إدارة الاستثمار

Calendar Spread

توزيعات التقويم: استراتيجية خيارات قائمة على الزمن

تُعرف توزيعات التقويم، والمعروفة أيضًا باسم التوزيعات الزمنية أو التوزيعات الأفقية، بأنها استراتيجية تداول خيارات محايدة إلى هبوطية طفيفة تحقق الربح من انحلال القيمة الزمنية (ثيتا) للخيارات. وهي تتضمن شراء وبيع عقود خيارات في وقت واحد على نفس الأصل المتداول بنفس سعر الإضراب ولكن في تواريخ انتهاء صلاحية مختلفة. يشتري المتداول خيارًا ذي تاريخ انتهاء صلاحية أطول ويبيع في وقت واحد خيارًا ذي تاريخ انتهاء صلاحية أقصر من نفس النوع (كلاهما شراء أو كلاهما بيع).

كيف تعمل:

يكمن المبدأ الأساسي وراء توزيع التقويم في توقع أن يؤدي انحلال القيمة الزمنية إلى تقويض قيمة الخيار ذي تاريخ الانتهاء الأقصر بشكل أكبر من الخيار ذي تاريخ الانتهاء الأطول. يأتي إمكانية الربح من الفرق في القيمة الزمنية بين الخيارين. يحقق المتداول الربح إذا ظل سعر الأصل المتداول ثابتًا نسبيًا بين تواريخ انتهاء صلاحية الخيارين. يمكن أن تؤثر الحركات السعرية الكبيرة في أي اتجاه بشكل سلبي على الصفقة.

أنواع توزيعات التقويم:

  • توزيع التقويم الطويل (صعودي): يتضمن هذا شراء خيار شراء أو بيع طويل الأجل وبيع خيار شراء أو بيع قصير الأجل بنفس سعر الإضراب. تحقق هذه الاستراتيجية أقصى ربح عندما يبقى سعر الأصل المتداول ثابتًا نسبيًا حتى ينتهي صلاحية الخيار قصير الأجل بلا قيمة. إنها استراتيجية صعودية طفيفة لأن بعض إمكانات الارتفاع تبقى مع الخيار طويل الأجل.

  • توزيع التقويم القصير (هبوطي): يتضمن هذا بيع خيار شراء أو بيع طويل الأجل وشراء خيار شراء أو بيع قصير الأجل بنفس سعر الإضراب. هذه استراتيجية هبوطية أكثر عدوانية تحقق أقصى ربح من انحلال القيمة الزمنية الكبير وحركات الأسعار الصغيرة المحتملة ضد اتجاه الخيار المباع. وهي تحمل مخاطر أعلى من توزيع التقويم الطويل.

مخطط الربح/الخسارة:

الربح الأقصى لتوزيع التقويم الطويل يقتصر على قسط صافي المستلم عند بدء الصفقة. الخسارة القصوى محدودة بالتكلفة الأولية للتوزيع، مطروحًا منها القسط المستلم.

بالنسبة لتوزيع التقويم القصير، يقتصر الربح الأقصى أيضًا، على الرغم من أنه يمكن أن يكون أكبر بكثير من القسط الصافي المستلم، إذا تحرك السعر بشكل غير موات قبل انتهاء صلاحية الخيار قصير الأجل. ومع ذلك، فإن الخسارة المحتملة غير محدودة نظريًا (في حالة توزيع التقويم القصير للشراء) حيث يمكن أن يرتفع سعر الأصل المتداول إلى ما لا نهاية.

متى تستخدم توزيع التقويم:

تكون توزيعات التقويم فعالة للغاية في الأسواق ذات التقلب المنخفض والاتجاه السعري الجانبي. يمكن أن تكون مفيدة بشكل خاص عندما يعتقد المتداول أن سعر الأصل المتداول سيبقى ضمن نطاق محدد خلال فترة محددة. إنها أقل فعالية في الأسواق شديدة التقلب أو عندما تتوقع حركات أسعار كبيرة.


