علماء الفلك


يوهانس هيفيليوس: عالم الفلك المواطن الذي رسم خرائط السماء

يوهانس هيفيليوس، الذي يُعرف باسمه اللاتيني Hevelius، كان عالم فلك بارز عاش بين عامي 1611 و 1687. ولد في مدينة دانزغ (الآن جدانسك) في بولندا، وكرس حياته لمراقبة السماء من مرصده الخاص، شاهدا على شغفه بعلم الفلك. يُذكر هيفيليوس بِتفانيه في الملاحظة الدقيقة، وفِهِرسه المفصل للنجوم، وخرائطه المبتكرة للقمر، على الرغم من أن طرقه اعتُبرت قديمة من قبل بعض معاصريه.

شغف بالنجوم

لم يكن هيفيليوس عالم فلك محترف بالمعنى التقليدي. كان صانعًا للبيرة بِمهنة، لكن حبه الحقيقي كان في النجوم. بنى مرصده الخاص، مجهزًا بأفضل التلسكوبات المتاحة في ذلك الوقت - تلسكوبات انكسار طويلة البؤرة وذات فتحة صغيرة. هذه التلسكوبات، على الرغم من كونها رائعة لعصرها، كانت ضخمة وصعبة الاستخدام مقارنة بالتلسكوبات الجديدة ذات البؤرة الأقصر التي طورها علماء فلك آخرون. على الرغم من هذه التحديات، صمم هيفيليوس، مُلاحظًا بعناية سماء الليل وسجّلاً ملاحظاته بدقة.

رسم خرائط للنجوم والقمر

شمل عمل هيفيليوس كتالوجًا شاملاً لـ 1500 نجم، قام بقياسها ورسمها بدقة. كما قدم مساهمات كبيرة في دراسة الكواكب والقمر والمذنبات. لاحظ ورسم مراحل الزهرة، وخَطَطَ لسطح القمر بدقة، ووثّق العديد من المذنبات، بما في ذلك المذنب الشهير "المذنب العظيم" عام 1664. حتى أنه أضاف كوكبات جديدة إلى خريطة السماء، بما في ذلك Scutum Sobiescianum، التي سُمّيت تكريماً للملك يوحنا الثالث سوبياسكي ملك بولندا.

إرث ضائع وأعيد بناؤه

بِشكل مأساوي، في عام 1679، دُمر مرصد هيفيليوس بِحريق. على الرغم من هذه الخسارة الفادحة، أعاد هيفيليوس بناء مرصده، شاهدا على تفانيه الثابت في علم الفلك. تابع ملاحظاته ونشر نتائجه، مما أسهم بشكل كبير في تقدم علم الفلك.

لسوء الحظ، ضاع جزء كبير من إرثه. اختفى النقش النحاسي الأصلي لخريطة القمر الخاصة به، التي اعتُبرت إنجازًا رائدًا في ذلك الوقت، بعد وفاته. تقول التقاليد إنه ذاب وأُستخدم لصنع إبريق شاي. تُعَدّ هذه الخسارة مؤلمة للغاية بالنسبة للمؤرخين وعلماء الفلك، لأنها تمثل جزءًا ثمينًا من التاريخ العلمي.

هيفيليوس: عالم الفلك المواطن

تُعدّ قصة هيفيليوس تذكيرًا قويًا بأن التفاني والشغف يمكن أن يتغلبا على العقبات. لقد كان عالم فلك مواطنًا، يلاحق حبه لعلم الفلك دون الاستفادة من التدريب الرسمي أو الدعم المؤسسي. بنى مرصده الخاص، وطوّر طرقه الخاصة، وقدم مساهمات كبيرة في هذا المجال، حتى عندما اعتُبرت طرقه قديمة من قبل البعض. لا يزال إرث هيفيليوس يلهم علماء الفلك الهواة والمحترفين على حد سواء، مُظهرًا قوة الفضول الفردي والسعي وراء المعرفة.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Johannes Hevelius: The Sky-Charting Citizen Scientist

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What was Johannes Hevelius's profession?

a) Astronomer b) Brewer c) Teacher d) Physician


b) Brewer

2. What type of telescopes did Hevelius primarily use?

a) Short-focus, large-aperture refractors b) Long-focus, small-aperture refractors c) Reflecting telescopes d) None of the above


b) Long-focus, small-aperture refractors

3. What was Hevelius's most significant contribution to astronomy?

a) Discovering a new planet b) Developing the first accurate star catalog c) Building the first reflecting telescope d) Proving the heliocentric model of the solar system


b) Developing the first accurate star catalog

4. What happened to Hevelius's observatory in 1679?

a) It was destroyed by a flood b) It was abandoned due to lack of funding c) It was destroyed by fire d) It was converted into a museum


c) It was destroyed by fire

5. Why is Hevelius considered a "citizen scientist"?

a) He was a member of a scientific society. b) He received funding from the government for his research. c) He pursued astronomy as a hobby outside of his profession. d) He published his findings in scientific journals.


c) He pursued astronomy as a hobby outside of his profession.

