الالكترونيات الصناعية

absolute address

العنوان المطلق مقابل العنوان النسبي: التنقل في الذاكرة في الهندسة الكهربائية

في عالم الهندسة الكهربائية، وخاصة في مجال وحدات التحكم الدقيقة والأنظمة المضمنة، يُعد فهم كيفية الوصول إلى البيانات وتلاعبها داخل الذاكرة أمرًا بالغ الأهمية. يلعب نوعان أساسيان من أوضاع العنوان، **العنوان المطلق** و**العنوان النسبي**، دورًا مهمًا في تحديد كيفية تفاعل التعليمات مع مواقع الذاكرة.

العنوان المطلق: مسار مباشر للبيانات

تخيل مدينة حيث كل منزل له عنوان فريد وثابت. هذا يشبه العنوان المطلق في البرمجة. يشير عنوان مطلق داخل تعليمة مباشرة إلى موقع ذاكرة محدد، مثل عنوان شارع.

الميزات الرئيسية للعنوان المطلق:

  • الوصول المباشر: تحدد التعليمات مباشرة عنوان الذاكرة الدقيق حيث يتم تخزين البيانات.
  • الموقع الثابت: يتم تخزين البيانات في موقع محدد سلفًا، مما يسهل الوصول إليها.
  • المرونة: يسمح بالوصول إلى أي موقع ذاكرة داخل مساحة العناوين.

فوائد العنوان المطلق:

  • البساطة: إنه سهل الفهم والتطبيق.
  • الكفاءة: يكون الوصول إلى البيانات سريعًا وكفاءة لأن العنوان محدد مباشرة.
  • التحديد: يكون موقع البيانات ثابتًا وقابل للتنبؤ، مما يجعله مناسبًا للتطبيقات الحرجة.


خذ بعين الاعتبار تعليمة تقرأ البيانات من موقع الذاكرة 0x1000. في العنوان المطلق، ستحتوي التعليمات صراحةً على العنوان 0x1000.

العنوان النسبي: التنقل من نقطة أساس

على النقيض من ذلك، يشبه العنوان النسبي التنقل في مدينة باستخدام المعالم والمسافات النسبية. بدلاً من العناوين المطلقة، تعتمد التعليمات على إزاحة من عنوان أساس. قد يكون هذا العنوان الأساس هو موقع التعليمات الحالية أو سجل معين.

الميزات الرئيسية للعنوان النسبي:

  • الإزاحة: تحدد التعليمات إزاحة بالنسبة إلى عنوان أساس.
  • المرونة: يسمح بالوصول الديناميكي للبيانات، حيث يمكن أن يختلف العنوان الفعلي بناءً على العنوان الأساس.
  • الكود المدمج: يمكن أن تكون التعليمات أصغر حجمًا، لأنها لا تحتاج إلى تخزين العنوان المطلق الكامل.

فوائد العنوان النسبي:

  • كفاءة الكود: تؤدي التعليمات الأصغر إلى تقليل مساحة الذاكرة وتنفيذ أسرع.
  • المرونة: يسمح بوجود كود قابل للنقل، حيث يمكن تحميل البرنامج في مواقع ذاكرة مختلفة دون تعديل.
  • الوصول الديناميكي للبيانات: يسمح بضبط مواقع البيانات ديناميكيًا بناءً على ظروف وقت التشغيل.


قد تحدد تعليمة إزاحة +4 من عنوان التعليمات الحالية. هذا يعني أن البيانات موجودة على بعد 4 بايت من موقع التعليمات الحالية.

التوازن بين العنوان المطلق والعنوان النسبي

لكل من العنوان المطلق والعنوان النسبي مزايا وعيوب. يعتمد الاختيار على التطبيق المحدد والتنازلات المرغوبة بين كفاءة الكود والمرونة وسرعة الوصول إلى البيانات.

في العديد من الأنظمة المضمنة، يتم استخدام مزيج من كلا أوضاع العنوان لتحقيق الأداء الأمثل. على سبيل المثال، قد يتم تخزين البيانات الحرجة في عناوين مطلقة للوصول السريع، بينما قد يتم الوصول إلى البيانات الأخرى باستخدام العنوان النسبي لتحقيق كفاءة الكود.