  • مخاطرة محددة: الخسارة القصوى محدودة بالخصم الصافي المدفوع (توزيع التقويم الطويل) أو الرصيد الصافي المستلم (توزيع التقويم القصير).
  • متطلبات رأس مال منخفضة: مقارنة بالاستراتيجيات الأخرى، غالبًا ما تتطلب توزيعات التقويم استثمارًا رأسماليًا صغيرًا نسبيًا.
  • الربح من انحلال القيمة الزمنية: تحقق الاستراتيجية ربحًا من الانحلال الطبيعي للقيمة الزمنية في الخيارات.


  • إمكانية ربح محدودة: الربح الأقصى محدود.
  • الحساسية لتغيرات التقلب: يمكن أن تؤدي الزيادات غير المتوقعة في التقلب إلى تقويض الأرباح.
  • يتطلب توقيتًا دقيقًا للسوق: يعتمد التنفيذ الناجح على بقاء سعر الأصل المتداول ضمن نطاق محدد.


توفر توزيعات التقويم طريقة متطورة للربح من انحلال القيمة الزمنية في الخيارات. إنها استراتيجية محايدة إلى هبوطية طفيفة منخفضة المخاطرة نسبيًا مناسبة للمتداولين ذوي الخبرة الذين يفهمون تسعير الخيارات وديناميكيات السوق. إن فهم ملف تعريف المخاطرة لكل من توزيعات التقويم الطويلة والقصيرة، وظروف السوق التي تفضل استخدامها، أمر بالغ الأهمية للتنفيذ الناجح. ضع دائمًا في اعتبارك استشارة مستشار مالي قبل الانخراط في تداول الخيارات.

Test Your Knowledge

Calendar Spreads Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each multiple-choice question.

1. What is the primary profit driver in a calendar spread strategy? (a) Underlying asset price increase (b) Underlying asset price decrease (c) Time decay (theta) (d) Implied volatility increase


(c) Time decay (theta)

2. A long calendar spread is generally considered: (a) Highly bearish (b) Highly bullish (c) Neutral to slightly bearish (d) Neutral to slightly bullish


(d) Neutral to slightly bullish

3. Which statement is TRUE regarding the maximum profit of a long calendar spread? (a) It is unlimited. (b) It is limited to the initial cost of the spread. (c) It is limited to the net premium received. (d) It depends on the underlying asset's price movement.


(c) It is limited to the net premium received.

4. Under what market conditions are calendar spreads MOST effective? (a) High volatility, strong upward trend (b) Low volatility, sideways price trend (c) High volatility, strong downward trend (d) Low volatility, strong upward trend


(b) Low volatility, sideways price trend

5. A short calendar spread carries: (a) Limited risk and limited profit potential. (b) Unlimited risk and limited profit potential. (c) Limited risk and unlimited profit potential. (d) Unlimited risk and unlimited profit potential.


(b) Unlimited risk and limited profit potential.

Calendar Spreads Exercise

Scenario: You believe the price of XYZ stock will remain relatively stable between now and the next two months. XYZ is currently trading at $50.

Task: Design a long calendar call spread for XYZ stock. Specify the following:

  • Underlying Asset: XYZ stock
  • Type of Spread: Long Calendar Call Spread
  • Strike Price: $50
  • Near-term Expiration: 1 month
  • Far-term Expiration: 2 months
  • Number of Contracts: 1
  • Premium for the short-term call (1 month): $2
  • Premium for the long-term call (2 months): $4


  1. What is the initial net debit (cost) of this trade?
  2. What is the maximum profit you can make on this trade?
  3. What is the maximum loss you can make on this trade?
  4. Under what price conditions at expiration will this trade be profitable?

Exercice Correction

1. Initial Net Debit: The initial cost is the difference between the premiums paid for the long-term call and the premium received for the short-term call: $4 (long) - $2 (short) = $2 net debit

2. Maximum Profit: The maximum profit for a long calendar spread is the net premium received when the short-term option expires worthless. In this case, the maximum profit is $2 (net premium received).