Exercise: Imagining Hevelius's Legacy

Task: Imagine you are a historian researching Johannes Hevelius's life and work. You have discovered a small, unmarked box in the attic of Hevelius's rebuilt observatory. Inside, you find a collection of handwritten notes, sketches, and diagrams, all seemingly related to his observations of the Moon.

Your task is to:

  • Describe what you would do to investigate this potential new discovery.
  • Explain how this discovery might contribute to our understanding of Hevelius's work and the history of astronomy.

Exercise Correction

Here's a possible approach to this exercise:

**Investigating the Discovery:**

  • **Documentation and Preservation:** Carefully photograph and document every item in the box. This includes the condition of the materials, any markings, and any possible dates or signatures.
  • **Translation and Analysis:** If the notes are written in a language you don't understand, find an expert to translate them. Analyze the content, comparing it to Hevelius's known writings and astronomical observations. Look for patterns, discrepancies, or new information about his lunar mapping techniques.
  • **Comparison with Existing Knowledge:** Compare the sketches and diagrams to Hevelius's published works and other lunar maps of his time. Are there any unique features, insights, or perspectives presented? Do these drawings offer a glimpse into his observation methods or theories?
  • **Expert Consultation:** Seek expert opinion from historians of astronomy, lunar scientists, and specialists in Hevelius's work. Their insights will help you understand the significance of the discovery.

**Contribution to Understanding:**

  • **New Insights into Hevelius's Methods:** The notes might reveal details about Hevelius's observational techniques, his methods for mapping the Moon, or his thoughts on lunar features. This could shed new light on his innovative approach to astronomy.
  • **Lost or Undocumented Observations:** The discovery could contain observations that were never published, perhaps because they were deemed incomplete or inconclusive. These observations could provide valuable data for understanding lunar features and changes.
  • **Understanding the Evolution of Lunar Mapping:** By comparing the notes to Hevelius's published works and other contemporary maps, we might gain a better understanding of the evolution of lunar mapping techniques and how Hevelius's work influenced later astronomers.
  • **Hevelius's Research Process:** The notes might reveal details about Hevelius's scientific process, his meticulous observation techniques, and his ideas about celestial phenomena.

This hypothetical discovery could be a significant contribution to our understanding of Hevelius's life and work, and its impact on the development of astronomy.


  • "The Firmament of the Fixed Stars" by Johannes Hevelius (1687): The original work showcasing Hevelius's detailed star catalog, which included his newly-identified constellations. (Available in libraries and online in digitized versions).
  • "The Moon, a History" by Peter Frances (2014): This book delves into the history of lunar observation and includes a chapter on Hevelius's contributions.
  • "A History of Astronomy from Herschel to Hertzsprung" by Agnes Mary Clerke (1908): A classic work that provides a comprehensive overview of the history of astronomy, with significant coverage of Hevelius's work.
  • "The History of Astronomy" by Albert van Helden (1989): This book offers a modern perspective on the history of astronomy and features a dedicated section on Hevelius's life and work.
  • "The Norton History of Astronomy and Cosmology" by Stephen Toulmin and June Goodfield (1961): A well-regarded history of astronomy that includes discussions on Hevelius's contributions.


  • "Johannes Hevelius: The First Lunar Cartographer" by David H. Levy (available online through Sky & Telescope magazine): A detailed exploration of Hevelius's work on lunar mapping and its significance.
  • "Hevelius and the Great Comet of 1664" by Michael Hoskin (available through the Journal for the History of Astronomy): An analysis of Hevelius's observations of the Great Comet of 1664 and their impact on cometary research.
  • "The Lost Lunar Map of Johannes Hevelius" by William Sheehan (available through the Journal for the History of Astronomy): A detailed account of Hevelius's lost lunar map, exploring its significance and the reasons behind its disappearance.

Online Resources

  • The Galileo Project - Johannes Hevelius: A comprehensive resource on the life and work of Johannes Hevelius, featuring biographical information, publications, and images. (http://galileo.rice.edu/Catalog/NewCatalog/hevelius.html)
  • The Online Books Page - Johannes Hevelius: Provides access to digitized versions of Hevelius's works, including "The Firmament of the Fixed Stars." (https://www.onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu/webbin/book/browse?type=author&name=Hevelius%2C+Johannes)
  • Johannes Hevelius - Wikipedia: A thorough overview of Hevelius's life and work, including his contributions to astronomy and his observatory. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Johannes_Hevelius)
  • The Starry Messenger: A website dedicated to the history of astronomy, featuring articles and resources on various astronomers, including Hevelius. (https://www.astronomy.com/magazine/issues/2011/12/the-starry-messenger)

Search Tips

  • "Johannes Hevelius" + "lunar map": To find information about Hevelius's work on lunar mapping.
  • "Johannes Hevelius" + "observatory": To discover details about his observatory and its role in his research.
  • "Johannes Hevelius" + "comet": To learn about his observations of comets, including the Great Comet of 1664.
  • "Johannes Hevelius" + "citizen science": To explore the role of citizen science in his work and his legacy.




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