يُعد فهم العنوان المطلق والعنوان النسبي أمرًا بالغ الأهمية لأي شخص يعمل مع وحدات التحكم الدقيقة والأنظمة المضمنة. يمكن أن يؤدي اختيار وضع العنوان الصحيح إلى تحسين كفاءة الكود والمرونة وأداء الوصول إلى البيانات، مما يؤدي في النهاية إلى تصميم وتنفيذ نظام أفضل.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Absolute vs. Relative Addressing

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the key characteristic of absolute addressing?

a) It relies on an offset from a base address. b) It directly specifies the memory location of data. c) It uses landmarks and relative distances to locate data. d) It allows for dynamic adjustments to data locations.


b) It directly specifies the memory location of data.

2. Which addressing mode offers flexibility in code relocation?

a) Absolute addressing b) Relative addressing c) Both are equally flexible d) Neither mode offers code relocation


b) Relative addressing

3. Which addressing mode is generally considered more efficient in terms of code size?

a) Absolute addressing b) Relative addressing c) Both are equally efficient d) It depends on the specific application


b) Relative addressing

4. Which addressing mode is best suited for accessing critical data that needs to be accessed quickly?

a) Absolute addressing b) Relative addressing c) It depends on the specific application d) Both are equally suitable


a) Absolute addressing

5. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of relative addressing?

a) Compact code size b) Dynamic data access c) Fixed and predictable data locations d) Relocatable code


c) Fixed and predictable data locations


Scenario: You are developing a simple microcontroller application to control a motor. The motor's speed is determined by a value stored in a variable called motorSpeed.


  1. Absolute Addressing: Declare the motorSpeed variable at a specific memory location (e.g., 0x1000) using absolute addressing.
  2. Relative Addressing: Write an instruction to access the motorSpeed variable using relative addressing, assuming the instruction is located 10 bytes away from the variable in memory.


Assembly code:

```assembly ; Absolute addressing (example - might vary based on specific microcontroller) ORG 0x1000 motorSpeed:
DS 1 ; Allocate 1 byte for motorSpeed variable

; Relative addressing (example - might vary based on specific microcontroller) MOV R0, [PC + 10] ; Load the value at the address PC + 10 into register R0 ```

Exercice Correction

The specific code will depend on the microcontroller architecture and assembly language used. The following is a general example:

Absolute Addressing:**

```assembly ; Declare motorSpeed at memory location 0x1000 ORG 0x1000 motorSpeed: DS 1 ; Allocate 1 byte for motorSpeed variable ```

