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سبيكا: "سنبلة القمح" ولقبها المنسي "عظيم"

سبيكا، ألمع نجم في كوكبة العذراء، هي شعلة سماوية تُعرف بلونها الأزرق الأبيض الرائع وموقعها البارز في سماء الليل. بينما يُشار إليها بشكل شائع باسم "سبيكا"، فهي تحمل أيضًا لقبًا تاريخيًا أقل شهرة: **عظيم**.

اسم "سبيكا" نفسه مشتق من الكلمة اللاتينية "spīca"، بمعنى "سنبلة القمح"، وهو وصف مناسب حيث يمثل النجم رأس القمح الذي تحمله إلهة العذراء. وقد استمر هذا اللقب، الذي يعكس ارتباط النجم بالزراعة وموسم الحصاد، لقرون.

ومع ذلك، فإن لقب "عظيم" يُقدم لمحة عن تقليد أقدم، متأثر باللغة العربية، لتسمية الأجرام السماوية. "عظيم" يُرجح أنّه مشتق من العبارة العربية "السمّاك الأعظم"، والتي تُترجم إلى "سنبلة القمح العظيمة". ويُعزز هذا الارتباط بين النجم ورمز العذراء الزراعي، مُشددًا على أهميته في علم الفلك العربي القديم.

بينما أصبح "سبيكا" الاسم السائد لهذا النجم، فإن وجود "عظيم" يُسلط الضوء على التاريخ الغني والمتعدد الطبقات لتسمية النجوم. يُبرز التأثيرات الثقافية التي شكلت فهمنا للكون ويُذكرنا أنّ حتى الأسماء البسيطة ظاهريًا يمكن أن تحمل قصصًا معقدة.

نجم سبيكا:

  • النوع الطيفي: B1 III-IV
  • المقدار الظاهري: 0.97
  • المسافة: 260 سنة ضوئية
  • الميزات البارزة:
    • نجم عملاق أزرق-أبيض
    • نظام ثنائي مع رفيق أصغر وأقل سطوعًا
    • نجم يدور بسرعة، مما يؤدي إلى انتفاخه عند خط الاستواء

بينما قد يكون "عظيم" اسمًا منسيًا بالنسبة لمعظم مراقبي النجوم المعاصرين، فإن وجوده يُمثل تذكيرًا قيمًا بالتنوع الثقافي الذي شكل فهمنا للكون. إنّها شهادة على القوة الدائمة لرواية القصص والارتباط المترابط لتجربتنا البشرية مع الكرة السماوية.

Test Your Knowledge

Spica Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

  1. What is the meaning of the name "Spica"? a) The brightest star in Virgo


    Incorrect. "Spica" refers to the meaning of the star, not its brightness.

    b) The head of the wheat held by Virgo

    Correct! "Spica" comes from the Latin word "spīca" meaning "ear of wheat".

    c) The great ear of wheat

    Incorrect. This is the meaning of the Arabic nickname "Azimech".

    d) The star's blue-white color

    Incorrect. "Spica" refers to the star's association with the goddess Virgo.

  2. Which of the following is NOT a notable feature of Spica? a) Blue-white giant star


    Incorrect. Spica is a blue-white giant star.

    b) Binary system with a companion star

    Incorrect. Spica is a binary system.

    c) Red dwarf star

    Correct! Spica is a blue-white giant star, not a red dwarf star.

    d) Rapidly spinning star

    Incorrect. Spica is a rapidly spinning star.

  3. What is the origin of the nickname "Azimech"? a) Greek


    Incorrect. "Azimech" comes from Arabic.

    b) Latin

    Incorrect. "Azimech" comes from Arabic.

    c) Arabic

    Correct! "Azimech" comes from the Arabic phrase "al-simāk al-a'zam".

    d) English

    Incorrect. "Azimech" comes from Arabic.

  4. What does the nickname "Azimech" translate to? a) The bright star


    Incorrect. "Azimech" refers to the "great ear of wheat".

    b) The head of the goddess

    Incorrect. "Azimech" refers to the "great ear of wheat".

    c) The great ear of wheat

    Correct! "Azimech" translates to "the great ear of wheat".

    d) The ear of wheat

    Incorrect. "Azimech" translates to "the great ear of wheat".

  5. Why is the existence of the nickname "Azimech" significant? a) It shows Spica is a very bright star.


    Incorrect. "Azimech" highlights the cultural influences on star naming.

    b) It proves Spica is important for navigation.

    Incorrect. "Azimech" highlights the cultural influences on star naming.

    c) It highlights the cultural influences on star naming.

    Correct! "Azimech" shows how different cultures have named and understood stars.

    d) It suggests Spica is a new discovery.

    Incorrect. "Azimech" is an older name, not a recent discovery.

Spica Exercise


Imagine you are a historian researching ancient Arabic astronomy. You have found a text that mentions "Azimech" but does not specify its modern name. Using the information provided about "Azimech", identify which star it refers to.

Hint: Consider the meaning of "Azimech" and the association of Spica with the constellation Virgo.

Exercice Correction

Based on the information provided, "Azimech" refers to Spica, the brightest star in the constellation Virgo. This is because "Azimech" translates to "the great ear of wheat", which aligns with Spica's association with the goddess Virgo and the representation of wheat in her hand.


  • The Cambridge Guide to the Constellations: This comprehensive guide covers the history, mythology, and scientific aspects of constellations, including Virgo and Spica. It may contain information about the Arabic name "Azimech".
  • Norton's Star Atlas and Reference Handbook: A classic guide to stargazing with detailed star charts and historical notes. It may provide insights into the star's historical names.
  • A History of Astronomy from Thales to Kepler: By J.L.E. Dreyer. Provides historical context for astronomical discoveries, including names and their origins.


  • "The Arabic Names of the Stars" by R.H. Allen: A detailed study of Arabic star names, possibly mentioning "Azimech". This article can be found in several online databases.
  • "Spica: The Brightest Star in Virgo" by Astronomy.com: A general overview of Spica, potentially including a mention of "Azimech" or its Arabic origins.
  • "Star Names: Their Lore and Meaning" by Richard Hinckley Allen: A detailed exploration of star names, including their historical and cultural significance.

Online Resources

  • Wikipedia: The Wikipedia article on "Spica" may mention "Azimech" or provide links to further resources on Arabic astronomy.
  • International Astronomical Union (IAU): The IAU website might contain information about the official designation and historical names of stars, including Spica and "Azimech".
  • Starry Night Software: Stargazing software like Starry Night may include information about Spica and its historical names, including "Azimech".

Search Tips

  • Use keywords like "Spica Arabic name," "Spica historical names," "Azimech etymology," "Al Simāk Al A’zam," and "Arabic astronomy."
  • Explore specialized websites related to astronomy, history, and Arabic culture.
  • Use advanced search operators like "" (quotation marks) to find exact phrases, and "-" (minus sign) to exclude irrelevant terms.
  • Try searching for relevant academic articles and scholarly databases like JSTOR or Google Scholar.



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