3. Maximum Loss: The maximum loss is limited to the initial net debit, which is $2.

4. Profitable Conditions: This trade will be profitable if the price of XYZ stock remains below $52 at the short-term option's expiration. The profit will be the net premium received ($2). If the price goes above $52, some profit will be lost but the overall loss will not exceed the $2 debit. Because the long call position remains open at the $50 strike, it has the potential to make up for losses if the price increases significantly. However, this is unlikely given the assumption that the price will remain relatively stable.


  • *
  • Options as a Strategic Investment (Lawrence G. McMillan): A comprehensive guide to options trading strategies, including a detailed explanation of calendar spreads. This is a widely respected resource in the options trading community.
  • The Complete Guide to Option Pricing Models (Espen Gaarder Haug): While not solely focused on calendar spreads, this book delves into the mathematical models underlying options pricing, crucial for understanding the mechanics of calendar spreads.
  • Option Volatility and Pricing (Sheldon Natenberg): A classic text providing deep understanding of option pricing and volatility's impact on various strategies including calendar spreads.
  • Articles (Search terms for online articles):*
  • "Calendar spread options strategy"
  • "Time spread options trading"
  • "Horizontal spread options tutorial"
  • "Long calendar spread vs short calendar spread"
  • "Calendar spread profit/loss diagram"
  • "Calendar spread risk management"
  • "Options trading strategies for low volatility"
  • *


Online Resources

  • *
  • Investopedia: Search for "Calendar Spread" on Investopedia for a basic introduction and definition. They often have articles and tutorials on various options strategies.
  • Option Alpha: This website offers educational resources and analysis on options trading, including discussions and examples of calendar spreads.
  • Tastytrade: This platform features educational videos and content on options strategies, including calendar spreads. Their approach is often more advanced, so be prepared for a learning curve.
  • Thinkorswim (TD Ameritrade): If you're a TD Ameritrade client, their platform provides educational materials and tools to analyze and execute calendar spreads.
  • *Google

Search Tips

  • *
  • Use specific keywords: Instead of just "calendar spread," try more specific searches like "long calendar spread example," "calendar spread risk," "calendar spread probability of profit," or "calendar spread with specific underlying."
  • Combine keywords: Use combinations of keywords like "calendar spread + low volatility," "calendar spread + theta decay," or "calendar spread + defined risk."
  • Use advanced search operators: Employ operators like "+" (include), "-" (exclude), and "" (exact phrase) to refine your results. For example: "calendar spread" + "options trading" - "forex"
  • Disclaimer:* The information provided here is for educational purposes only and does not constitute financial advice. Options trading involves substantial risk and is not suitable for all investors. Consult with a qualified financial advisor before making any investment decisions.


Calendar Spreads: A Deep Dive

This document expands on the concept of calendar spreads, breaking down the strategy into key components for a comprehensive understanding.

Chapter 1: Techniques

Calendar spreads, as time-based strategies, leverage the decay of an option's time value (theta). The core technique involves simultaneously buying and selling options contracts on the same underlying asset with identical strike prices but differing expiration dates.

Long Calendar Spread Technique:

This involves buying a longer-dated option (the long leg) and selling a shorter-dated option (the short leg) at the same strike price. The profit arises from the greater time decay of the shorter-dated option. If the underlying price remains relatively stable, the short option expires worthless, maximizing the profit. A slight bullish bias exists due to the retention of the longer-dated option.

Short Calendar Spread Technique:

This is the inverse – selling a longer-dated option and buying a shorter-dated option at the same strike price. Profit is maximized if the time decay of the long option significantly outweighs the loss on the short option, often relying on a price remaining relatively stable or experiencing small, neutral movements. This is a more aggressive strategy, and potential losses are significantly greater than with a long calendar spread.


  • Diagonal Calendar Spreads: These extend the technique by using different strike prices as well as different expiration dates, adding another dimension to the strategy and increasing complexity.
  • Iron Condors and Iron Butterflies: While not strictly calendar spreads, these multi-leg strategies incorporate elements of calendar spread principles through the use of options with varying expiration dates to profit from time decay and limited price movement.

