علماء الفلك

Howse, Derek

ديريك هاوس: ملاّح بارع

ديريك هاوس، اسم مرادف لفلك الملاحة، عاش حياة رائعة امتدت من مياه الحرب العالمية الثانية المضطربة إلى أعماق الكرة السماوية الهادئة. وُلد هاوس عام 1919، وبدأ مسيرته في البحرية الملكية، حيث تميز كقائد ملازم، وحصل على الصليب المميز للخدمة لِشجاعته خلال الحرب.

ولكن شغفه الحقيقي كان في النجوم. بعد الحرب، انتقل هاوس إلى مهنة في متحف البحرية الوطني في غرينتش، ليصبح في نهاية المطاف حارس فلك الملاحة الموقر. سمح له هذا الدور بالغوص في التاريخ الرائع للملاحة السماوية، وهي مهارة كانت حاسمة في الملاحة البحرية لقرون.

كان تفاني هاوس في هذا المجال واضحًا في إنتاجه الغزير. كتب العديد من الكتب والبحوث، متعمقًا في جميع جوانب فلك الملاحة، من الملاحظات السماوية القديمة إلى تعقيدات أدوات الملاحة الحديثة. أصبحت أعماله، التي تميزت بالبحث الدقيق والنثر الواضح، موارد لا غنى عنها للمؤرخين وعلماء الفلك والملاحين على حدٍ سواء.

أحد أهم مساهمات هاوس هو جهده الدؤوب للحفاظ على إرث "وقت غرينتش" ونشره. أصبح هذا النظام، الذي أنشأه المرصد الملكي في غرينتش، المعيار العالمي لقياس الوقت، وكان هاوس فاعلاً في حمايته.

امتد تأثيره إلى ما هو أبعد من المجال الأكاديمي. شارك بنشاط في فهم الجمهور لعلم الفلك، حيث ألقى محاضرات بشكل منتظم وظهر في برامج تلفزيونية، مسحورًا الجماهير بشغفه ومعرفته.

يستمر إرث ديريك هاوس في عدد لا يحصى من الطلاب والهواة الذين ألهمهم. لقد حول مجال فلك الملاحة من موضوع متخصص إلى مجال دراسة نابض بالحياة وسهل الوصول إليه، مُذكّرًا إياكم بالصلة الدائمة بين البشرية واتساع الكون. توفي عام 1998، تاركًا خلفه كنوزًا من المعرفة وانطباعًا دائمًا على عالم الملاحة وعلم الفلك.

Test Your Knowledge

Derek Howse: A Stellar Navigator Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What was Derek Howse's initial career path?

a) Astronomer at the Royal Observatory b) Professor of Navigation c) Lieutenant-Commander in the Royal Navy d) Historian at the National Maritime Museum


c) Lieutenant-Commander in the Royal Navy

2. What prestigious award did Derek Howse receive for his service during World War II?

a) Nobel Prize b) Distinguished Service Cross c) Order of the British Empire d) Royal Astronomical Society Gold Medal


b) Distinguished Service Cross

3. What position did Derek Howse hold at the National Maritime Museum?

a) Director b) Curator of Maps c) Keeper of Astronomy and Navigation d) Head of Research


c) Keeper of Astronomy and Navigation

4. Which of the following is NOT a contribution attributed to Derek Howse?

a) Preserving the legacy of "Greenwich Time" b) Developing a new method of celestial navigation c) Publishing books and papers on navigational astronomy d) Giving lectures and appearing on television programs


b) Developing a new method of celestial navigation

5. What is the primary legacy of Derek Howse?

a) His groundbreaking research on the history of astronomy b) His discovery of a new star cluster c) His invention of a revolutionary navigational instrument d) His work in transforming navigational astronomy into an accessible field of study


d) His work in transforming navigational astronomy into an accessible field of study

Derek Howse: A Stellar Navigator Exercise


Research and write a brief paragraph (5-7 sentences) about one of Derek Howse's most significant published works. Explain the book's main focus, its importance to the field of navigational astronomy, and any notable aspects of its content. You may need to use additional online resources to complete this exercise.

Exercice Correction

One of Derek Howse's most significant publications is "Greenwich Time and the Longitude". This book delves into the history of timekeeping at the Royal Observatory in Greenwich, tracing the development of the "Greenwich Time" system and its impact on global navigation. The book explores the scientific and political controversies surrounding the establishment of a standard time, and examines how the concept of longitude impacted seafaring and exploration. The work is praised for its meticulous research, clear prose, and insightful analysis of the historical context surrounding the development of Greenwich Time, making it a valuable resource for historians, astronomers, and anyone interested in the fascinating history of timekeeping and navigation.


  • Greenwich Time and the Longitude: A comprehensive work by Derek Howse on the history and development of Greenwich Time, its significance in global timekeeping, and the ongoing importance of the Royal Observatory.
  • Nevil Maskelyne: The Seaman's Astronomer: A biography of the renowned Astronomer Royal, Nevil Maskelyne, by Derek Howse. It explores Maskelyne's role in developing accurate methods of celestial navigation and his impact on the Royal Navy.
  • The Admiralty Manual of Navigation: While not solely written by Howse, this essential maritime manual, edited and updated by him, provides invaluable insights into the techniques and history of celestial navigation.
  • Navigation: The History of a Science: A broader exploration of navigation throughout history, edited by Derek Howse, encompassing various aspects from ancient methods to modern technologies.
  • The History of Nautical Astronomy: This multi-volume work, co-authored by Derek Howse and John Hearnshaw, offers a detailed analysis of the development of nautical astronomy and its role in seafaring.


  • "Derek Howse: A Life in Navigation": A biographical article published in the journal The Mariner's Mirror by a colleague or admirer, providing insights into his life, work, and contributions.
  • "Derek Howse, 1919-1998": A short obituary published in a relevant journal or newspaper, highlighting his career and achievements.
  • "The Legacy of Derek Howse": An article reflecting on his lasting impact on navigational astronomy, published in a journal or magazine dedicated to the subject.

Online Resources

  • National Maritime Museum website: The museum's website might contain information on Derek Howse, his work, and his role as Keeper of Astronomy and Navigation.
  • The Mariner's Mirror website: The official website of the journal The Mariner's Mirror, potentially offering access to published articles about Howse or his work.
  • Online archives and databases: Search online archives like the National Archives or the British Library for digital records related to Derek Howse's work or life.

Search Tips

  • "Derek Howse" + "navigation": This simple search will yield relevant results about Derek Howse's work in navigational astronomy.
  • "Derek Howse" + "Greenwich Time": Use this specific search to find materials related to his work on Greenwich Time and its historical significance.
  • "Derek Howse" + "bibliography": Searching for "Derek Howse" and "bibliography" might lead to a list of his publications, including books, articles, and other written works.
  • "Derek Howse" + "National Maritime Museum": This search might reveal any information about his association with the museum and their archives.




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