علم فلك النجوم


الفهرس: ضوء هادٍ في مجرة ​​أندروميدا

الفهرس، المعروف أيضًا باسم ألفا أندروميدا، هو نجم يحتل مكانًا فريدًا في نسيج السماء. إنه ليس فقط ألمع نجم في كوكبة المرأة المسلسلة، بل يعمل أيضًا كمعلم بارز في سماء الليل، يشير إلى مجرة ​​أندروميدا الرائعة - أقرب جيراننا المجريين.

منارة هادية:

الفهرس، وهو نجم عملاق أزرق-أبيض، يلمع بمقدار ظاهري يبلغ 2.06، مما يجعله مرئيًا بسهولة بالعين المجردة. يقع على بعد حوالي 97 سنة ضوئية من الأرض، وهو جار قريب نسبيًا من حيث المصطلحات الكونية.

ما يجعل الفهرس مهمًا بشكل خاص هو دوره كأبعد نجم في شمال مربع بيجاسوس الكبير، وهو مجسم نجمي بارز مكون من أربعة نجوم لامعة. يمكن التعرف بسهولة على هذا المربع السماوي في سماء الخريف، ويشير الفهرس، عند أقصى نقطة شمالًا، بشكل طبيعي إلى مجرة ​​أندروميدا، التي تقع مباشرة خارج حدوده.

نجم ذو أسماء متعددة:

اسم الفهرس نفسه مشتق من العبارة العربية "الصرف الفرس"، والتي تعني "سرة الحصان". ومع ذلك، يعكس هذا الاسم ارتباط النجم السابق بكوكبة بيجاسوس، التي كان ينتمي إليها في خرائط النجوم القديمة.

غالبًا ما يستخدم اسم "السرى" أيضًا للفهرس، مشتق من الكلمة العربية "السرية" التي تعني "الصغير". يرتبط هذا الاسم بموقع النجم في كوكبة المرأة المسلسلة، مما يدل على إحدى "ركبتها".

قصة نجمية:

وراء بروزه البصري وأهميته الملاحية، يحمل الفهرس قصة رائعة لعلماء الفلك. إنه نجم متغير نابض، مما يعني أن سطوعه يتقلب قليلاً بمرور الوقت. يُعزى هذا التباين إلى طبقاته الخارجية النابضة، مما يخلق تغييرًا إيقاعيًا في خرج ضوءه.

الفهرس هو أيضًا نظام نجم ثنائي، مما يعني أنه يحتوي على نجم مصاحب يدور حوله. هذا المرافق هو نجم باهت جدًا، وتم تأكيد وجوده من خلال الاهتزاز الخفيف الذي يُظهره الفهرس بسبب قوة جاذبية رفيقه.

جسر بين المجرات:

من منظور كوني، يعمل الفهرس كجسر بين مجرتنا درب التبانة ومجرة أندروميدا الرائعة. إنه يعمل كمنارة، تُرشد مراقبي النجوم إلى هذه المجرة الحلزونية الرائعة، وهي مشهد يُلهم الخوف والعجب. اسمه وتاريخه وخصائصه النجمية تساهم جميعها في مكانته الفريد في نسيج السماء. بالنظر إلى الفهرس، نُذكر بضخامة الكون وارتباط عجائبه السماوية.

Test Your Knowledge

Alpheratz Quiz:

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the other name for Alpheratz?

a) Alpha Centauri


Incorrect. Alpha Centauri is a different star system.

b) Alpha Andromedae


Correct! Alpha Andromedae is the Bayer designation for Alpheratz.

c) Polaris


Incorrect. Polaris is the North Star.

d) Sirius


Incorrect. Sirius is the brightest star in the night sky.

2. What is the apparent magnitude of Alpheratz?

a) 0.06


Incorrect. This is the apparent magnitude of another star.

b) 2.06


Correct! Alpheratz has an apparent magnitude of 2.06, making it easily visible.

c) 4.06


Incorrect. This is a dimmer magnitude.

d) 6.06


Incorrect. This is a much dimmer magnitude, barely visible to the naked eye.

3. What constellation is Alpheratz primarily associated with?

a) Pegasus


Correct! Historically, Alpheratz was part of Pegasus, hence the Arabic name "the horse's navel".

b) Andromeda


Incorrect. While Alpheratz is the brightest star in Andromeda, it is technically associated with Pegasus.

c) Ursa Major


Incorrect. This constellation is known for the Big Dipper.

d) Orion


Incorrect. Orion is a well-known constellation in the winter sky.

4. What type of star is Alpheratz?

a) Red Giant


Incorrect. Red Giants are cooler stars.

b) White Dwarf


Incorrect. White Dwarfs are the remnants of stars.

c) Blue-white Giant


Correct! Alpheratz is a blue-white giant, signifying its high temperature.

d) Yellow Dwarf


Incorrect. Yellow Dwarfs are smaller stars like our Sun.

