علماء الفلك

Schlesinger, Frank

فرانك شليزنجر: رائد في شلل النجوم

كان فرانك شليزنجر (1871-1943) عالم فلك أمريكي بارز كرس حياته المهنية لكشف أسرار النجوم. يُعرف أفضل بأعماله الرائدة في مجال **شلل النجوم**، وهي التحولات الظاهرية في موضع نجم كما تُرى من الأرض بسبب دوران كوكبنا حول الشمس. هذه التحولات ضئيلة للغاية، وتتطلب أدوات دقيقة وقياسات دقيقة للكشف عنها. ساهمت مساهمات شليزنجر في ثورة فهمنا للمسافات وحركات النجوم داخل مجرة درب التبانة.

امتدت مهنة شليزنجر لأكثر من نصف قرن، حيث شغل مناصب مرموقة في المراصد الرائدة. شغل منصب مدير كل من **مرصد ييل** و**مرصد أليغيني**، مما أثر بشكل دائم على هاتين المؤسستين. جدير بالذكر أنه أنشأ **محطة ييل الجنوبية** في جوهانسبرغ، جنوب إفريقيا، مما وسع نطاق أبحاثه بشكل أكبر وقدم منظورًا جنوبيًا هامًا.

كان إنجازه الأكبر هو إنشاء **الكتالوج العام للشلل**، وهو تجميع شامل لأكثر من 2000 شلل نجمي، جنبًا إلى جنب مع ملحقها الأساسي. أصبح هذا العمل الضخم، الذي يدل على تفانيه ودقته، مصدرًا أساسيًا لعلماء الفلك في جميع أنحاء العالم، مما سهل العديد من الدراسات حول بنية مجرة درب التبانة وتطورها.

لم يكن شليزنجر مراقبًا ماهرًا فحسب، بل كان أيضًا مُبتكرًا ثاقبًا. لقد أدرك إمكانات **الكاميرات ذات الزاوية الواسعة** في تحديد مواقع النجوم بدقة وكفاءة أكبر. مهدت جهوده الرائدة الطريق لتطوير تقنيات قياسية متطورة لا تزال تستخدم حتى اليوم.

يمتد إرث فرانك شليزنجر إلى ما هو أبعد من أبحاثه الرائدة. لقد كان داعية شغوفًا لتعليم الفلك ولعب دورًا حيويًا في رعاية أجيال المستقبل من علماء الفلك. لقد أكسبه التزامه الراسخ بالتميز العلمي، إلى جانب روحه الرائدة، مكانة بارزة في تاريخ الفلك.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Frank Schlesinger - A Pioneer in Stellar Parallax

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is Frank Schlesinger best known for?

a) Discovering new planets b) Studying the composition of stars c) Developing new telescopes d) Measuring stellar parallaxes


d) Measuring stellar parallaxes

2. What is a stellar parallax?

a) The change in a star's brightness over time b) The apparent shift in a star's position due to Earth's orbit c) The distance between a star and Earth d) The speed at which a star moves across the sky


b) The apparent shift in a star's position due to Earth's orbit

3. Which observatories did Frank Schlesinger direct?

a) Lowell Observatory and Lick Observatory b) Yerkes Observatory and Palomar Observatory c) Yale Observatory and Allegheny Observatory d) Harvard Observatory and Mount Wilson Observatory


c) Yale Observatory and Allegheny Observatory

4. What is the name of the comprehensive compilation of stellar parallaxes created by Schlesinger?

a) The General Catalogue of Stars b) The Milky Way Atlas c) The General Catalogue of Parallaxes d) The Stellar Distance Catalogue


c) The General Catalogue of Parallaxes

5. What innovative technique did Schlesinger pioneer in astronomy?

a) Using spectroscopy to analyze star composition b) Using wide-angle cameras to measure star positions c) Using radio telescopes to detect distant galaxies d) Using space telescopes to observe beyond Earth's atmosphere


b) Using wide-angle cameras to measure star positions


Imagine you are an astronomer working in the early 20th century. You have been tasked with measuring the parallax of a nearby star using a telescope and photographic plates. Explain the steps involved in this process, highlighting the challenges faced by astronomers like Frank Schlesinger in those days.

