤشرات الأسهم في وقت واحد. وعلى عكس "الساعة الساحرة الثلاثية" الأكثر كثافة، والتي تضيف خيارات الأسهم الفردية إلى المزيج، لا تزال الساحرتان المزدوجتان تُمثّل فترة من التقلبات العالية وزيادة نشاط التداول.

فهم الآليات:

تُمنح عقود الخيارات المشتري الحق، وليس الالتزام، بشراء (خيار الشراء) أو بيع (خيار البيع) أصل أساسي بسعر محدد (سعر الإضراب) في أو قبل تاريخ معين (تاريخ انتهاء الصلاحية). أما عقود الآجلة، فهي تُلزم الطرفين بشراء أو بيع أصل بسعر محدد مسبقاً في تاريخ مستقبلي محدد. عندما تنتهي صلاحية هذه العقود في وقت واحد، يشهد السوق تضافراً لنشاط التداول حيث يُغلق المتداولون مراكزهم القائمة أو يبدأون مراكز جديدة للاستفادة من التقلبات المحتملة في الأسعار.

لماذا التقلب؟

ينبع ارتفاع التقلبات خلال فترة الساحرتان المزدوجتان من عدة عوامل:

  • التداول المبرمج: غالباً ما تتفاعل استراتيجيات التداول الخوارزمية تلقائياً مع تواريخ انتهاء الصلاحية، مما يؤدي إلى حركات كبيرة وسريعة في الأسعار. تقوم هذه البرامج بضبط محافظ الاستثمار بناءً على العقود التي انتهت صلاحيتها، مما يساهم في حدوث تغييرات حادة في الأسعار.
  • زيادة الحجم: يقتضي حجم العقود التي انتهت صلاحيتها كمية هائلة من نشاط التداول، مما يخلق عاصفة مثالية لتقلبات الأسعار. يسارع المتداولون إما إلى إغلاق مراكزهم قبل انتهاء الصلاحية أو تعديل حيازاتهم لتعكس مشاعر السوق.
  • الغموض والمضاربة: يخلق الغموض الذي يحيط بحركات الأسعار عند انتهاء الصلاحية بيئة خصبة للمضاربة. يحاول المتداولون التنبؤ باتجاه السوق، مما يُضخم تقلبات الأسعار أكثر.
  • ضغط جاما: يحدث هذا عندما يكون عدد كبير من عقود الخيارات قريباً من المال (حيث يكون سعر السوق الحالي قريباً من سعر الإضراب). مع تحرك السعر، يمكن أن تُحدث هذه العقود سلسلة من ضغط الشراء أو البيع، مما يخلق تغييرات حادة في الأسعار.

الساحرتان المزدوجتان مقابل الساعة الساحرة الثلاثية:

بينما يشمل كلا الحدثين تقلبات عالية، إلا أن الساعة الساحرة الثلاثية أكثر تأثيراً بشكل ملحوظ. إن إضافة خيارات الأسهم الفردية إلى المزيج يزيد بشكل كبير من الحجم الكلي وإمكانية حدوث حركات أسعار لا يمكن التنبؤ بها. الساحرتان المزدوجتان، على الرغم من أهميتها، تكون عموماً أقل تقلباً من نظيرتها الأكثر كثافة.

استراتيجيات التداول خلال فترة الساحرتان المزدوجتان:

يسعى بعض المتداولين بنشاط إلى تحقيق الربح من التقلبات المحيطة بفترة الساحرتان المزدوجتان. يمكن أن تشمل الاستراتيجيات:

  • التأمين ضد المخاطر: حماية المراكز القائمة من الخسائر المحتملة بسبب زيادة التقلبات.
  • تحكيم التقلبات: الاستفادة من سوء التسعير الظاهر في علاوات الخيارات بناءً على توقعات التقلبات.
  • التداول قصير الأجل: الاستفادة من تقلبات الأسعار قصيرة الأجل من خلال الشراء بسعر منخفض والبيع بسعر مرتفع (أو العكس).