5. What is the significance of Alpheratz in relation to the Andromeda Galaxy?

a) It is located within the Andromeda Galaxy.


Incorrect. Alpheratz is a star in our Milky Way, not within the Andromeda Galaxy.

b) It is the closest star to the Andromeda Galaxy.


Incorrect. While relatively close to us, it is not the closest star to the Andromeda Galaxy.

c) It acts as a navigational guide towards the Andromeda Galaxy.


Correct! Alpheratz is the northernmost star in the Great Square of Pegasus, pointing towards Andromeda.

d) It is a binary star system with a companion in the Andromeda Galaxy.


Incorrect. Alpheratz's companion star is in our Milky Way, not in Andromeda.


Instructions: Using a star chart or online resource, locate the Great Square of Pegasus and Alpheratz in the autumn sky.

Exercise Correction

1. Find the Great Square of Pegasus. This asterism is easily recognizable in the autumn sky, formed by four bright stars. 2. Locate Alpheratz, the northernmost star in the Great Square. 3. You can use Alpheratz as a guide to find the Andromeda Galaxy, which lies just beyond the boundaries of the Great Square. The Andromeda Galaxy appears as a faint, fuzzy patch of light, visible with the naked eye under dark skies.


  • "Nightwatch: A Practical Guide to Viewing the Universe" by Terence Dickinson: This comprehensive guide covers constellations, stars, and deep-sky objects, including detailed information on Alpheratz and Andromeda Galaxy.
  • "The Stars: A New Way to See Them" by H.A. Rey: This engaging book provides an accessible introduction to the night sky, including star charts and explanations for constellations, like Andromeda and Pegasus.
  • "Skywatching for Beginners" by Storm Dunlop: This beginner-friendly guide offers practical tips for stargazing, including identifying constellations like Andromeda and locating Alpheratz.


  • "Alpheratz: The Brightest Star in Andromeda" by Astronomy.com: This article explores the star's characteristics, its history, and its significance as a landmark in the night sky.
  • "The Great Square of Pegasus" by Sky and Telescope: This article discusses the asterism of the Great Square of Pegasus, including its relationship to Alpheratz and Andromeda Galaxy.
  • "Pulsating Variable Stars" by NASA Science: This article explains the nature of pulsating variable stars, including information on Alpheratz's pulsating nature.

Online Resources

  • "Alpheratz" on Wikipedia: This page provides a comprehensive overview of the star, its history, its properties, and its relationship with Andromeda Galaxy.
  • "Andromeda Galaxy" on NASA website: This page offers detailed information about Andromeda Galaxy, including its location, structure, and significance.
  • "Stellarium" - Free Planetarium Software: This free software allows you to explore the night sky virtually, identify constellations, and locate stars like Alpheratz.

Search Tips

  • "Alpheratz star facts": This search will provide you with information about the star's characteristics, location, and history.
  • "Andromeda Galaxy observation guide": This search will help you find resources for locating and observing the Andromeda Galaxy.
  • "Great Square of Pegasus star chart": This search will provide you with star charts showing the asterism of the Great Square of Pegasus and its relation to Alpheratz.


Chapter 1: Techniques for Observing Alpheratz

Alpheratz, being a relatively bright star, is easily observable with the naked eye, especially under clear, dark skies. Here are some techniques to enhance your observation of this celestial landmark:

1. Finding Alpheratz using the Great Square of Pegasus:

  • Locate the Great Square of Pegasus, a prominent asterism formed by four bright stars.
  • Alpheratz marks the northernmost point of this square.
  • The Andromeda Galaxy lies just beyond the square, easily visible even with the naked eye under optimal conditions.

2. Using binoculars or telescopes:

  • Binoculars will reveal more detail of Alpheratz, including its blue-white color.
  • Telescopes, depending on their aperture, will allow you to see its pulsating nature and potentially glimpse its faint companion star.

3. Star charts and astronomical software:

  • Star charts and astronomical software like Stellarium can help you pinpoint Alpheratz in the sky, even in unfamiliar locations.
  • They provide accurate positions and help you navigate the constellations for a rewarding stargazing experience.

4. Observing from a dark sky location:

  • Observing from a location with minimal light pollution greatly improves visibility and detail.
  • Light pollution from cities and artificial sources can hinder the observation of fainter objects like Alpheratz's companion star.

5. Photographing Alpheratz:

  • Capturing Alpheratz in photographs can enhance its beauty and allow for closer examination of its features.
  • Experiment with different exposures and settings to achieve optimal results.

6. Observing the Andromeda Galaxy:

  • With Alpheratz as your guide, locate the Andromeda Galaxy, our nearest galactic neighbor.
  • It appears as a faint, elongated cloud in the night sky, visible even with the naked eye.

By following these techniques, you can enhance your observation of Alpheratz and gain a deeper appreciation for its role as a celestial guide to the Andromeda Galaxy.


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