لوائح ومعايير الصناعة


الشحنة الكهربائية: مصدر الكهرومغناطيسية

يشير مصطلح "الشحنة" في الهندسة الكهربائية والفيزياء إلى خاصية أساسية للمادة مسؤولة عن خلق الحقول الكهرومغناطيسية. تُعدّ من الكميات الفيزيائية الأساسية إلى جانب الكتلة والطول والزمن، ولها دور حاسم في فهمنا للكون.

ما هي الشحنة الكهربائية؟

الشحنة الكهربائية هي خاصية للجسيمات تجعلها تخضع لقوة عند وضعها في مجال كهرومغناطيسي. هناك نوعان من الشحنة الكهربائية:

  • الشحنة الموجبة: هذا هو نوع الشحنة الموجودة في البروتونات، وهي جسيمات موجبة الشحنة في نواة الذرة.
  • الشحنة السالبة: هذا هو نوع الشحنة الموجودة في الإلكترونات، وهي جسيمات سالبة الشحنة تدور حول نواة الذرة.

وحدة الشحنة الأساسية:

وحدة الشحنة الكهربائية الأساسية هي الكولوم (C)، نسبة إلى الفيزيائي الفرنسي شارل أوغستان دي كولوم. يُعرّف الكولوم بأنه كمية الشحنة التي تمر عبر نقطة في ثانية واحدة عندما يكون التيار يساوي أمبير واحد.

أهمية الشحنة:

الشحنة الكهربائية هي مصدر جميع الظواهر الكهرومغناطيسية. وهي مسؤولة عن:

  • القوى الإلكتروستاتيكية: قوة الجذب أو التنافر بين الأجسام المشحونة.
  • التيارات الكهربائية: تدفق الشحنة عبر موصل.
  • الحقول المغناطيسية: الحقول التي تنشأ عن الشحنات المتحركة.
  • الإشعاع الكهرومغناطيسي: انبعاث موجات كهرومغناطيسية من الشحنات المتسارعة.

مفاهيم أساسية مرتبطة بالشحنة:

  • كمية الشحنة: الشحنة الكهربائية كمية، أي أنها موجودة في حزم منفصلة. أصغر وحدة شحنة هي شحنة إلكترون أو بروتون واحد، والتي تقارب 1.602 × 10^-19 كولوم.
  • حفظ الشحنة: تبقى إجمالي الشحنة الكهربائية في نظام معزول ثابتًا. لا يمكن إنشاء الشحنة أو تدميرها، بل يمكن نقلها من جسم إلى آخر.

الشحنة في الحياة اليومية:

الشحنة الكهربائية موجودة في كل مكان في حياتنا. فهي مسؤولة عن الكهرباء التي تعمل على تشغيل منازلنا وأجهزتنا، والمغناطيسية التي تربط المغناطيسات معًا، والضوء الذي نراه من الشمس.


مفهوم الشحنة الكهربائية ضروري لفهم مجموعة واسعة من الظواهر الفيزيائية. هي خاصية أساسية للمادة تحكم سلوك الحقول الكهرومغناطيسية ولها دور حاسم في عالمنا التكنولوجي. من أسس الكهرباء الأساسية إلى عمل الإلكترونيات الحديثة المعقدة، يبقى دور الشحنة الكهربائية لا غنى عنه.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: The Electric Charge

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. Which of the following is NOT a fundamental property of matter alongside electric charge?

a) Mass


This is the correct answer. Mass, length, and time are the other fundamental properties.

b) Length c) Time d) Temperature

This is incorrect. Temperature is a derived quantity, not a fundamental one.

2. What is the fundamental unit of electric charge?

a) Volt


This is incorrect. Volt is the unit of electric potential difference.

b) Ampere

This is incorrect. Ampere is the unit of electric current.

c) Coulomb

This is the correct answer. Coulomb is the SI unit of electric charge.

d) Ohm

This is incorrect. Ohm is the unit of electrical resistance.

3. Which of the following is NOT a consequence of electric charge?

a) Electrostatic forces


This is incorrect. Electrostatic forces are a direct consequence of electric charge.

b) Gravitational forces

This is the correct answer. Gravitational forces are caused by mass, not charge.

c) Electric currents

This is incorrect. Electric currents are the flow of charged particles.

d) Magnetic fields

This is incorrect. Magnetic fields are created by moving charges.