Relative Addressing:**

```assembly ; Load the value at the address PC + 10 into register R0 MOV R0, [PC + 10] ```

Note that the `PC + 10` is an example, and the actual offset will depend on the instruction's location in memory. Also, the assembly syntax might vary depending on the specific microcontroller platform.


  • "Microcontrollers: Architecture, Programming, and Applications" by Muhammad Ali Mazidi, Janice Gill, and R. D. McKinlay: This comprehensive textbook covers various aspects of microcontroller programming, including addressing modes and memory organization.
  • "Embedded Systems: A Contemporary Design Approach" by Frank Vahid: This book provides a thorough introduction to embedded systems, including detailed discussions on memory organization, addressing modes, and instruction sets.
  • "Computer Organization and Design: The Hardware/Software Interface" by David Patterson and John Hennessy: This classic text offers in-depth insights into computer architecture, including detailed explanations of addressing modes and memory organization.


  • "Absolute vs. Relative Addressing in Assembly Language" by Tutorialspoint: A clear explanation of the concepts with illustrative examples.
  • "Addressing Modes in Microprocessors" by GeeksforGeeks: An informative article covering different addressing modes with practical examples.
  • "Understanding the Basics of Addressing Modes in Microcontrollers" by All About Circuits: A detailed discussion on various addressing modes and their applications.

Online Resources

  • Wikipedia - Addressing mode: Provides a comprehensive overview of addressing modes, including absolute addressing.
  • "Addressing Modes in Microprocessors" by Electronics Tutorials: A useful resource explaining various addressing modes, including absolute and relative addressing.
  • "Microcontroller Addressing Modes" by Embedded Lab: A tutorial focusing on addressing modes in microcontrollers with practical examples.

Search Tips

  • Use the specific terms "absolute addressing" and "relative addressing" along with the desired microcontroller or embedded system platform (e.g., "absolute addressing ARM", "relative addressing AVR").
  • Combine terms like "absolute addressing", "memory organization", and "instruction set" to find resources that delve into the practical implementation of absolute addressing in specific architectures.
  • Use relevant keywords like "assembly language," "microprocessor," and "embedded systems" to narrow down your search results.
  • Employ advanced search operators like quotation marks (" ") to find exact phrases and minus signs (-) to exclude specific terms.


Chapter 1: Techniques of Absolute Addressing

This chapter delves deeper into the practical aspects of absolute addressing in electrical engineering. We'll explore common techniques, limitations, and their impact on system design.

1.1 Direct Addressing:

  • Mechanism: The instruction directly specifies the full memory address where the data resides. This address is typically represented in a fixed-length binary format.
  • Example: An instruction to load data from memory location 0x1000 would directly contain the binary equivalent of this address (e.g., 0001 0000 0000 0000 in a 16-bit system).
  • Advantages:
    • Simplicity: Straightforward to understand and implement.
    • Efficiency: Fast and direct access to data.
  • Disadvantages:
    • Code Size: Can be inefficient for larger programs due to the use of fixed-size addresses in each instruction.
    • Relocation Issues: Requires modifying the instructions if the program is relocated to a different memory location.

1.2 Indexed Addressing:

  • Mechanism: The instruction specifies a base register (e.g., a pointer) and an offset value. The final memory address is calculated by adding the offset to the value in the base register.
  • Example: An instruction might use register R1 as the base address and an offset of +10. If R1 contains the value 0x2000, the final memory address accessed would be 0x2010.
  • Advantages:
    • Flexibility: Allows for dynamic data access based on the value in the base register.
    • Reduced Code Size: Offsets are typically shorter than full addresses, leading to more compact code.
  • Disadvantages:
    • Additional Computation: Requires calculating the final address, which introduces a slight performance overhead.

1.3 Register Direct Addressing:

  • Mechanism: The instruction directly specifies a register within the processor. This mode is used to access data stored in registers, which are small, high-speed memory locations within the CPU.
  • Example: An instruction to load data from register R3 would directly refer to R3.
  • Advantages:
    • Speed: Registers provide the fastest data access within the system.
    • Flexibility: Registers can be used to hold intermediate results and temporary data.
  • Disadvantages:
    • Limited Storage: Registers have a limited number of locations.

1.4 Limitations of Absolute Addressing:

  • Relocation Issues: Code needs modification if the program is moved to a different memory location. This can be a challenge when working with memory-constrained systems or when distributing code to different hardware platforms.
  • Limited Code Flexibility: Absolute addressing makes it harder to dynamically adjust data locations at runtime, which limits the flexibility of code in certain scenarios.

1.5 Conclusion:

Absolute addressing provides a straightforward and efficient way to access data in memory. It is particularly suitable for small, fixed-size programs where data locations are known beforehand. However, its limitations related to relocation and code flexibility should be considered, especially for larger and more complex applications.

