علماء الفلك

Nevill, Edmund Neison

إدموند نيسون: رسم خريطة للقمر وقيادة مرصد جنوب أفريقي

يُعتبر إدموند نيسون (1849-1940) شخصية بارزة في تاريخ علم الفلك القمري، يُعرف بعمل دقيق في رسم خريطة للقمر ومساهماته كمدير لمرصد ناتال في جنوب إفريقيا.

في حين أن نيسون كان كاتبًا غزير الإنتاج حول المواضيع الفلكية، إلا أنه يُعرف بشكلٍ كبيرٍ بعمله الرائد، "القمر: وحالة وتكوينات سطحه"، الذي نُشر في عام 1876. وقد قدم هذا الكتاب الشامل، وهو شهادة على ملاحظته وتحليله الدقيقين، سردًا مفصلاً لسطح القمر، بما في ذلك خصائصه الفيزيائية، وطبوغرافيته، وخصائصه الجيولوجية. كما تضمن خريطة مرافقة للقمر، والتي عملت كأداة قيّمة لعلماء الفلك لسنوات عديدة.

امتد اهتمام نيسون بدراسات القمر إلى ما هو أبعد من مجرد رسم خريطة لسطحه. لقد استكشف أصول القمر، ونظّر عن تكوينه واحتمالية وجود نشاط بركاني على سطحه. كما ساهم في دراسة اهتزازات القمر - التذبذبات الطفيفة للقمر التي تسمح لنا برؤية أكثر بقليل من نصف سطحه من الأرض.

في عام 1882، تم تعيين نيسون مديرًا لمرصد ناتال في دوربان، جنوب إفريقيا. وقد شغل هذا المنصب حتى عام 1910، حيث لعب دورًا حيويًا في إرساء سمعة المرصد كمركز للتميز في البحث الفلكي. أشرف على تركيب أدوات جديدة وأجرى أبحاثًا قيّمة على النجوم المتغيرة والمذنبات والأجسام السماوية في نصف الكرة الجنوبي.

ومع ذلك، في عام 1910، واجه مرصد ناتال إغلاقًا بسبب قيود التمويل. عاد نيسون إلى إنجلترا، تاركًا وراءه إرثًا من المساهمات العلمية وروحًا رائدة شكلت مسار علم الفلك في جنوب إفريقيا.

في حين أن اسم "إدموند نيسون" قد لا يكون مألوفًا على الفور لدى عامة الناس، إلا أن مساهماته في علم الفلك لا تزال تتردد داخل المجال. لا يزال كتابه وخريطته للقمر موارد قيّمة لفهم جارتنا السماوية، وقد ترك قيادته لمرصد ناتال بصمة دائمة على البحث الفلكي في جنوب إفريقيا. تُذكّرنا قصة نيسون بتفاني وإخلاص الأفراد الذين دفعوا حدود المعرفة العلمية، تاركين وراءهم إرثًا لا يزال مصدر إلهام ويبين.

Test Your Knowledge

Edmund Neison Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is Edmund Neison best known for? a) His work on planetary rings. b) His detailed map of the Moon. c) His discovery of a new comet. d) His theories about the origins of the universe.


b) His detailed map of the Moon.

2. What was the title of Neison's landmark book about the Moon? a) The Moon: A Guide for Beginners. b) The Moon: And the Condition and Configurations of its Surface. c) The Moon: Unveiling its Mysteries. d) The Moon: A Celestial Wonder.


b) The Moon: And the Condition and Configurations of its Surface.

3. What did Neison study beyond simply mapping the Moon's surface? a) The Moon's atmosphere. b) The Moon's origins and volcanic activity. c) The Moon's impact craters. d) The Moon's influence on tides.


b) The Moon's origins and volcanic activity.

4. Where did Neison serve as Director of an observatory? a) Greenwich Observatory, England. b) Mount Wilson Observatory, California. c) Paris Observatory, France. d) Natal Observatory, South Africa.


d) Natal Observatory, South Africa.

5. What led to the closure of the Natal Observatory during Neison's tenure? a) A lack of scientific interest. b) Damage caused by a storm. c) Funding constraints. d) A shift in research focus.


c) Funding constraints.


Task: Imagine you are a young astronomer living in South Africa in the late 19th century. You are inspired by Edmund Neison's work and want to contribute to the field of astronomy.

Write a short letter to Neison expressing your admiration and outlining your own research interests.


  • What specific aspects of Neison's work are you most impressed by?
  • What astronomical topics are you particularly interested in studying?
  • What kind of observations or research projects would you like to undertake?
  • How could Neison's guidance or mentorship be valuable to you?

Exercice Correction

While there is no single "correct" answer for this exercise, here is an example of a letter a young astronomer might write:

Dear Mr. Neison,

I am writing to you today as a young astronomer deeply inspired by your work. Your book, "The Moon: And the Condition and Configurations of its Surface," has been a source of fascination and wonder for me. The detail and precision of your mapping of the lunar surface are truly remarkable.

I am particularly interested in studying the stars of the Southern Hemisphere, especially the variable stars and those in the Magellanic Clouds. I am eager to learn more about their properties and understand the processes that cause their brightness variations. I believe that the Natal Observatory, under your leadership, is a perfect place to pursue this research.

I would be deeply grateful for any advice or guidance you could offer. I am eager to learn from your experience and contribute to the field of astronomy in any way I can.


[Your Name]


  • "The Moon: And the Condition and Configurations of its Surface" (1876) by Edmund Neison. This is Neison's most significant work and provides a detailed analysis of lunar surface features, accompanied by a comprehensive map. You can find this book in libraries and potentially online through archive sites like Google Books or Internet Archive.


  • "Edmund Neison (1849-1940): Lunar Astronomer and Director of the Natal Observatory" by [author name, if known]. This article would focus on Neison's life and contributions, providing more context for his work. You can find such articles in astronomical journals, historical journals related to South Africa, or online databases like JSTOR or Google Scholar.
  • "The Natal Observatory: A History" by [author name, if known]. This book or article would likely feature Edmund Neison's time as Director, highlighting his contributions and impact on the observatory's development.

Online Resources

  • The Online Books Page (https://www.onlinebooks.org/): This site offers access to digitized texts, potentially including Neison's writings or articles about him.
  • The Internet Archive (https://archive.org/): Similar to Online Books Page, this site provides access to a wide variety of digital resources, including books and articles.
  • JSTOR (https://www.jstor.org/): A database of academic journals, which might contain articles about Neison or his work.
  • Google Scholar (https://scholar.google.com/): This search engine focuses on academic literature, allowing you to find scholarly articles about Edmund Neison and his contributions.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords like "Edmund Neison", "lunar astronomy", "Natal Observatory", "Moon map", and "variable stars" to refine your search.
  • Combine keywords with phrases like "biography", "contributions", "history", or "research" to find relevant articles and resources.
  • Use Boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT) to further refine your search. For example, "Edmund Neison AND lunar map" will only show results that include both terms.
  • Use quotation marks to search for an exact phrase, for example, "The Moon: And the Condition and Configurations of its Surface".



Christopher Nevill
on 2 نوفمبر، 2024 at 1:57 م

When did Neison change his name to Nevill and why

Response :

Edmund Neison, originally born as Edmund Neville Nevill, changed his name to Edmund Nevill in the late 19th century.

The reason behind his name change was partly a personal preference to align with his heritage, as "Nevill" was a family name, and it could also be linked to his new official position, which symbolized a fresh start and a closer connection to his roots.