Exercice Correction

Measuring the parallax of a star in the early 20th century was a challenging task, requiring careful observation, meticulous measurements, and sophisticated instruments. Here's a possible breakdown of the process:

1. Selecting the Target: - Choose a nearby star, preferably a bright one for easier observation.

2. Observing the Star at Different Times: - Take photographs of the target star at two different times of the year, when Earth is at opposite points in its orbit around the Sun. This provides a baseline for measuring the parallax shift.

3. Comparing the Images: - Carefully align the photographic plates taken at different times. Measure the apparent shift in the star's position relative to background stars. This shift, though tiny, is the key to determining the parallax.

4. Calculating the Parallax: - Convert the measured shift into an angle. This angle is the parallax, expressed in arcseconds. The smaller the parallax angle, the further away the star.

Challenges faced by astronomers like Schlesinger:

  • Limitations of Telescopes: Early telescopes were less powerful and less precise, making it difficult to measure small angular shifts.
  • Atmospheric Distortion: Earth's atmosphere causes blurring and twinkling of starlight, introducing errors in measurements.
  • Photographic Plates: The photographic plates used were delicate and required precise handling and processing, increasing the chance for errors.
  • Lack of Automation: All measurements had to be done manually, which was time-consuming and prone to human error.

Schlesinger's contributions: - He developed techniques for reducing the impact of atmospheric distortion and improved the accuracy of photographic measurements. - His meticulous work resulted in the creation of the General Catalogue of Parallaxes, a cornerstone resource for astronomers.


  • "The History of Astronomy from Herschel to Kelvin" by Agnes Mary Clerke (1893) - Provides a historical context for Schlesinger's work within the broader development of astronomy.
  • "The History of the Telescope" by Henry C. King (1955) - Discusses the evolution of telescopes and their role in Schlesinger's research on stellar parallaxes.
  • "American Astronomy: A History of Its Origins and Development" by Henry Norris Russell (1932) - Offers a comprehensive overview of American astronomy with a section on Schlesinger's contributions.
  • "The Universe and its Stars" by Robert H. Baker (1930) - Presents a clear explanation of stellar parallaxes and includes Schlesinger's work in the context of distance measurements.
  • "Yale Observatory Publications" - A treasure trove of information, including numerous articles by Schlesinger and his colleagues on stellar parallaxes and other research areas.


  • "Frank Schlesinger: A Pioneer in Stellar Parallax" by Peter van der Kamp (1944, Popular Astronomy) - A biographical article on Schlesinger’s life and work.
  • "Frank Schlesinger and the General Catalogue of Parallaxes" by William W. Campbell (1930, Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific) - A tribute to Schlesinger and his contributions to astrometry.
  • "The Role of Stellar Parallax in the Development of Astronomy" by A. N. Vyssotsky (1944, The Astronomical Journal) - An overview of the importance of parallax measurements, showcasing Schlesinger's pioneering efforts.
  • "The History of the Yale Southern Station" by Dirk Brouwer (1950, Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific) - Discusses the establishment and impact of the Yale Southern Station under Schlesinger's leadership.

Online Resources

  • "Frank Schlesinger" entry in the Dictionary of Scientific Biography - Provides a detailed biographical sketch of Schlesinger's life and scientific achievements.
  • "Frank Schlesinger" entry in the MacTutor History of Mathematics archive - Offers a concise overview of Schlesinger's career and his contributions to astronomy.
  • "The General Catalogue of Parallaxes" - Digital version of Schlesinger's monumental work, available online at the Smithsonian Institution Libraries.
  • "Yale Observatory Historical Archives" - Provides access to original documents, photographs, and other materials related to Schlesinger's career and his time at Yale.

Search Tips

  • "Frank Schlesinger stellar parallax" - Focuses search results on articles and resources related to Schlesinger’s specific work on parallax.
  • "Frank Schlesinger Yale Observatory" - Finds information about Schlesinger's time at Yale and his role in the observatory's history.
  • "Frank Schlesinger General Catalogue of Parallaxes" - Uncovers resources about the catalogue, its significance, and its impact on astronomical research.
  • "Frank Schlesinger biography" - Provides a broad overview of Schlesinger's life and scientific contributions.




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