Chapter 2: Models of Absolute Addressing

This chapter explores different models of absolute addressing used in various electrical engineering systems and their specific characteristics.

2.1 Physical Addressing:

  • Mechanism: This model directly maps memory addresses to physical locations within the system's memory space. The addresses are independent of the operating system and directly correspond to the physical memory chips.
  • Applications: Embedded systems, low-level programming, hardware drivers.
  • Advantages:
    • Simplicity: Direct access to the physical memory locations.
    • Efficiency: Provides the most efficient data access in terms of speed.
  • Disadvantages:
    • Limited Flexibility: Changes in physical memory configuration can impact code functionality.

2.2 Logical Addressing:

  • Mechanism: The operating system translates logical addresses assigned by the program into physical addresses. This provides a layer of abstraction between the software and the hardware.
  • Applications: Operating systems, multi-tasking environments.
  • Advantages:
    • Flexibility: Allows the system to handle different memory configurations and program relocation.
    • Memory Management: The OS can allocate and manage memory efficiently.
  • Disadvantages:
    • Performance Overhead: The translation process adds a slight performance penalty.

2.3 Segment Addressing:

  • Mechanism: Memory is divided into segments, and addresses are represented as a segment number and an offset within that segment. The segment number acts as a base address, and the offset indicates the specific location within the segment.
  • Applications: Operating systems, memory protection schemes.
  • Advantages:
    • Memory Protection: Segments can be assigned different access permissions, preventing programs from accessing unauthorized memory locations.
  • Disadvantages:
    • Increased Complexity: Requires managing segments and address calculations.

2.4 Paged Addressing:

  • Mechanism: Memory is divided into fixed-size pages, and addresses are represented as a page number and an offset within that page. A page table translates logical addresses into physical addresses.
  • Applications: Modern operating systems, virtual memory systems.
  • Advantages:
    • Virtual Memory: Allows for virtual memory systems, where programs can use more memory than physically available.
    • Memory Protection: Pages can be assigned access permissions to enforce security and prevent unauthorized access.
  • Disadvantages:
    • Page Table Overhead: Managing page tables adds some overhead.
    • Page Fault Handling: Handling page faults (when a requested page is not present in physical memory) requires additional processing.

2.5 Conclusion:

Different models of absolute addressing cater to various needs in electrical engineering systems. From physical addressing for direct memory access to logical addressing for operating system management, understanding these models is essential for designing and optimizing embedded systems and software applications.

Chapter 3: Software for Absolute Addressing

This chapter explores software tools and techniques used to manage and implement absolute addressing in electrical engineering projects.

3.1 Assemblers and Linkers:

  • Role: Assemblers translate assembly language code into machine instructions, often utilizing absolute addressing. Linkers combine multiple object files and resolve references between them.
  • Absolute Addressing Support:
    • Direct Addressing: Assemblers and linkers support instructions that directly specify memory addresses.
    • Symbolic Addressing: Assemblers allow the use of symbolic labels to represent memory locations, which are then resolved into absolute addresses during the linking process.
  • Example: An assembler might translate an instruction like "MOV R0, data" to a machine instruction containing the absolute memory address of "data".

3.2 Memory Allocation Tools:

  • Role: Tools like memory allocators and memory debuggers help developers manage and visualize memory usage.
  • Absolute Addressing Support:
    • Memory Maps: These tools provide visual representations of the memory layout, showing the absolute addresses of different segments, data structures, and variables.
    • Address Calculation: Memory allocators assist in calculating absolute addresses for dynamically allocated data.

3.3 Debuggers and Profilers:

  • Role: Debuggers allow developers to step through code execution, inspect memory content, and set breakpoints. Profilers analyze program performance and identify bottlenecks.
  • Absolute Addressing Support:
    • Memory Inspection: Debuggers can display the contents of specific memory locations using absolute addresses.
    • Address Tracking: Debuggers can track the values of variables and memory locations using absolute addresses.

3.4 Embedded System Development Tools:

  • Role: Tools like Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) and cross-compilers are specifically designed for embedded system development.
  • Absolute Addressing Support:
    • Memory Management: IDEs often provide tools for configuring memory segments and assigning addresses to variables.
    • Target-Specific Support: Cross-compilers support target architectures and memory addressing modes, allowing developers to compile code for specific embedded systems.

3.5 Conclusion:

Software tools play a critical role in facilitating the use of absolute addressing. From assemblers and linkers to memory management tools and debuggers, these tools provide developers with the necessary support to effectively utilize absolute addressing in their embedded system development projects.

Chapter 4: Best Practices for Absolute Addressing

This chapter outlines best practices for using absolute addressing effectively and minimizing potential risks.

4.1 Understand Your Hardware:

  • Memory Architecture: Thoroughly understand the memory layout and addressing scheme of the target hardware.
  • Addressing Modes: Be aware of the different addressing modes supported by the processor and choose the appropriate mode based on the application requirements.
  • Memory Limits: Consider the limitations of the target hardware, including memory size and address space.

4.2 Use Symbolic Addressing:

  • Labels: Use symbolic labels (e.g., data_buffer) to represent memory locations instead of directly specifying absolute addresses.
  • Assembly Language: If using assembly language, leverage the assembler's ability to resolve symbols into absolute addresses during linking.
  • High-Level Languages: Many high-level languages allow for memory allocation and addressing using symbolic names, which are then translated into absolute addresses by the compiler.

4.3 Minimize Code Relocation:

  • Fixed Locations: Design code to minimize the need for relocation. Consider placing critical data in fixed memory locations for consistent access.
  • Data Structures: Structure data appropriately to reduce the need for dynamic memory allocation, which can lead to relocation issues.
  • Linking Scripts: Utilize linking scripts to control the memory layout and placement of code segments and data.

4.4 Employ Static Analysis Tools:

  • Code Review: Use static analysis tools to check for potential address-related issues, such as memory leaks, dangling pointers, and buffer overflows.
  • Memory Mapping: Tools like memory mapping utilities can help identify potential conflicts and address overlaps in your program.

4.5 Test Thoroughly:

  • Unit Testing: Write unit tests to verify that your code accesses memory locations correctly, especially when working with critical data or memory-mapped peripherals.
  • Integration Testing: Perform integration tests to check for any address-related conflicts or issues when different modules are combined.

4.6 Document Your Memory Layout:

  • Memory Map: Create a detailed memory map documenting the allocation of memory regions, address ranges, and the locations of data structures and variables.
  • Comments: Add comments to your code explaining the memory addressing scheme and the rationale behind specific address choices.

4.7 Conclusion:

By adhering to these best practices, developers can use absolute addressing safely and effectively, ensuring the correct and efficient access to data within embedded systems and other electrical engineering applications.

Chapter 5: Case Studies of Absolute Addressing

This chapter provides real-world examples of how absolute addressing is utilized in various electrical engineering projects.

5.1 Memory-Mapped Peripherals:

  • Concept: Many embedded systems use memory-mapped peripherals, where hardware components are accessed by writing and reading data at specific memory locations.
  • Example: A microcontroller interacting with an LCD display might send control commands and data to the LCD by writing to specific memory addresses reserved for the LCD driver.
  • Absolute Addressing: Absolute addressing is crucial for accessing these memory-mapped peripherals directly, ensuring proper communication and control.

5.2 Bootloader Code:

  • Concept: Bootloader code is a small program executed when a system boots up, responsible for initializing hardware and loading the main operating system.
  • Example: A bootloader in a microcontroller might need to read configuration data stored at a specific memory location to configure the system.
  • Absolute Addressing: Bootloader code often uses absolute addressing to access critical data and hardware components, ensuring consistent and predictable operation.

5.3 Real-Time Operating Systems (RTOS):

  • Concept: RTOS provide a framework for managing tasks and resources in real-time applications, where timing is critical.
  • Example: An RTOS might manage memory allocation and task scheduling using absolute addresses to ensure predictable timing and performance.
  • Absolute Addressing: RTOS often use absolute addressing for critical data structures, memory management, and task communication, optimizing performance and reliability in real-time applications.

5.4 Network Protocols:

  • Concept: Network protocols define how data is transmitted and received across a network.
  • Example: The Ethernet protocol uses specific memory addresses to identify devices on a network.
  • Absolute Addressing: Absolute addressing plays a critical role in ensuring that data packets are routed and delivered to the correct destinations within a network.

5.5 Conclusion:

These case studies illustrate the diverse applications of absolute addressing in electrical engineering, highlighting its importance for accessing peripherals, initializing systems, managing real-time operations, and enabling communication within networks. Understanding how absolute addressing is used in these contexts is essential for designing and implementing effective embedded systems and other electrical engineering projects.

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