تمثل الساحرتان المزدوجتان فترة من زيادة نشاط السوق وتقلباته بسبب انتهاء صلاحية عقود خيارات مؤشرات الأسهم وعقود الآجلة في وقت واحد. على الرغم من أنها أقل كثافة من الساعة الساحرة الثلاثية، إلا أنها لا تزال تُقدم فرصاً وتحديات تداول كبيرة. إن فهم ديناميكيات الساحرتان المزدوجتان يسمح للمتداولين بإدارة مخاطرهم بشكل أفضل والربح المحتمل من تقلبات الأسعار المصاحبة. ومع ذلك، من المهم أن نتذكر أن ارتفاع التقلبات يمكن أن يؤدي إلى حركات سوقية غير متوقعة، مما يؤكد أهمية إدارة المخاطر بعناية.

Test Your Knowledge

Double Witching Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each multiple-choice question.

1. What characterizes "Double Witching" in the financial markets? (a) The expiration of single-stock options only. (b) The simultaneous expiration of stock index options and stock index futures contracts. (c) The expiration of all options contracts across all asset classes. (d) The expiration of stock index futures contracts only.

Answer(b) The simultaneous expiration of stock index options and stock index futures contracts.

2. Which of the following is NOT a primary factor contributing to the increased volatility during Double Witching? (a) Programmed trading (b) Increased trading volume (c) Stable market sentiment (d) Uncertainty and speculation

Answer(c) Stable market sentiment

3. How does Double Witching differ from Triple Witching? (a) Double Witching involves more volatility. (b) Triple Witching includes the expiration of single-stock options. (c) Double Witching occurs more frequently. (d) Triple Witching involves only futures contracts.

Answer(b) Triple Witching includes the expiration of single-stock options.

4. What is a "gamma squeeze"? (a) A rapid increase in interest rates. (b) A sharp price change triggered by near-the-money options contracts. (c) A decrease in trading volume. (d) A type of hedging strategy.

Answer(b) A sharp price change triggered by near-the-money options contracts.

5. Which of the following is a potential trading strategy during Double Witching? (a) Long-term buy-and-hold investing (b) Volatility arbitrage (c) Ignoring market fluctuations (d) Only investing in bonds

Answer(b) Volatility arbitrage

Double Witching Exercise

Scenario: You are a trader managing a portfolio that includes a significant position in S&P 500 index futures contracts. Double Witching is approaching. The current market price of the S&P 500 is 4,500, and you're concerned about potential price volatility during expiration.

Task: Describe two strategies you could employ to manage the risk associated with your S&P 500 futures position during Double Witching. Explain the rationale behind each strategy and the potential benefits and drawbacks.

Exercice CorrectionSeveral strategies are possible, here are two examples:

Strategy 1: Hedging with Options

  • Rationale: To mitigate potential losses from adverse price movements in the S&P 500 futures contract, you can buy put options on the S&P 500 index. Put options grant the right, but not the obligation, to sell the underlying asset (S&P 500 index) at a specific strike price before or on the expiration date.

  • Implementation: Purchase put options with a strike price slightly below the current market price (e.g., 4,450) and an expiration date coinciding with or shortly after the Double Witching date. The cost of the put options represents the premium paid for this insurance against potential price drops.

  • Benefits: Limits potential downside risk if the market declines significantly during Double Witching.

  • Drawbacks: The cost of the put options reduces potential profits if the market price stays flat or rises during expiration. It is a cost even if the hedge is not used.

Strategy 2: Reducing Position Size

  • Rationale: Reducing the size of your S&P 500 futures contract position before Double Witching lowers your exposure to the increased volatility.

  • Implementation: Sell off a portion of your S&P 500 futures contracts before Double Witching to reduce the overall amount at risk. You might decide to close a fraction of your total position to maintain some exposure to the potential upward movement while significantly reducing your losses from downside risk.

  • Benefits: Significantly reduces potential losses from price fluctuations.

  • Drawbacks: You will miss out on any potential profits from the remaining contracts if the market moves favorably. The reduction in exposure implies reducing potential profits.

