علماء الفلك

Adams, John Couch

جون كوتش آدمز: بطل نبتون غير المُنشد

جون كوتش آدمز، المولود عام 1819 في ليدكوت، كورنوال، شخصية بارزة في تاريخ علم الفلك. وعلى الرغم من أن أوربان لو فيرير يشتهر أكثر منه، إلا أن مساهمة آدمز في اكتشاف نبتون لا تقل أهمية.

آدمز، طالب لامع تخرج بتقدير من كامبريدج عام 1843، بدأ بالفعل دراسة الاختلافات في مدار أورانوس. حساباته الدقيقة، المبنية على مبادئ الجاذبية النيوتونية، أدت به إلى استنتاج أن هذه الانحرافات ناجمة عن قوة جذب كوكب غير مكتشف خلف أورانوس.

بحلول عام 1845، كان آدمز قد أكمل حساباته وتنبأ بموقع الكوكب غير المرئي. أرسل نتائجه إلى عالم الفلك الملكي، جورج إيري، الذي، للأسف، لم يولي التنبؤ الاهتمام الواجب. أدى هذا التأخير إلى لو فيرير، الذي كان يعمل بشكل مستقل في فرنسا، إلى نشر حساباته للموقع الكوكب الجديد في عام 1846، مما أدى إلى المراقبة الناجحة لنبتون من قبل يوهان جالي.

على الرغم من أن عمل آدمز تم تجاهله في البداية، إلا أن مساهماته اللاحقة في علم الفلك كانت ذات تأثير لا جدال فيه. أصبح مدير مرصد كامبريدج، حيث ركز بحثه على ظواهر فلكية مختلفة:

  • تسارع القمر: درس آدمز زيادة سرعة مدار القمر، مقدمًا فهمًا هامًا للتفاعل المعقد للقوى الجاذبية داخل النظام الشمسي.
  • زخة شهب الأسديات: درس آدمز مدار زخة شهب الأسديات، مقدمًا معلومات قيمة حول أصل وسلوك هذه الأحداث السماوية.
  • تحقيقات أخرى: غاص آدمز في مواضيع فلكية مختلفة، مقدمًا مساهمات هامة في فهمنا للكون.

على الرغم من أنه لم يكن أول من يدعي اكتشاف نبتون، إلا أن عمل جون كوتش آدمز لا يزال هامًا لتطور علم الفلك. مهاراته الرياضية الصارمة، مع تفانيه في فهم الميكانيكا السماوية لأنظمتنا الشمسية، أكدت موقعه كواحد من أهم علماء الفلك في القرن التاسع عشر. تُظهر قِصته أن السعي وراء المعرفة العلمية غالبًا ما يشمل جهدًا تعاونيًا، حتى عندما تُظلِل الاكتشافات الفردية مساهمات آخرين.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: John Couch Adams - The Unsung Hero of Neptune's Discovery

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. Where was John Couch Adams born?

a) London, England b) Paris, France c) Lidcot, Cornwall d) Cambridge, England


c) Lidcot, Cornwall

2. What university did Adams graduate from?

a) Oxford University b) University of Edinburgh c) University of Cambridge d) Harvard University


c) University of Cambridge

3. Which celestial object's orbital irregularities did Adams study?

a) Mars b) Jupiter c) Saturn d) Uranus


d) Uranus

4. Who was the Astronomer Royal who received Adams's findings about Neptune?

a) Urbain Le Verrier b) Johann Galle c) George Airy d) Isaac Newton


c) George Airy

5. What astronomical phenomena did Adams investigate besides the discovery of Neptune?

a) Lunar Acceleration and Cometary Orbits b) Lunar Acceleration and Leonid Meteor Shower c) Sunspots and Solar Flares d) Stellar Evolution and Black Holes


b) Lunar Acceleration and Leonid Meteor Shower

Exercise: The Importance of Collaboration


Imagine you are a historian researching the discovery of Neptune. You are tasked with writing a short essay on the importance of collaboration in scientific discoveries, using John Couch Adams's story as an example.