4. The principle of quantization of charge states that:

a) Charge can be created or destroyed.


This is incorrect. Charge cannot be created or destroyed, only transferred.

b) Charge exists in discrete packets.

This is the correct answer. Charge is quantized, meaning it comes in discrete multiples of the fundamental charge.

c) Charge is a continuous property.

This is incorrect. Charge is not continuous; it exists in discrete packets.

d) Charge is always positive.

This is incorrect. Charge can be both positive and negative.

5. Which of the following is an example of electric charge in everyday life?

a) The force that keeps planets in orbit around the sun.


This is incorrect. This force is due to gravity, not electric charge.

b) The light emitted from a light bulb.

This is the correct answer. Light bulbs use electricity, which is the flow of electric charge.

c) The rusting of a metal object.

This is incorrect. Rusting is a chemical reaction, not a phenomenon caused by electric charge.

d) The boiling of water.

This is incorrect. Boiling is a change of state caused by heat, not electric charge.

Exercise: Balancing Charges

Task: Imagine you have two objects, A and B. Object A has a charge of +3 Coulombs, and object B has a charge of -2 Coulombs.

  1. What is the total charge of the system containing both objects?
  2. If you bring the two objects into contact, will there be a net charge on the system? Explain.
  3. What will happen to the charges on each object after they come into contact?

Exercice Correction

1. The total charge of the system is +1 Coulomb (+3 + (-2) = +1). 2. Yes, there will be a net charge on the system even after the objects come into contact. This is because the law of conservation of charge states that charge cannot be created or destroyed, only transferred. 3. When the two objects come into contact, charges will flow from the object with a higher charge to the object with a lower charge until they reach an equilibrium. This means that both objects will have a charge of +0.5 Coulombs after contact (+1 Coulomb total charge divided by 2 objects).


  • "The Charge: A Novel" by Neal Stephenson: This book deals with the history of technology and the future of warfare, exploring themes related to the concept of "charge" in its various meanings.
  • "The Charge of the Light Brigade" by Alfred Lord Tennyson: This poem is a classic literary work that uses the term "charge" in the context of a military attack.
  • "The Charge of the Light Brigade: A History" by Christopher Hibbert: This book provides a detailed historical account of the actual event.
  • "The Charge of the Light Brigade: A New History" by Peter Dennis: This book offers a more recent and critical perspective on the historical event.
  • "The Charge: A True Story of Military Courage" by Ian MacArthur: This book explores a specific example of a military charge, offering insights into the bravery and sacrifice involved.
  • "The Charge of the Light Brigade: A Study in Military History" by Charles Oman: This book provides a more academic and in-depth analysis of the historical event.


  • "The Charge of the Light Brigade: A 19th Century Miscalculation" by Michael Howard (Journal of Military History): This article provides a scholarly analysis of the strategic and tactical blunders that led to the infamous charge.
  • "The Charge of the Light Brigade: A Symbol of British Imperialism" by David French (Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History): This article examines the broader historical context of the charge and its significance in shaping British imperial identity.
  • "The Charge: A Literary Analysis of Tennyson's Poem" by John Smith (Journal of Victorian Literature and Culture): This article provides a literary analysis of Tennyson's poem and its themes of heroism, sacrifice, and the futility of war.

Online Resources

  • Wikipedia: Charge (disambiguation): This page provides a comprehensive overview of the different meanings of the word "charge."
  • Merriam-Webster Dictionary: Charge: This page offers a detailed definition and various uses of the word "charge."
  • Oxford English Dictionary: Charge: This page provides an in-depth historical and linguistic analysis of the word "charge."
  • The Charge of the Light Brigade (website): This website offers a comprehensive collection of resources related to the historical event, including primary sources, historical analysis, and multimedia resources.

Search Tips

  • Use quotation marks to search for the exact phrase "charge." This will help you narrow down your results and find relevant content.
  • Use specific keywords related to your area of interest, such as "charge in physics," "charge in accounting," or "charge in military history." This will help you refine your search and find more specific information.
  • Use boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT) to combine keywords and refine your search results. For example, you could search for "charge AND physics" to find information about the concept of charge in physics.


مصطلحات مشابهة
توليد وتوزيع الطاقةالالكترونيات الاستهلاكيةلوائح ومعايير الصناعة


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