These are just two examples. The optimal strategy will depend on your risk tolerance, market outlook, and the specific characteristics of your portfolio. Careful consideration of potential risks and benefits is essential.


  • *
  • Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives (Hull): This classic textbook provides a comprehensive overview of derivatives markets, including options and futures, and the mechanics of expiration. It's a foundational text for understanding the underlying concepts of Double Witching.
  • Trading in the Zone (Mark Douglas): While not directly about Double Witching, this book focuses on the psychological aspects of trading and risk management – crucial skills when navigating the increased volatility during such events.
  • Understanding Options (Michael Sincere): A more accessible book for beginners seeking to grasp options trading and strategies, laying the groundwork for understanding Double Witching's impact.
  • II. Articles (Journal Articles & Financial News):* Finding articles specifically titled "Double Witching" is unlikely. Search using these keywords and databases:
  • Keywords: "options expiration," "futures expiration," "index options volatility," "market volatility," "quadruple witching," "triple witching," "program trading," "algorithmic trading," "gamma squeeze," "options trading strategies," "expiration day trading."
  • Databases: JSTOR, ScienceDirect, Google Scholar, ProQuest, Westlaw (if you have access). Search within reputable financial news publications like the Wall Street Journal, Financial Times, Bloomberg, and Reuters.
  • *III.


Online Resources

  • *
  • Investopedia: Search Investopedia for terms like "options expiration," "futures expiration," and "triple witching." While they might not have a dedicated "Double Witching" page, they offer explanations of the underlying concepts.
  • Option Alpha, Tastytrade, and other options trading websites: These websites frequently discuss options trading strategies and market events. Search for content related to expiration week volatility and strategies.
  • Financial News Websites: Check the financial news sections of major news outlets for articles discussing market volatility around options expiration dates.
  • *IV. Google

Search Tips

  • *
  • Use precise keywords: Combine keywords like "options expiration volatility," "index futures expiration," "market impact options expiration."
  • Use quotation marks: Enclose phrases in quotation marks to find exact matches (e.g., "triple witching" effects).
  • Use minus signs: Exclude irrelevant terms (e.g., "triple witching" -stock).
  • Combine search terms: Use boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT) to refine your search.
  • Specify timeframes: Add "2023" or a specific year to focus your search on recent events.
  • Check advanced search options: Use Google's advanced search options to filter results by date, region, and file type.
  • V. Understanding the Context:* Remember that "Double Witching" is a less intense version of "Triple Witching" and "Quadruple Witching." Researching these related terms will provide valuable background information and insights into the dynamics of options expiration. Focus on understanding the mechanics of options and futures contracts, algorithmic trading, and the factors that contribute to market volatility. This contextual understanding will allow you to interpret information about Double Witching even if there isn't a dedicated resource specifically focusing on that term.


Double Witching: A Comprehensive Guide

Chapter 1: Techniques

Double Witching presents unique opportunities for traders skilled in specific techniques. The heightened volatility and increased volume create conditions ripe for certain strategies, while others become riskier.

Exploiting Volatility: The core strategy revolves around profiting from price swings. This involves:

  • Short-term trading: Rapid entry and exit points are crucial. Traders need to identify potential support and resistance levels to time trades effectively. Technical analysis tools like moving averages, RSI, and Bollinger Bands become essential for gauging momentum and potential reversals.

  • Volatility arbitrage: This advanced strategy focuses on exploiting discrepancies between implied and realized volatility. Traders might sell options with inflated implied volatility and buy those with lower implied volatility, betting that the market's realized volatility will converge towards the lower end. Options Greeks (especially Vega) play a critical role in this strategy.

  • Straddles and Strangles: These neutral strategies profit from significant price movements in either direction. A straddle involves buying both a call and a put option with the same strike price and expiration date. A strangle uses different strike prices (call above the current price and put below). They are profitable if the underlying asset's price moves substantially in either direction by the expiration date.