Your essay should include:

  • A brief overview of Adams's contributions to the discovery of Neptune.
  • An explanation of how the lack of collaboration between Adams and the Astronomer Royal, George Airy, led to a delay in the discovery of Neptune.
  • A discussion of how the work of Urbain Le Verrier, working independently, and Johann Galle, who made the initial observation, highlights the importance of shared knowledge and communication in scientific endeavors.
  • Your own concluding thoughts on the importance of collaboration in scientific research.

Exercice Correction

The discovery of Neptune serves as a poignant example of the importance of collaboration in scientific research. While often attributed solely to Urbain Le Verrier, John Couch Adams played a crucial role in predicting the existence of the new planet. He meticulously calculated the orbital irregularities of Uranus, concluding they were caused by the gravitational pull of an undiscovered planet beyond its orbit. However, his findings were unfortunately overlooked by the Astronomer Royal, George Airy, delaying the discovery. This lack of collaboration between Adams and Airy underscores the vital role communication plays in scientific advancements. Had Airy given Adams's prediction due consideration, the discovery of Neptune might have been credited to Adams, and perhaps even occurred earlier. Nevertheless, Le Verrier, working independently, published his own calculations for Neptune's location in 1846, leading Johann Galle to observe the planet. This chain of events highlights the collective nature of scientific progress. Though individuals may claim credit for breakthroughs, the reality often lies in the shared knowledge and communication between scientists. The work of Adams, Le Verrier, and Galle, despite operating independently, ultimately contributed to the discovery of Neptune. In conclusion, the story of Neptune's discovery emphasizes the importance of collaboration in science. Scientists benefit immensely from shared knowledge, open communication, and the willingness to acknowledge the contributions of others. By fostering an environment of collaboration and communication, we can accelerate scientific progress and ensure that no brilliant mind, like John Couch Adams, is left unnoticed.


  • The Discovery of Neptune by W.M. Smart (1958): Provides a detailed account of the discovery of Neptune, highlighting the contributions of both Adams and Le Verrier.
  • John Couch Adams and the Discovery of Neptune by W.M. Smart (1947): A more focused biography of Adams, exploring his life, work, and contributions to astronomy.
  • Great Astronomers by Sir Robert Ball (1901): A classic work of astronomical history that includes a chapter on Adams and his role in the discovery of Neptune.
  • A History of Astronomy from Thales to Kepler by J.L.E. Dreyer (1906): A comprehensive history of astronomy that mentions Adams in the context of 19th-century astronomical discoveries.
  • The History of Astronomy by A. Pannekoek (1961): A detailed account of the history of astronomy, including a section on the discovery of Neptune and Adams's role in it.


  • "The Discovery of Neptune" by R.S. Ball (1894): A concise article published in the Proceedings of the Royal Astronomical Society summarizing the discovery of Neptune and the contributions of Adams and Le Verrier.
  • "The History of the Discovery of Neptune" by J.G. Galle (1846): A first-hand account of the discovery of Neptune by the astronomer who first observed it.
  • "The Mathematical Contributions of John Couch Adams" by E.T. Whittaker (1911): An exploration of Adams's mathematical work and its significance to astronomy.
  • "John Couch Adams and the Discovery of Neptune" by D.W. Dewhirst (1983): A more recent article that explores the complex history of the discovery of Neptune and Adams's role in it.

Online Resources

  • The MacTutor History of Mathematics Archive: A website dedicated to the history of mathematics, featuring a biography of John Couch Adams and information about his work: https://mathshistory.st-andrews.ac.uk/Biographies/Adams.html
  • The Royal Astronomical Society: The website of the Royal Astronomical Society provides information about the history of the organization and its members, including John Couch Adams: https://www.ras.ac.uk/
  • The Cambridge University Library: The library's website features a collection of historical documents related to John Couch Adams, including his correspondence and manuscripts: https://www.lib.cam.ac.uk/

Search Tips

  • "John Couch Adams" "discovery of Neptune": To find specific information about Adams's role in the discovery of Neptune.
  • "John Couch Adams" "lunar acceleration": To find articles and resources related to Adams's research on the Moon's orbit.
  • "John Couch Adams" "Leonid meteor shower": To find articles and resources related to Adams's work on meteor showers.
  • "John Couch Adams" "Cambridge Observatory": To find information about Adams's time as Director of the Cambridge Observatory.


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علماء الفلك


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