Chapter 2: Models

Accurately pricing and evaluating calendar spreads requires understanding the factors influencing options prices. The Black-Scholes model (and its extensions) provides a theoretical framework, but several factors require consideration beyond the basic model:

  • Time Decay (Theta): This is the central factor, and its precise calculation is crucial. Sophisticated models may account for the non-linear nature of theta decay as expiration approaches.
  • Implied Volatility (IV): Changes in implied volatility significantly impact option prices. A rise in IV can hurt a long calendar spread and benefit a short one, and vice-versa. Models should incorporate current and predicted IV levels.
  • Interest Rates: Though a secondary factor, interest rates influence option prices, especially for longer-dated options.
  • Underlying Asset Price Movement: While calendar spreads profit from time decay, unexpected price movements can significantly impact the strategy's outcome. Monte Carlo simulations or other stochastic models can help assess the impact of potential price fluctuations.

Quantitative models are essential for calculating the theoretical value of the spread and assessing potential profits and losses under various scenarios. These models provide essential inputs for risk management.

Chapter 3: Software

Numerous software platforms facilitate the creation, monitoring, and analysis of calendar spreads. The choice of software depends on the trader's experience and needs.

  • Brokerage Platforms: Most major online brokers offer platforms with options analysis tools including spread builders and profit/loss calculators. These are often user-friendly but might lack advanced modeling capabilities.
  • Dedicated Options Trading Software: Specialized software packages provide more advanced analytical features such as backtesting, scenario planning, and sophisticated charting. These often come at a higher cost.
  • Spreadsheet Software (Excel, Google Sheets): While not dedicated options trading software, spreadsheets can be used to manually calculate spread values and track performance. However, this is more time-consuming and prone to errors.
  • Programming Languages (Python, R): Traders with programming skills can leverage languages like Python or R to build custom models and automate trading tasks, offering maximum flexibility but requiring considerable technical expertise.

Chapter 4: Best Practices

Successful implementation of calendar spreads requires adherence to several best practices:

  • Market Selection: Choose underlying assets with low to moderate volatility and a history of sideways price movements.
  • Strike Price Selection: Select at-the-money or slightly out-of-the-money strike prices to maximize the time value component.
  • Expiration Date Selection: The time difference between the short and long options should be carefully considered, balancing time decay with potential price fluctuations.
  • Risk Management: Define a clear stop-loss level to limit potential losses. Monitor the trade closely and adjust the position as needed.
  • Position Sizing: Avoid over-leveraging. Allocate capital prudently to minimize the impact of potential losses.
  • Diversification: Don't put all your eggs in one basket. Diversify across multiple underlying assets and strategies.
  • Backtesting: Before implementing a calendar spread strategy in live trading, thoroughly backtest it using historical data to evaluate its potential performance and risk profile.

Chapter 5: Case Studies

(Note: Real-world case studies require specific market data and would be lengthy. The below is a conceptual outline.)

Case Study 1: Successful Long Calendar Spread on a Stable Stock: This case study would illustrate the profit generated from a long calendar spread on a stock whose price remained relatively stable within a defined range between the short and long option expiration dates. It would highlight the profit from theta decay and the limited risk involved.

Case Study 2: Loss in a Short Calendar Spread Due to Unexpected Volatility: This would demonstrate how an unexpected increase in volatility can lead to substantial losses in a short calendar spread. The analysis would focus on how a change in implied volatility negatively affected the short leg, outweighing the profit from the long leg.

Case Study 3: Profitable Short Calendar Spread with Minor Price Movement: This case would showcase a scenario where a short calendar spread generates a profit despite a small movement in the underlying asset price. The focus would be on how the short leg's time decay generated substantial profits despite the price shift.

Each case study would include details like the specific underlying asset, strike prices, expiration dates, the net debit or credit, and a graph showing the profit/loss profile. These would serve as practical examples of the possibilities and risks involved in employing calendar spread strategies.


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