Mitigating Risk: The increased volatility also brings heightened risk. Risk management techniques are paramount:

  • Hedging: Protecting existing portfolios from large losses is vital. This might involve employing inverse positions (e.g., selling calls if you're long the underlying asset) or using options to offset potential declines.

  • Position Sizing: Careful calculation of position size is crucial to limit potential losses during periods of heightened volatility. Risk tolerance and the potential price swing should be carefully considered before entering any trade.

  • Stop-Loss Orders: Setting stop-loss orders is a must to automatically limit losses if the market moves against your position. The placement of these orders depends heavily on individual risk tolerance and market conditions.

Chapter 2: Models

Predicting market movements during Double Witching is challenging, but several models can help inform trading decisions. However, no model guarantees success.

  • Stochastic Volatility Models: These models, like the Heston model, aim to capture the time-varying nature of volatility. They can be used to price options more accurately, particularly in environments with elevated volatility like Double Witching. Their complexity requires significant computational power and expertise.

  • Jump Diffusion Models: These account for sudden, unpredictable jumps in asset prices, often observed during periods of high market activity. They can better represent the potential for sharp price movements associated with Double Witching.

  • GARCH Models: Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity models attempt to forecast volatility based on past volatility. They are useful in identifying potential volatility clusters, helping anticipate potentially volatile periods around Double Witching. The efficiency of GARCH models depends heavily on the accurate parameterization of the historical data.

  • Statistical Arbitrage Models: These seek to exploit temporary price discrepancies across related assets. During Double Witching, these models can be applied to find potential arbitrage opportunities arising from price movements in index futures and options.

Chapter 3: Software

Several software tools facilitate Double Witching trading:

  • Options Pricing Software: Software packages like Bloomberg Terminal, OptionVue, and Thinkorswim offer tools for pricing options, calculating Greeks, and backtesting trading strategies. They provide essential inputs for making informed decisions.

  • Algorithmic Trading Platforms: Platforms supporting automated trading strategies are essential for executing rapid trades during periods of high market activity. These platforms allow users to program and implement complex trading algorithms tailored to specific strategies.

  • Data Analytics Platforms: Access to robust market data is vital. Platforms like Refinitiv Eikon and Bloomberg provide real-time data feeds and analytical tools for understanding market conditions during Double Witching.

  • Spreadsheets and Programming Languages: Tools like Excel and Python can be employed for analysis and backtesting of trading strategies. Programming skills are valuable for creating custom indicators and trading algorithms.

Chapter 4: Best Practices

Successful Double Witching trading relies on careful preparation and risk management:

  • Thorough Research: Understanding the underlying factors contributing to Double Witching volatility is crucial. This includes studying historical data to identify typical price patterns.

  • Backtesting Strategies: Before implementing any strategy, rigorous backtesting is necessary to evaluate its performance under various market conditions.

  • Risk Management: Establishing clear stop-loss orders and position sizing limits is paramount to protect capital during heightened market volatility.

  • Diversification: Diversifying across multiple assets and strategies can help mitigate risk. Don't put all your eggs in one basket during this volatile period.

  • Stay Informed: Keeping abreast of market news and economic events is essential. Unexpected news can significantly influence market sentiment and price movements.

  • Emotional Discipline: Avoid impulsive decisions. Stick to your pre-defined trading plan and avoid chasing quick profits.

Chapter 5: Case Studies

Analyzing past Double Witching events can provide valuable insights. (Specific case studies would require detailed historical data analysis and are beyond the scope of this general outline. Case studies should analyze specific strategies employed during past Double Witching events, outlining both successful and unsuccessful outcomes, along with the underlying reasons for those results. They should highlight the importance of risk management and the challenges of predicting market movements during periods of high volatility.) Examples of case studies might focus on:

  • The impact of algorithmic trading on price movements during a specific Double Witching event.
  • The success or failure of a particular volatility arbitrage strategy during Double Witching.
  • A comparison of hedging strategies employed during different Double Witching events.
  • An analysis of how different market conditions (e.g., economic uncertainty, geopolitical events) affected the volatility and trading opportunities during a specific Double Witching period.


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